Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ask For Money In A Poem For School

Ramón Ramón Sobrino Sobrino Muñoz President of the Astronomical Association of Miguel (Ciudad Real).

President of the Astronomical Association of Miguel (CiudadReal). Ramon took the love of astronomy through his father. "I grew up in this field, a property known as Las Cañadas is farming and grazing area. My father was a pastor and the whole family lived in the area, "says Ramon afternoon of July we met.
His father had very little knowledge of astronomy, but he knew by the name of popular culture who knew locate certain stars in the sky and they are taught. The Astillejos (Pollux and Castor) in the constellation of the twins, groupers (The Pleiades) which are a famous group of seven stars in the constellation of the bull and of course the star of the evening (Venus). After locating them in the sky they are pointing the finger on a clear night.
At nine years he came by chance a book that talked about the constellations and Polaris. With this book, began to recognize the more immediate the north celestial pole as Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, The Dragon, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and so on. Miguelturra At that time had about 5,000 inhabitants and by low light pollution of the streets could still clearly see the constellations, the Milky Way and many stars without having to go to another place far away. During his youth in the background left his love for other age-appropriate. Al meet twenty-three years befriended a professional photographer who worked for a magazine of astronomy and coincided with the arrival of Halley's comet. Fantastic vision that made him remember how he lived years ago, his passion for the stars and wanted to return to resume the activity with more energy and perseverance to the point that with binoculars and a compact camera tried to photograph the comet at six in the night with results, as expected dismal, but in the end making the most of that event to behold as importante.Compró his first amateur telescope could not use. After some time trying to get to see something, warned that turning a small wheel for the first time focused sharply and surprise Luna was the most rewarding of his life. Also found that although not very well could see Saturn, Jupiter and some other galaxy, taking into account that the telescopes were all manual lenses with high magnification, about 900mm long. and very uncomfortable, he decided to move to another level with a team with a focal length mirrors broader and more luminous. There already had to leave town and return to the field where years ago with his father, first discovered heaven. It has since evolved to the point that bought part of the land where he grew up and built his own observatory, about the same time decided to create the Astronomical Association of Miguel who has many partners. Taught workshops with interested people. Request the City a brownout street lighting for the activities of observación.Cuenta Ramon: "I remember a very interesting story as the August 11, 1999 that there was a partial solar eclipse got a thousand people gathering in the square people was extraordinary. "


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