Thursday, November 12, 2009

Afterprom Hotel In Hamptons

Etxaurren Party

reproduce here a program of events to be held in the Chapel of Etxaurren which is not known exactly when. It could be from the late nineteenth or early twentieth

pilgrimage to NTRA. LADY ------------------------
On Sunday, August 28, after meeting in each of the seventeen parishes this valley of Ayala conventual Mass will be organized in the same march to the shrine, following the instructions to be communicated and enacted the respective parish priests gentlemen, in order to arrive in time to assist at the solemn Mass diaconate campaign than to the ten o'clock in the campaign will take place in front of the Sanctuary, with sermon by one of the Missionaries.
attending the City Council in corporation.
After the Mass, a brief check and lively dialogue, sustained two Daughters of Mary, dressed in white, emphasizing the importance of Pilgrimage in honor of the Immaculate Virgin to celebrate the Jubilee Year.
It will end the morning exercise with the Salve Regina sung chorus by the clergy and people.
notices. The time elapsed since noon to three, it is intended to take food and rest. The pilgrims should carry with them all the good things that have to serve food.
Notwithstanding this, the people of Menoyo auction will bring the service of food, spirits and soft drinks of good quality and affordable, for sale on the premises of his property, located near the Sanctuary, to so that pilgrims can stock up on what they needed. EXERCISE OF THE AFTERNOON

at three o'clock, after ringing of bells and firing of rockets, will start with a little speech directed to the pilgrims and pronounced in the campaign by a youth of the Congregation of San Luis Gonzaga, clad in a cassock and surplice and flaunting the breast the medal of the Congregation.
then will pray the rosary, led from the pulpit by one of Mr. Priest. Letrillas then sing the Daughters of Mary to the Blessed Virgin, then taking place at the farewell sermon by one of the Missionaries.
--------------------------------- WARNING
Sung's farewell to the Mother of Fair Love, people parade procession under their respective banners to ten minutes from the Sanctuary, rolling and marching after all harmoniously to their respective homes.