Sunday, January 11, 2009

Will Caster Oil Help With Intestinal Blockage


As is common among neighboring towns and Menon Salmanton have had their small scratches and the usual barbs. As an example these 2 songs for Menon spent by those of Salmanton:

The guts of
Salmanton without ondón
a goat
children and grandchildren
a Castron (or bastard)
of Menoyo The garden had a
Salmanton came from
and fucked in

Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Discipline Puppy 2010 Ceasar

Offer the National Polytechnic Institute Cultural Presentations

Cultural Offer

See full story

Information provided by the Department of Educational Services of the National Polytechnic Institute

Fine Arts


  • Symphony Orchestra: Composed 76 professional musicians performing two annual seasons with 8 programs each.


  • Coro Alpha Nova: has 70 members composed of students, alumni and some faculty.


  • Company Folk Dance: Company consisting of 50 items between students and teachers.

  • Cultural Heritage: consists of approximately 900 pieces of artwork consisting art painting, sculpture, mural and photography of various national and international authors, it also features 15 sculptures donated by prestigious artists.
  • Galleries: has two open galleries called "Antonio Rodríguez" and Wilfrido Massieu "
  • Art Workshops: IPN 140 offer art workshops in five disciplines: visual arts, music, creative writing, theater and dance.
  • Cultural Center "Jaime Torres Bodet" has three large halls for exhibitions of graphic art and sculpture, also facilitated these spaces for exhibitions sponsored by academic units. Additionally has two great halls with a capacity for 890 people and the medium for 304 people, being also the headquarters of the OSIPN.
  • Film Club. two cycles are made permanent by agreement with the national film library, the center of Israeli cinema and other cultural bodies.

Science and Technology

  • Dissemination Center for Science and Technology (CeDiCyT): which has the planetary "Luis Enrique Erro" the most modern in Latin America, with a digital immersion DOMO and CONSTELLATION building which has a permanent exhibition hall, called "the science of addiction "consisting of nine modules interactive.
  • Tezozomoc Museum: interactive museum open to the general public, located in Mexico City, in order to motivate and lead their vocation to the study of Science and Technology, addresses issues related to physics, mathematics and optics through experiments.
  • popular science magazine "Conversus" with issues of scientific interest and technology.



cultural offer provided by the IPN relies on cultural transmission, programs and news channel IPN: IPN-TVCANAL XE-11. This offer also available periodically in the IPN institutional PAGE: / webcast /
