Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aldactone Cause Leg Cramps

Anti potato beetle

The arrival in the peninsula of Colorado potato beetle, just after the Civil War, when so little was the food, forced to take action in an attempt to control this pest:
Hon. Diputación Foral de Alava
and Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock
Fighting potato beetle
Having established the Directorate of Agriculture that some people do not pay the Administrative Boards in its fair price submitted insects and larvae, and is for children de la Escuela o por particulares que a ello se quieran dedicar y, en otros, que algunos vecinos no luchan contra esta terrible plaga con el celo que todos hemos de luchar para poder salvar la cosecha de patata, y con ello de la ruina a nuestra Provincia, esta Dirección, siempre de acuerdo con la Jefatura Agronómica de Álava pone en conocimiento de todos los labradores alaveses:
1º) Que tengan muy en cuenta y principalmente los regidores o Alcaldes de Barrio las normas dadas, con fecha 17 de abril, por la Diputación sobre el Plan de Lucha contra el escarabajo de la patata en la actual campaña, las cuales han sido profusamente repartidas por todos los pueblos de la provincia.
2º) Que según ellas diariamente (pues This serves as further encouragement to children main contributors to this campaign) was carried out payment of the collection of leaves and insects laying eggs.
3 º) All the villages are authorized to meet the expenses arising from this struggle, to make an outlay in proportion to the total potato acreage in their respective terms.
4 º) All beetle outbreaks, absolutely all of their people, must be treated and by hand picking when it comes to perfect insects and egg production, and with Arsenical sprays in the case of larva.
If anyone refuses to perform this work will be forced by the authorities of the people to do it properly and within a very short, taking notice to the County Council so that it will apply the maximum penalty that might fall on him.
Vitoria, June 3, 1942 Engineer-Director

even enlists the help of the priest and teacher in the fight against the scourge, as evidenced by this letter to the parish priest:
Diputación Foral de Álava
Engineer Director of Agriculture

Vitoria, April 29, 1943
Sir has been submitted by the Directorate of Agriculture, all District Mayors of the Province, a circular containing rules for the fight against beetle potato this season, copy of which I enclose.
The importance of this struggle is such that just announce strike adjectives, as in the present circumstances is of primary concern this crop, both as indispensable as the basis of power for all those living in rural areas, as they constitute the main source of income of the province and their export helps solve the problems of food and seed from other provinces. Therefore
and given the undoubted ascendancy for the good of our beloved province, the villages have their priests and teachers, the Directorate requested their collaboration for advising farmers the convenience of circular alluded to fully comply, we can be sure that, obeying his instructions and guidance of their helpful advice, we manage to offer us: the salvation of the crop and thereby prevent the ruin of the farmer Alava.
Apart from the amounts that the respective mayors of the City or district have to pay in compliance with 2 nd and 7 th in the circular of the Provincial Council on combating the beetle, the Caja Provincial de Ahorros de Alava, has granted Just as last season, the amount of 15,000 pesetas in order to reward those who demonstrate greater activity and zeal for the special field problems in the fight against the beetle.
We put it directly on your knowledge to avoid omissions, few in fact, that ignorance led last year and that in due time (finished the season) put you in the knowledge of this address the specifics of the work done with the approval Mayor's Town Hall or respective district. Very
recognized his valuable contribution, with which I have no doubt, is for you Atto. Affectionate.