Friday, February 6, 2009

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The nineteenth century was the scene of several conflicts that greatly affected the people of Ayala. The Carlist wars were felt particularly by the need to keep the troops. Menon on file there are many documents about the expense and inconvenience that was for this reason:

The highest governing board has commissioned is made known to the municipalities of the province that the armed forces are paid by cash she dutifully assets which have been Serb noted, therefore these bodies should meet the people who take out rations in their transits or quarters and if by some chance they could not berificar payments must give your receipts with clear expression of the rations they receive, body to which they belong and Balor going to supply such receipts to the top joint to be paid by it to make your presentation appropriate charges and discounts to the same bodies and items that hubiesesn enjoyed. The same board has drawn more than four Badaga each battalion only and may only be exacted except in the case of illness of any individual or other extraordinary needed. By order of the same upper seal is made known to the municipalities. God keep you many years. October 23, 1833 Bitoria the particular board the MV and ML Probincia to praise the president
YƱigo ortiz Belasco.

------------------------------------------ copy of which side the Excellent. Mr. Capitan General delas Basque provinces and Navarra leads to them for publication and enforcement.

delas Under powers is that I am coated in a state of war declared the borders of the four provinces of the district under my command.

All faction that is caught with weapons will be immediately shot. Loser also that the wet fleeing or hidden.

who is a prisoner with them or without them will be deported to serve overseas if not proven that came to arise.

The people who are waiters in the faction aesthetically pleasing to four thousand reais for every one but the inprorrogable be submitted within eight days of published this side.

Mayors or their equivalents which party will give at least four hours four chiefs delas columns alos dela operations positions held by the rebels and dela direction they have taken. Dela failure prevented decumplimiento in strips shall be required not only strict responsavilidad alos atodos Mayors but also individuals alos Hall and village priests.

peoples on whose immediacy pass the factions give immediate notice.

Sila pernoztase faction in any of them or in their vicinity and do not give it the share dela responsavilidad also incurred throughout the City Clergy and aesthetically pleasing to the neighbors a contribution according to their importance and wealth.

When I was stronger than the rebels and being determined to use all means considered effective for early termination of the robberies were so warn the people for their GOVERNMENT.

can not be fooled. Many times I have directed my friendly voice to this country, not to be seduced by those interested in embracing a cause acerles completely foreign to their interests and engages them in a way pathetic. I have also made known that the outbreak of the rebellion would be severe in repressing. Blame because of my severe alos to support it. Vitoria twenty-seven August 1870. Captain General Jose Allende Salazar.
do this side of the faults liable to be committed to the City, towns and cures of these gentlemen will you know your content to these gentlemen and people in general putting of being aware and then giving me a party Aberle profession and verified.

Respaldiza August 31 of 1870
Santiago de Larrinaga.


say and confess the residents of this town of Menoyo ELECTED main interest of each party to Manuel de Mendia the sum of one thousand and fifty-one actual amount of which is looking to pay part of the wine and meat that we had to gears up for supplies at the Carlist troops this year as such amount together debolverle debengan with interest at the rate of five percent per year for the December 12th day of the year of 1882 to return as we undertake all the neighbors with our people and goods to the return of the interest measure, together with their revenues and stating where conbenga do this role in Menon obligation to February 17 of 1800 eighties.