Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pathophysiology Of Anemia Pernicious

at the hostel "The Consul" in the town of Murcia of La Union, 27 March 1982 the owner was found dead with 63 stab wounds all over his body, a horrible, violent crime still unresolved.
Enveloped in absolute mystery and never stopped talking in La Union, the murder of the Consul, popularly known as Alfonso Martínez Saura, was last seen alive in a public street that morning. Afternoon A waiter gave notice that the place was strangely closed.
Before nightfall, after breaking a window, a local police officer Alfonso found dead at the foot of the reception desk with all doors and windows lashed from within. The ER doctor who certified the death was up to 63 stab wounds, none of which penetrated vital organs. That did think it was an agonizing death caused by the puncture of a small sharp weapon, but also said the heart had stopped beating before cruelty. The investigations concluded and did nothing to enhance the mystery. Alfonso, at that time his wife divorced French Gilberte Florentine, was a man somewhat extravagant. Police reports say that days before his death, he joked with the presence of ghosts, who played the ring and disappeared. Registered customers previous day provided no clues. The murder weapon did not appear. Alfonso had a hair caught in his hand, signs of struggle. Your wallet was found two days later on a nearby road, with money and possessions. All scenarios were envisaged: reckoning, crime of passion and theft of precious objects brought from Africa. The police have always worked with the hypothesis that it was someone I knew and came into the hostel with the permission of Alfonso. Was suspected, but could not charge or arrest anyone.
In The Union lived those days with great anticipation popular. 'The Consul' aroused curiosity in the region, but for being something new, do not remember any murder case in the area. Have conducted research to determine causes and perpetrators of the murder, and even appealed to the English Society of Research Parapsychologists (PFIC) that made several recordings were not successful. Already in 2005, tried it but got no recording EVP nothing of it. On December 6, 2009, in the ruins of the hostel, a researcher asked What are you doing here? And a voice said, "Help, I need help," a man's voice said: "Relief." And another female voice asked to "come here to hit ...." Other responses obtained in different voices and tones of men and women were "born here die here ...", "for lying, pig! Dies for lying! "," Bastard, just pee "or even" Ascension, killer! ".

The August 20, 2010, my son and I, taking advantage of our holiday in the area decided to penetrate in the ruins with our cameras, laptop con un programa de grabación y un micrófono externo que colocamos cerca del lugar donde supuestamente se encontró el cadáver.
Desde luego el lugar da un poco de grima, independientemente que se hubiese cometido asesinato o no. Con la ayuda de un péndulo recorrimos todas las habitaciones y tan sólo en una de ellas situada en la planta baja, al entrar, un frío intenso recorría toda la habitación, teniendo en cuenta que era el mes de agosto a 35º C en el exterior. Pusimos el péndulo a medir la intensidad de energía y por todo el habitáculo giraba en sentido inverso a las agujas del reloj, dicho sea de paso, acumulación de energía negativa que nos hizo poner los pelos de punta. Acto seguido recogimos equipment and leave the place.
In the recordings that were not heard anything. In the photographs not see anything abnormal. We do not know if anyone has heard or been captured EVP psycho-images, but we do know is that in this place the atmosphere is terrific.


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