Saturday, January 9, 2010

Leather Sofa, Storing In Cold

Etxaurren Hermitage Regulation of Mutual Menon Catechist School, under the patronage of Our Lady of Echaurren

1 A: It becomes a mutual society Menoyo among young people and children of both sexes and belonging to school and Catechism Menon, with the title and dedication above expressed, having its registered office in the national school .
Art 2: The school Mutual Association Catholic catechist and as such, recognized as fundamental, any lessons of the Catholic religion.
Article 3: The mutual company is subject to the existing laws on associations and the special of the Ministry of Public Instruction on July 7, 1911, and the regulations approved by RO in the Ministry of May 11 of 1,912 and insurance legislation that might affect this association as an entity exempted.
Article 4: This mutuality is proposed for the following purposes:
- The savings compound interest.
- Seek to members or dowry a small capital enabling them to have children with some resources to reach the marriageable age or to go it alone.
- Provide the first elements of an annuity for old age through a single book in the National Insurance Institute
- Offer people whom the Lord has favored by fortune, more than half practice Christian charity, while at the same time a work of great social importance.
- Any other work of welfare and social welfare.
Art. 4 th (ca): This mutuality is federated, if agreed later with the rest of the City Council and to implement the mutual aid of illness and funeral, according to federal regulations to be drafted in due course.
article 5: For the savings will be used Agricultural Union Box Ayala.
Art.6 º: For children gifts, and retirement pensions are generally subject to the provisions of the Act of 27 February 1908, operation through the services of the National Insurance Institute, through the representative of the province .
Section 7: the partners may be mutual, and honorary protectors: They are mutual partners who contribute to the established quotas, to be entitled to the benefits themselves of mutuality.
Art 8: To become a member is required to be vaccinated mutual and not yet reached age 25.
Section 9: Fees are patron members or those not participating in the benefits of mutuality will provide some important service in one of the following ways:
(a) Assuming once in favor of the Association a amount not less than 25 pesetas.
(b) By subscribing for a monthly or annual fee to contribute to the goals of the Mutual.
(c) Meeting a monthly fee of 20 cents to a poor child who can not contribute a weekly fee for the length of time no small opinion of the Board.
Section 10: Members share mutual minimum paid as 10 cents a week, which will go 5 to the Savings Bank and another 5 to form a child endowment or retirement pension for old age.
Article 11: The capital shall be formed:
(a) For the weekly installments of the partners.
(b) For the protector members subscriptions or fees.
(c) interest on invested funds
(d) subsidies and grants received by the Mutual.
(e) Any other legal income authorized by the Board.
Art 12: All bonuses received from any source shall impose mutual partner in the literature with the National Insurance Institute has contracted.
Section 13: The mutual partners, parents or guardians, they pledge to regularly meet their quotas.
Art 14: The mutual partners that we take more than a month without paying their weekly dues will lose all rights to the bonuses that would have been able to match the donations or subscriptions for patron members or fees.
Section 15: The mutual partners have the right to participate in the benefits of society and all social work is implemented.
Section 16: No mutual funds may take any amount of the Savings Bank to be 23 years of age, unless in exceptional cases that the Board creates legitimate deliver the amount that corresponds to the mutual.
Art 17: The management, administration and management of the Mutual will be headed by a Board, consisting of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, Accountant and 3 Members will meet annually at the registered office.
Art 18: These positions will be elected at general meeting and shall be renewed every 3 years, renewable for those who played in the previous year. The charges shall be persons of full age and who are in full enjoyment of their civil rights.
Art 19: To young people and children collaborate in the administration of the Mutual, each count of the Board shall have an attachment, which necessarily must be a school chosen by their peers. Attachments sessions shall speak but not vote.
Art 20: The Board is the permanent representation of the Mutual, and accounts for the admission of new members and circumstantial interpretation of regulatory requirements for the smooth running of the association.
Section 21: Voting for the election of Board members are secret. In case of tie, shall verify that a new election.
Art 22: The General Meeting shall meet at least once a year to learn about financial management and approve the accounts for each year.
Art 23: Extraordinary General Meeting will be held when the Board agreed or requested by the twenty- part of the mutual.
To take decisions and to hold meeting, the Board will require the presence of half plus one of the individuals who constitute it.
In general meetings will be required also the presence of half plus one, in the first call, and the second agreement will be valid whatever the number of those who attend the meeting.
Art 24: The President enforces the decisions taken by the Board and signing the papers as representative of society.
The Secretary takes the minutes, the register of members and correspondence. The
Treasurer looks after the income and expenses, bringing the accounts, and is responsible for Mutual funds and documents in its custody.
Counter accounts involved, ensuring that revenues and expenditures conform to the regulations and the agreements of the Board.
The Members attend Meetings with voice and vote.
Article 25: Society can not be dissolved except by resolution of the general meeting and the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members constituent.
Section 26: Any modification made in this policy should be agreed in General Meeting and notified to the civil government of the province for consideration and approval.
Article 27: In case of dissolution, existing funds will be applied to subsidize the books of each mutualist in proportion to the income of the same .
Article 28: It is considered legally established mutual society for civil purposes and economic, as from the 1st January 1920, should be approved by the superiority of this Regulation.
Article 29 º: Considered as founding members who signed this document D. Nicasio Nafarrate and Diaz de Mendivil, Priest, Priest Treasurer of the parish church of this place of Menon, and D. Menon and Beraza Esteban, National Teacher of the Public School.
Menon, 27 December 1919.
Presented in this government in the days of the date for the purposes of art. 4 of the Act of 30 June 1887. Vitoria 5 January 1920. The Governor, Javier Millán. This heading. A seal that says: "Civil Government in the province of Álava"
is a copy. Menon (Spain), March 14, 1920.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cute Dental Name Badges

"Kenita and His Friends comic 1 and 2 by Juan Carlos Silva

Kenita neighborhood is a child with good manners, who along with his faithful friends go back and forth where conpartirán much adventure and excitement. Juan Carlos Silva