Saturday, June 13, 2009

Australian Shepherd Cross Poodle´


As was common in all villages in the area, Menon had his bowling. I was in the center of town, close to the school, though before this is reflected in the documentation ( In consequence this council has set a house School We broke the walls and tiles on the roof that covers the game a few years Bowling new plant has made it more for being healthy and near downtown Yglesias Álava).
The bolus method was to lift Ayala or very different from other forms of Alava. The bowling disappeared when the road was built towards the middle of last century and it seems that there is no picture of her, I've only seen a couple of photos that you see the roof. However, en la documentación del pueblo si queda rastro de su existencia:
En el lugar de Menoyo á diez y siete de Diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y nuebe se reunió la Junta asamblea de vecinos de esta localidad bajo la presidencia del señor Alcalde de Barrio Don Andres de Yturribarria cuyo numero es suficiente para tomar acuerdo según previenen las leyes vigentes leida el acta anterior fue aprobada por unanimidad despues se entro en la sesion del dia llamo la atencion de los circunstantes el señor Alcalde de Barrio que la reunion seria por objeto que se biene notando en el juego de bolos por varios de los que se dibierten en el que han dan tirando los bolos á los cabrios y caballos del tejado despues bouncing the ball which is very harmful to stored tightly guarded and in good order the roof of the bowling game that after several discussions have encompassed between the two neighbors both for and against imposing a fine to have determined to commit such abuses a quarter of which will be required by way of constraints now force to the neglect to use it in favor of that bowling. -------------------
In the village of Menoyo to 3 December, nineteen hundred forty-six chaired by the Mayor of neighborhood D. Sunday Mendia neighborhood met at the usual place and treated as follows: fix the roof volos game and the barriers and foal to shoe and tips to be needed to drive the petition do not remember where necessary, authorizing the Mayor of area D. Sunday Mendia.