Sunday, December 21, 2008

Missouri Low Cut Singlets

Menon Archive Documents (7) Inventory of buildings

auction for the gathering or ceremony poor accommodation during the year 1917:
place in the usual place Menon and being four hours in the afternoon of day six January 1917 under the chairmanship of D. Mendia Mayor Jose Barrio, assisted by the undersigned confidential clerk proceeded in one act to the above mentioned auction to the highest bidder of the obligation to lodge a solemn all the poor who need to stay overnight in the village throughout the year is mentioned and given the usual voices was awarded to D. Gorbea second in the number four and seventy-five pesetas cents. All of which extend this record to sign the Mayor's neighborhood, highest bidder and confidential clerk to certify.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tissue And Red Blood With Implantation Bleeding

Menon Menon

Menon is located lying on top of the same name, hanging over the sharp decline experienced in the field in North and East directions and into the Southwest for his guidance.

Menon is documented since 1114 as a place populated to include one of its inhabitants on the occasion of donation of the "monastery" of Obaldia in Madaria, San Millan.

Here are some demographic data held by the town of Menon from the year 1562 in which 23 neighbors and a half populated. In 1,801, the neighborhood had fallen to just 10 residents. In 1681 there were 99 people the census. In this century the population has been declining, being more accentuated in recent decades. Thus, in 1910 were 62 inhabitants in 1930 were 57 inhabitants in 1950 stood at 61, falling to 33 in 1970 and be 31 people that populate it in the 1986 census.
The road from the branch that was established in Quejana, is up and winding path that climbs and lots of the ravine slopes forming the high and Unguila Menon, through which runs the stream bottom "The Mill" which becomes one of the streams forming Izalde River.

The village of Menon is concentrated around it forming small groups of houses acquired names, classified in neighborhoods or in simple villages. Barruchi, Butarte, Field (), Mendia and the Square are the names of neighborhoods, and Pico and Santa Casilda The names of the villages that lie north and south of the core housing, respectively. The catalog edificatorio
above, they need to add the named and highly revered shrine of Echaurren, a village nearby.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Echaurren sits on the southern slope of Mount Unguila (639 meters) occupying one of the most picturesque Ayala. From its location, converted into an excellent balcony, are controlled mountains, valleys, streams, towns, villages, etc.. At its front lies the imposing wall of Sierra Saved whose feet are scattered green fields dotted with small population centers as Salmantón, Madaria and Aguiñiga.
The Virgin is invoked as the patroness of Ayala lands. The present building dates from the early eighteenth century, but their devotion is much older. This is a solid construction and arrogant summit set at the foot of the belfry rises two holes. The standard noon, annexing it in all its length, the atrium and the traditional bowling alley, open it in a sides, helping to entertain the people who move in the great religious and worldly events organized there. Access from the atrium to the shrine is through a pointed arch. Echaurren the village, south of the sanctuary, only remaining part of the canvases that make up its construction.

The term "Peak", north of the place, mentioning the geographic feature that occurs there, stands a building that goes by the name of the term, ie the Peak village.
is a concerted solid masonry construction which has two main facades, for so many homes. The facade looks Levante sports a sleek and harmonious figure, it enhanced the vertical concatenation of framed openings. Noon The facade shows a shift of the holes towards the west sector. With a first half blind in the opposite sector.
The district, southwest of the "Pico", which form two dwellings originally exempted but which have subsequently been annexed and line their walls with the construction of covered walkway between the two. While one of them, inventoried with no. 1 shows horizontal line from the eaves of the roof, the other, no. 2, fix your deck whose central gable projecting balcony protected the defendant overhang of the roof. A mean in these 2 buildings, the small size of windows that way fighting the cold, given the average height of Menon that reaches 466 meters.

The corresponding work areas at different levels are displayed in their previous areas, helping both its boundaries and small outbuildings and stone wall on your property boundary with the public, the road. In the run-up to Salmantón road, just behind the above construction, is being rebuilt ruined room house that was part of this neighborhood Barruchi.

The church, dedicated to San Pedro "Ad Links" has a solid masonry construction of a single ship, low height, and whose feet are heavy lift tower whose upper body is placed in the gaps where the bells are housed. Access to the temple is through a pointed arch. In front of the walled atrium rises cutting simple rustic building that housed the old school and teacher's house.
The district, west of the parish church, constitutes the core housing Menoyo more interesting because of its peculiar structure in the street, as if a city street, in the rustic area, they were, with buildings on either side of the road that mark, the line, after leaving this beautiful place, skirts the profile of the "Pico" in which sits Menon.

Al "neighborhood" street "we slipped by its southern end, through popular passenger stretch acts as an introduction or prelude to the picturesque neighborhood, which we will observe various architectural components of the purest tradition and popular performance.

The dwellings are located all in one room of the street, leaving the other side for support facilities, without forgetting that they, too, are in some sectors of the housing sidewall.

The home's primary residence in its ambitious attempt to link the housing with the auxiliary structure, that on his forehead but on the other side of the road, conceived singular, but very rustic, but functional solution in which two components are geared valuable architectural history popular, as are the external staircase - "skate" - and the balcony-runner. Consider in more detail this very peculiar solution because we believe is an outstanding example of good work from home or popular manufacturer that puts the functionality on the form and rules of construction.

The external staircase runs parallel to the standard, single-piece housing, which after a first stone steps still other wood in greater numbers, which take us to the plateau which is situated the height of the first floor where we stand from one party to the dwelling and other to narrow, short, covered corridor high, made of wood, with poor sills of the same material.

In the same elevation of the house, another one "skate" or external stairs, in this case solid, yet he worked in stone and covered with sharp extension of the eaves of the roof. In the case of the shoe above, the covering is to be mixed, in part, is sheltered by the eaves, as mentioned above, and another, by a unique line of outstanding stone slabs designed as a rustic fascia .

The second house-room, in line with the previous obeying a systematic urban planning, shows a very sheltered facade, the result of flight overwhelming that it was given to the eaves of the roof. The constructive solution adopted for the beleaguered cantilever is sleeping apear in the rafters resting on outstanding and solid wooden canes embedded in the facade which, in turn, rest on short but sturdy struts. The auxiliary cabin, then enjoy also an identical solution that also extends to the north elevation in front of which was paved develops.
The district, west of the site, is in the building No. 1, the overwhelming bulk, double property shared by two families deposited under a single gable roof, with balconies in their attics, made these with the cover in case one of them extends to the balcony floor. The home occupies the north has added an annex to the standard body thus increasing its surface housing. The opening windows are few and small. At a restoration made in the year 1905 in the South home, opened several holes in this standard, is engraved a cross and the year. Front of the building, helping in its delimitation by walls of masonry, was paved unfolds. On the housing front end of the projected southern, now ruined vault at the corresponding bakery, whose mouth was accessible from inside the house.

No. block. Butarte 2 of 2 homes seems to have hosted each occupying two volumes that make up the irregular and broken block. One of them oriented to the north façade, with farsighted hole distribution according to their different zoning by function. The other looks at one of the holes for a window, badly damaged gusset which is not visible in the history recorded.

The farmhouse "The Field" is on its facade, a marked imbalance in the distribution of holes, enjoying in the attic of a compact balcony run the eaves of the roof that this sector occupies. At its north side are seen two pieces of masonry wrought but at different times as well seem to betray him corner the line that separates them and the different treatment given to revoke or collected from the rough stone. All this makes us think that the original facade is hidden. In the northern elevation is interesting window recess as simple molding and in which is engraved lintel enclosing escutcheon crossed keys on which is a cross.

Then the La Plaza is comprised of a series of buildings that are built around an apparent irregular open space called the square.
A lower level, almost regard to its south side, stands dilapidated building that could be the most dilapidated house of serving the rich Menon gotizante window showing orthogonal to this old house, also called the Shepherd recalling the office of one of its inhabitants, spreads elemental building features a masonry plant collected dry.

The house no. 2 shows more balanced with the building of the neighborhood with east and north elevations as the most relevant.

The house no. 3, now closed and in poor condition, showing disorder in the distribution of the holes in its facade, in front of which is deployed was that aid in its delineation of wall collected in dry masonry.

A lower level and attached to the right side of the no. 3 No. rises the village. 4, known as the "home corner" showing elevations adorned with a scroll charged with the gaps that open in its main elevation to the central area.

edificatorio of Menoyo The catalog concludes with Santa Casilda farmhouse that is in place more stately stone look gunsmith.
The land occupied by the village overlooking the gorge, with its parent building built in terraced area to take advantage of the terrace before he was deployed to host the typical paved with these places. Property is perimeter based on stone walls with access to it from outside its north side, through well-crafted beautiful arch.

De Lean, severe and monotonous we can enunciate the facade of this stately three-story mansion. the monotonous current occurrence at the source not to have possessed at the ends of two separate attic floor balconies as well seems skewed delatárnoslo heads held decking and railing, a hand and now blind holes for access to them, otherwise .
Two entrances were originally owned it, now, only the primary shows good stone work in the header straight recerca voussoirs, having blinded assistant.

armera stone that looks at the center of the facade, at the height of the middle floor, is austere party whose field profile shows thirteen stars on the left and right five panels, and all orkado with eight blades.
The nobility of this manor house is confirmed: on one hand, by the noble title of Marquis of Mejorada, which is connected to Menon, and another, by the existence of the hermitage of Santa Casilda, also linked to the title and house.

The chapel was located in the front yard or was, as well is clear from the description of the tower house informants do with reason for admission to the Order Santiago de Don Pedro Fernández del Campo and Velasco. The description said the house oriented to the East, "with an open courtyard and a chapel in it, its plant and mortar" with "turned wooden balconies" in the house.

"Inventory of rural architecture Alava" Palacios Mendoza Victorino

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pain Around The Belly Button At 34 Weeks Pregnabt