Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aldactone Cause Leg Cramps

Anti potato beetle

The arrival in the peninsula of Colorado potato beetle, just after the Civil War, when so little was the food, forced to take action in an attempt to control this pest:
Hon. Diputación Foral de Alava
and Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock
Fighting potato beetle
Having established the Directorate of Agriculture that some people do not pay the Administrative Boards in its fair price submitted insects and larvae, and is for children de la Escuela o por particulares que a ello se quieran dedicar y, en otros, que algunos vecinos no luchan contra esta terrible plaga con el celo que todos hemos de luchar para poder salvar la cosecha de patata, y con ello de la ruina a nuestra Provincia, esta Dirección, siempre de acuerdo con la Jefatura Agronómica de Álava pone en conocimiento de todos los labradores alaveses:
1º) Que tengan muy en cuenta y principalmente los regidores o Alcaldes de Barrio las normas dadas, con fecha 17 de abril, por la Diputación sobre el Plan de Lucha contra el escarabajo de la patata en la actual campaña, las cuales han sido profusamente repartidas por todos los pueblos de la provincia.
2º) Que según ellas diariamente (pues This serves as further encouragement to children main contributors to this campaign) was carried out payment of the collection of leaves and insects laying eggs.
3 º) All the villages are authorized to meet the expenses arising from this struggle, to make an outlay in proportion to the total potato acreage in their respective terms.
4 º) All beetle outbreaks, absolutely all of their people, must be treated and by hand picking when it comes to perfect insects and egg production, and with Arsenical sprays in the case of larva.
If anyone refuses to perform this work will be forced by the authorities of the people to do it properly and within a very short, taking notice to the County Council so that it will apply the maximum penalty that might fall on him.
Vitoria, June 3, 1942 Engineer-Director

even enlists the help of the priest and teacher in the fight against the scourge, as evidenced by this letter to the parish priest:
Diputación Foral de Álava
Engineer Director of Agriculture

Vitoria, April 29, 1943
Sir has been submitted by the Directorate of Agriculture, all District Mayors of the Province, a circular containing rules for the fight against beetle potato this season, copy of which I enclose.
The importance of this struggle is such that just announce strike adjectives, as in the present circumstances is of primary concern this crop, both as indispensable as the basis of power for all those living in rural areas, as they constitute the main source of income of the province and their export helps solve the problems of food and seed from other provinces. Therefore
and given the undoubted ascendancy for the good of our beloved province, the villages have their priests and teachers, the Directorate requested their collaboration for advising farmers the convenience of circular alluded to fully comply, we can be sure that, obeying his instructions and guidance of their helpful advice, we manage to offer us: the salvation of the crop and thereby prevent the ruin of the farmer Alava.
Apart from the amounts that the respective mayors of the City or district have to pay in compliance with 2 nd and 7 th in the circular of the Provincial Council on combating the beetle, the Caja Provincial de Ahorros de Alava, has granted Just as last season, the amount of 15,000 pesetas in order to reward those who demonstrate greater activity and zeal for the special field problems in the fight against the beetle.
We put it directly on your knowledge to avoid omissions, few in fact, that ignorance led last year and that in due time (finished the season) put you in the knowledge of this address the specifics of the work done with the approval Mayor's Town Hall or respective district. Very
recognized his valuable contribution, with which I have no doubt, is for you Atto. Affectionate.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

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Etxaurren Party

reproduce here a program of events to be held in the Chapel of Etxaurren which is not known exactly when. It could be from the late nineteenth or early twentieth

pilgrimage to NTRA. LADY ------------------------
On Sunday, August 28, after meeting in each of the seventeen parishes this valley of Ayala conventual Mass will be organized in the same march to the shrine, following the instructions to be communicated and enacted the respective parish priests gentlemen, in order to arrive in time to assist at the solemn Mass diaconate campaign than to the ten o'clock in the campaign will take place in front of the Sanctuary, with sermon by one of the Missionaries.
attending the City Council in corporation.
After the Mass, a brief check and lively dialogue, sustained two Daughters of Mary, dressed in white, emphasizing the importance of Pilgrimage in honor of the Immaculate Virgin to celebrate the Jubilee Year.
It will end the morning exercise with the Salve Regina sung chorus by the clergy and people.
notices. The time elapsed since noon to three, it is intended to take food and rest. The pilgrims should carry with them all the good things that have to serve food.
Notwithstanding this, the people of Menoyo auction will bring the service of food, spirits and soft drinks of good quality and affordable, for sale on the premises of his property, located near the Sanctuary, to so that pilgrims can stock up on what they needed. EXERCISE OF THE AFTERNOON

at three o'clock, after ringing of bells and firing of rockets, will start with a little speech directed to the pilgrims and pronounced in the campaign by a youth of the Congregation of San Luis Gonzaga, clad in a cassock and surplice and flaunting the breast the medal of the Congregation.
then will pray the rosary, led from the pulpit by one of Mr. Priest. Letrillas then sing the Daughters of Mary to the Blessed Virgin, then taking place at the farewell sermon by one of the Missionaries.
--------------------------------- WARNING
Sung's farewell to the Mother of Fair Love, people parade procession under their respective banners to ten minutes from the Sanctuary, rolling and marching after all harmoniously to their respective homes.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Older Ladies In Girdles And Stockings

Menon in the literature (3) Marquis Enhanced

can not be described rather than passing attack of madness, the traveler decides to nap time throw up the road towards Menon, distant 4 miles. He has warmed Santiago helmets that the decoy Menon is a town full of coats of arms. The traveler wants to check if you have more or less than Arceniega, until he meets the Walker is the most heraldic people throughout the region. Let the traveler
their pouches in the village, cameras hung around their necks and faces the road. At that hour of the day hot asphalt fire and also fired Menon is one of those villages, although you're looking to ride over your head on fire by the sun, just never achieve. Looks like you were kidding. It's the same for Sojo and Retes of Tudela. And reverse curves, the gap between Quejana and Menon is considerable: from 340 EUR to 466 meters under the Chicharrines. Cicadas shout themselves hoarse at home and the field has lost its many fragrances these hours. Everything is squashed by the heat.
Menon is and is dilapidated. The announced collection of coats, the traveler finds only two that are not nothing special. Not having, Menon has no official label, so the name of the people riding in a piece of board with green letters on a yellow background. Most streets are unpaved, which is very rare in Álava.
But worth climbing up here, even at four in the afternoon, because the picture that Sierra Saved currency is beautiful, including the site of the shrine of Our Lady of Echaurren, also known as San Marcos. The walker gives up to reach the shrine, which for a closed door there is always time and long the road. The chapel was attracted to the traveler because that tradition says that cured miraculously in 1730 of Maria Javiera of Partearrayo, and places like that you must visit when you are on road. But it says: no more closed-door visits. Menon was also
to war. That is very clear on the tombstone that straddles the entrance to the church, which is small and has its entrance with bench, as quite all churches in the Valley.
Don Nicasio Diaz de Mendivil
Priest of this parish for 34 years
died for God and for Spain
On 17 September 1936 Pater Noster

A Perruca thousand fathers daughter does not stop barking the walker. From a window of the house attached to the church of San Pedro overlooking an old woman. Called "Bitch" and shut their barking dog incordiante. The old woman has a strange face furrowed by a thousand wrinkles and a whitish complexion and indefinable nuances. The old woman leaves gladly make a framed photograph in the blue frame of the window. I ask him his name, to send you a copy.
- Ana Yosifec Glucel
- What surnames so strange! Where from?
- From another world
Well I used is the answer, inquisitive.
"Walk from Ayala to Arceniega" Florencio Martinez Aguinagalde

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Laser (dinghy) Blueprints

The noble title "Marquis Enhanced" Menon appears to be linked to through the palace of Santa Casilda. This building, owned by Casilda Fernádez Angle and Velasco, became the property of Pedro Fernandez de Campo and Velasco, Marqués de Mejorada, who was knight of Santiago and Secretary Real and probably acted as such, that is, as secretary, in signing of the Peace of Westphalia. The father, grandfather, great grandfather and other relatives of Don Pedro patrilineal family had acted as the Inquisition in different towns in the valleys of Tudela and Ayala. His maternal ancestry, was the son of Maria Fernandez de Angulo and Velasco, Casilda sister-Menoyo it links.
infanzonas The house of the Marquis de Mejorada must derive from the Oruña house, judging by the similarity of their arms. Settled in the village of La Llana, belonging to the valley of Tudela, Mena Valley City, and his knights first place to his patronymic name Fernandez. It was:
I. - Pedro Fernández del Campo, Lord of this house, who married Dona Maria Iñiguez Fruegas and Angulo, a native of Santiago de Tudela, in the valley of that name and were parents of:
II .- Pedro Fernández del Campo, Lord of the La Llana, who married María Angulo Fernández de Velasco, a native of Santa María del Llano de Tudela valley. First they lived in La Llana and then Bilbao. They had two children: Maria Jacinta and
III .- Pedro Fernández del Campo and Velasco Angulo, the eldest, born in Bilbao, was lord of the house in La Llana, Secretary of the King, the General Congress of the Paces, Caballero smoking Santiago dated June 5, 1649, and I Marquis of Mejorada. The title was granted on April 25, 1673 (Real office May 29.) He married Teresa de Salvatierra y Velasco, a native of Salamanca, and was his son and heir Gaetano
IV .- Pedro Fernández del Campo and Velasco Angulo Salvatierra, a native of Madrid, Marques de Mejorada II, Knight of the Order de Alcantara, which he joined in 1663 and a member of the Royal Council of Finance. Married Maria Teresa de Alvarado Bracamonte and had two daughters.
After marrying his eldest daughter the title of Marquis of improving step by the Sousa family, also held the titles of Marquis of Guadalcázar and Hinojares and Condes de Arenales. Since 1943, Castillejo Juan Bautista Ussia Ulzurrun Ten Wall and holds the title of Marquis of Enhanced XI. I have not found data when the title ceased to have links with the people (in 1827 still owned a number of farms Menon).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

People With Dementia See Dead People

" Contract with God "by Will Eisner

"Contract with God" (1978), considered as the first graphic novel, its author became the father of the comic book.
Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, is one of the greatest writers of the cartoon world.
With a unique ability, recalls the life of the poor neighborhoods of New York.
Eisner has four great stories in a format that changed the recent history of American comics. Juan Carlos Silva


Saturday, June 13, 2009

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As was common in all villages in the area, Menon had his bowling. I was in the center of town, close to the school, though before this is reflected in the documentation ( In consequence this council has set a house School We broke the walls and tiles on the roof that covers the game a few years Bowling new plant has made it more for being healthy and near downtown Yglesias Álava).
The bolus method was to lift Ayala or very different from other forms of Alava. The bowling disappeared when the road was built towards the middle of last century and it seems that there is no picture of her, I've only seen a couple of photos that you see the roof. However, en la documentación del pueblo si queda rastro de su existencia:
En el lugar de Menoyo á diez y siete de Diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y nuebe se reunió la Junta asamblea de vecinos de esta localidad bajo la presidencia del señor Alcalde de Barrio Don Andres de Yturribarria cuyo numero es suficiente para tomar acuerdo según previenen las leyes vigentes leida el acta anterior fue aprobada por unanimidad despues se entro en la sesion del dia llamo la atencion de los circunstantes el señor Alcalde de Barrio que la reunion seria por objeto que se biene notando en el juego de bolos por varios de los que se dibierten en el que han dan tirando los bolos á los cabrios y caballos del tejado despues bouncing the ball which is very harmful to stored tightly guarded and in good order the roof of the bowling game that after several discussions have encompassed between the two neighbors both for and against imposing a fine to have determined to commit such abuses a quarter of which will be required by way of constraints now force to the neglect to use it in favor of that bowling. -------------------
In the village of Menoyo to 3 December, nineteen hundred forty-six chaired by the Mayor of neighborhood D. Sunday Mendia neighborhood met at the usual place and treated as follows: fix the roof volos game and the barriers and foal to shoe and tips to be needed to drive the petition do not remember where necessary, authorizing the Mayor of area D. Sunday Mendia.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Aldactone And Leg Cramps

The bowling in the literature ( 2)

Menon: Township Subdivision Ayala, judicial district of Amurrio, Álava. It lies at 0 º 36 '50 "and 43 º 04' 10" toward the center of the term and OS of your capital Respaldiza, at the foot of a hill frontea Mount Ungila (632 m) to 466 meters.
Census: 1,802 1,960 ------- ------- 10 neighbors
44 inhabitants
1,970 ------- 41 "------- 1,978
1981 ------- 30 "
Buildings: 1,900 ------- .- Geology 25
It sits on land made of limestone. In N. of the town, the ground is formed by micrites clay, sandy limestone and clay.
.- Castilian language. In a document of the late eighteenth century is said to speak the Basque language all peoples of the Vicariate of Ayala, which was part of the town. Without But in the linguistic map of LL Bonaparte (1863) is already in the area erderizada.
Art: Parish Church of San Pedro, simple masonry construction, the tower and the whole building, is quite low. The temple is rectangular and has a single nave roof is covered with baroque line, the central altarpiece is neoclassical period.
Shrine of Our Lady of Echaurren .- masonry building built in the early fifteenth century and repaired in 1691, in the west wing, gable with 2 openings on the wall for bells in the central altar, takes the place of honor a image of the Virgin owner of modern times; choir in height. Monastery of Our Lady of Echaurren, also commonly called San Marcos.
Org. For .- Manor Place in the brotherhood of Ayala, Ayala crew. Was regulated by the ordinary courts brotherhood. Ens .-
early century XX had a mixed public school. The school population Óceca also attended this school.
.- Name appears as Menon (Lopez's) place the name of the doc. reproduced on p. of 1,114 323 of the "CSM" published in 1930. Ref GLG, "BISS" 1,969 p. 54. and belonged to the Vicariate and Arciprestazgo de Ayala.
"General Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Basque Country, Vol XXVIII (Mendiz-Mome)" page. 84-85
Edt Auñamendi, Estornés The Brothers San Sebastián, 1990

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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The river, the parish of San Pedro and Sierra Saved Ad links

Thursday, April 16, 2009

H. Pylori And Emedicine

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Infant Sun Hat Wholesale

Etymology of the word ETXAURREN

The name has several variants : Echaurren, Chaurren, Hechaurren. We have also found a document, which, like surnames, is talking about Inchaurren. Names have been frequent and Chaurren Echaurren, particularly in the land of Ayala, applied to the residents and natives of this quarter, according to common practice in our country in which the names refer to the town, district or village of origin.

The etymology of the word Etxaurren has traditionally been used comes from "etxe" (house) and "Aurra" (in front of or in back), or "in front of the house." The variant "Intzaurren" refers to the walnut, on which tradition says the Virgin Mary appeared in this vicinity. Thus there are those who believe that the title should be "Our Lady of Intzaurren", given that Castilian is often speak of "the Virgin of Walnut." However, as can be seen in the documents relating to the shrine, the common name given to it through the centuries, is the Echaurren and Chaurren. Perhaps the chapel took the name of the place was built. The interpretation of the etymology of this word that gives Federico de Barrenengoa is "home-developed" by ETXE "home", "AUR" front "," IN "more, more," and that may be correct considering the place occupied by the neighborhood.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cramping And Tender Swollen Breasts

This surname comes from the place of Menon (whose name he took) of the City of Ayala and Amurrio judicial district, with branches in Beotegui, Ulibarri, Sojo, Salmantón, Llanteno Retes of all in the valley of Ayala, and the city of Bilbao. This house was
I. - Cristobal de Menon, a native of Salmantón, who married Dona Maria of Menon, debt and natural Quejana in the same game. They were parents of:
II .- Pedro de Menon and Menon, who was born in Retes of Llanteno and married Isabel de Armona and Gomez de Gorbea, a native of Respaldiza (daughter of José Antonio de Armona, natural de Orduña, and María Gómez de Gorbea natural Respaldiza). From this union was born:
III .- Manuel Angel of Menon and harmonious nature of Llanteno Retes, which celebrated its link with Dona Manuela de Arechavala and Angulo, Santolaja natural place in the valley of Tudela, Navarre (daughter of Arechavala Joaquin, a native of Sojo, and Dona Francisca de Angulo, a native of Santolaja) They had a:
IV .- Manuel de Menon and Arechavala, Retes of Llanteno natural and Knight of the Order of Carlos III, which entered the January 29, 1818. (See appendices)
tested their real nobility to the Chancery of Valladolid: Dionysius of Menon, a resident of Madrid in 1729, Joseph of Menon, a resident of Viergol in the valley of Mena in 1759, Pedro de Menon, a resident of Madrid and natural Retes in 1772, and Domingo Antonio, Francisco Joaquin, Joseph Bruno, Manuel Lorenzo and Matthias Mauricio Arana Menon and brothers, neighbors Sojo in 1773.
Weapons: Say War Labayru and Carlos Lopez of the Menoyo surnamed used: shield quartered: 1 and 4 silver Vert, an oak, golden fruit and a boar Sable, steep the trunk, and 2 nd and 3 rd azure a tower of silver.
also brought this shield in partnership with another who was a party: 1 azure, with 13 gold stars and 2, gold with five panels of Vert, put looped. Bordure general for these two quarters, gules, with 8 gold sotueres.
Others: silver, two Merlet, gold, put in FAJE. Madrid uses the industry: In azure a bridge of silver on a blue and silver ounces and passing over the bridge, five silver warriors.

Asking For Money Birthday Poems

The surname Menon Menon Etymology of the word (Menoi) Carlist Wars

There are different interpretations about the meaning of the word Menon. One of these interpretations Menon said that the word means "the place where the slope of the mountain" or simply "mountainside" MEN, MENA "mountain, mountain" - EGI (OGI) "bank", "O locative. Somewhere is translated by "pasture" and there is another interpretation based on the possible origin of the Gallo-Roman place names in the area indicates that the word Menon (Men-oi-o) is formed from the lexeme Maine (Men ), as the valley of Mena Burgos.

Friday, February 6, 2009

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The nineteenth century was the scene of several conflicts that greatly affected the people of Ayala. The Carlist wars were felt particularly by the need to keep the troops. Menon on file there are many documents about the expense and inconvenience that was for this reason:

The highest governing board has commissioned is made known to the municipalities of the province that the armed forces are paid by cash she dutifully assets which have been Serb noted, therefore these bodies should meet the people who take out rations in their transits or quarters and if by some chance they could not berificar payments must give your receipts with clear expression of the rations they receive, body to which they belong and Balor going to supply such receipts to the top joint to be paid by it to make your presentation appropriate charges and discounts to the same bodies and items that hubiesesn enjoyed. The same board has drawn more than four Badaga each battalion only and may only be exacted except in the case of illness of any individual or other extraordinary needed. By order of the same upper seal is made known to the municipalities. God keep you many years. October 23, 1833 Bitoria the particular board the MV and ML Probincia to praise the president
Yñigo ortiz Belasco.

------------------------------------------ copy of which side the Excellent. Mr. Capitan General delas Basque provinces and Navarra leads to them for publication and enforcement.

delas Under powers is that I am coated in a state of war declared the borders of the four provinces of the district under my command.

All faction that is caught with weapons will be immediately shot. Loser also that the wet fleeing or hidden.

who is a prisoner with them or without them will be deported to serve overseas if not proven that came to arise.

The people who are waiters in the faction aesthetically pleasing to four thousand reais for every one but the inprorrogable be submitted within eight days of published this side.

Mayors or their equivalents which party will give at least four hours four chiefs delas columns alos dela operations positions held by the rebels and dela direction they have taken. Dela failure prevented decumplimiento in strips shall be required not only strict responsavilidad alos atodos Mayors but also individuals alos Hall and village priests.

peoples on whose immediacy pass the factions give immediate notice.

Sila pernoztase faction in any of them or in their vicinity and do not give it the share dela responsavilidad also incurred throughout the City Clergy and aesthetically pleasing to the neighbors a contribution according to their importance and wealth.

When I was stronger than the rebels and being determined to use all means considered effective for early termination of the robberies were so warn the people for their GOVERNMENT.

can not be fooled. Many times I have directed my friendly voice to this country, not to be seduced by those interested in embracing a cause acerles completely foreign to their interests and engages them in a way pathetic. I have also made known that the outbreak of the rebellion would be severe in repressing. Blame because of my severe alos to support it. Vitoria twenty-seven August 1870. Captain General Jose Allende Salazar.
do this side of the faults liable to be committed to the City, towns and cures of these gentlemen will you know your content to these gentlemen and people in general putting of being aware and then giving me a party Aberle profession and verified.

Respaldiza August 31 of 1870
Santiago de Larrinaga.


say and confess the residents of this town of Menoyo ELECTED main interest of each party to Manuel de Mendia the sum of one thousand and fifty-one actual amount of which is looking to pay part of the wine and meat that we had to gears up for supplies at the Carlist troops this year as such amount together debolverle debengan with interest at the rate of five percent per year for the December 12th day of the year of 1882 to return as we undertake all the neighbors with our people and goods to the return of the interest measure, together with their revenues and stating where conbenga do this role in Menon obligation to February 17 of 1800 eighties.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

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As is common among neighboring towns and Menon Salmanton have had their small scratches and the usual barbs. As an example these 2 songs for Menon spent by those of Salmanton:

The guts of
Salmanton without ondón
a goat
children and grandchildren
a Castron (or bastard)
of Menoyo The garden had a
Salmanton came from
and fucked in

Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Discipline Puppy 2010 Ceasar

Offer the National Polytechnic Institute Cultural Presentations

Cultural Offer

See full story

Information provided by the Department of Educational Services of the National Polytechnic Institute

Fine Arts


  • Symphony Orchestra: Composed 76 professional musicians performing two annual seasons with 8 programs each.


  • Coro Alpha Nova: has 70 members composed of students, alumni and some faculty.


  • Company Folk Dance: Company consisting of 50 items between students and teachers.

  • Cultural Heritage: consists of approximately 900 pieces of artwork consisting art painting, sculpture, mural and photography of various national and international authors, it also features 15 sculptures donated by prestigious artists.
  • Galleries: has two open galleries called "Antonio Rodríguez" and Wilfrido Massieu "
  • Art Workshops: IPN 140 offer art workshops in five disciplines: visual arts, music, creative writing, theater and dance.
  • Cultural Center "Jaime Torres Bodet" has three large halls for exhibitions of graphic art and sculpture, also facilitated these spaces for exhibitions sponsored by academic units. Additionally has two great halls with a capacity for 890 people and the medium for 304 people, being also the headquarters of the OSIPN.
  • Film Club. two cycles are made permanent by agreement with the national film library, the center of Israeli cinema and other cultural bodies.

Science and Technology

  • Dissemination Center for Science and Technology (CeDiCyT): which has the planetary "Luis Enrique Erro" the most modern in Latin America, with a digital immersion DOMO and CONSTELLATION building which has a permanent exhibition hall, called "the science of addiction "consisting of nine modules interactive.
  • Tezozomoc Museum: interactive museum open to the general public, located in Mexico City, in order to motivate and lead their vocation to the study of Science and Technology, addresses issues related to physics, mathematics and optics through experiments.
  • popular science magazine "Conversus" with issues of scientific interest and technology.



cultural offer provided by the IPN relies on cultural transmission, programs and news channel IPN: IPN-TVCANAL XE-11. This offer also available periodically in the IPN institutional PAGE:


http://oncetv-ipn.net / webcast /
