Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sample Congratulations Message For A Baby

Menon file documents (8)

"In place of a beintedías Menon of March one thousand eight hundred and sixteen days, the rexidores yvecinos of this place Menon being gathered together and try and discuss costumbrepara as good governance and utility of things entreotras Vézina and tried and formed as to be Serb demayordomías trades this Ylesia (sic) of that place.
First, he has been denonbrar for the month of September in every one year a factory foreman, otrode Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Anthony, another of Our Lady deChaurren and one of the souls in purgatory. And the factory foreman and his oturno senombrará ra (sic) of callerecta of houses, giving bonds to satisfacióndel parish priest and the steward who comes out and it gives them, pass nombraral below, this is still pure and Jose nobility and something (sic), and if no echo loess or cost has not properly before the conzejo not just be given the job, nor any other of the republic, and to have the butler obligation dealumbrar the Blessed Sacrament Morning and night, and Bend lasprimicias rrecoger May and account for it and ConPro laaceyte and wax needed for binding said church with pastor and two hundred rreales hacersecargo paying the priest, according to (fuzzy) in planbeneficial and holidays hasistir Mass, can yndo (sic) to lasgradas to turn lights and Hapag taking hasiento in the becinos bancoprimero have [to] be justice that this will pribelexiada Yeste attend at least the days of the bank yncienso harribo Offer to help that while the butler will be required to take the days that corresponds elpendón get, and in praying. And we want and that canpanas boluntad esnuestra (fuzzy) and soft by the stewards defábrica, paying for each year / (folio 1v) and zinc forty reals a year, paid common body of San Pedro, with the obligation to play tomorrow abemarrías Porla , noon and night, and Cross May to September Cross rrepique of canpaña touch (sic) and elberano and days of thunder hasistirá canpanas has touch and go the priest jente paraconjurar and calling the asking God Ylesia misiricordia and days of yncenso lasbísperas touch your rrepique of canpanas to distinguish sudi. And if HACA Shall? that their houses halgunas ynposibilidad pudieseserbir no such office as the district of Chaurren being away and not just poderserbir the motion or whose name is onor if but for the Obligation to the village sostituto Sirba it well. And the days of yncenso seráobligado to ask in church to the Blessed Sacrament alimbrar as losdemás stewards of Our Lady and Hanim and San Antonio. And the butler know about our Lady will be required to collect half a bushel of wheat each matrimonioy to quartillo the biudos and Habis biudas and the brothers if semurriese Angun (sic) brother and the burial and must be forced onras decade yr home to church and wife or marred enough quinceaños people up and count the output onras and burial, which charged that Butler faltasele two reales each person for replacement of the ceraque be spent and what we charged Bendera wheat for the month of May with dela factory and announce it and if acadeciese to be a morimundo despuésde to the holy onción, Butler to the homes abyss to pull hasintan and rrez house where the rosary on her and taking hasisten losque account for missing hasistan ago following penalty dosreales each of the missing. And the steward will be in / (folio 2) sucargo this government to call to pray the Holy rrosario and despuéslos that have to be for home hayudar llebado Quenta of quehasisten for others in hadelante hasistan. And the butler
tendráobligación charge for the doors to give alms to the San Antonioy bender on Sunday after San Antonio and give them Quenta. And
Butler eldia souls in San Marcos on the day of the Litany in Time of ferry? to the masses that WILL dixiesen in this parish and by August and the harvest of corn and demásde between year, month by month doorways and what to Quenta seharrecoxiese it and said Butler will be forced to remove the cruzparoquial whenever they are needed for processions and other serbicios deyglesia, provided that no sexton Haygan to take this cross.
NuestraSeñora As the steward or the Rosary, will be required to make the banner was in the days pide.Y of Our Lady of Chaure be forced to beg on the day of Sanmarco, litanies and bíspera of San Juan and collect the rents Quenta ydar such Birgen them.
And to have power and balubación (sic) everything harribo esticulado (sic) signed rexidores and neighbors than we know, ay date together with two witnesses.