Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Soon Cani Start To See Results From Zumba

Galaxina Andromeda (Image Courtesy Ramon Sobrino) double star Eta Cassiopeia

The Andromeda Galaxy cataloged with the number 31, Messier is a good example of this type of celestial objects. It is a giant spiral galaxy neighbor of our Milky Way (galaxy is where resides with the solar system). M 31 can hold about 200 billion suns, which gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of these objects, it is calculated that light takes to traverse the galaxy like 150000 years. is visible with binoculars in the constellation Andromeda but acquired a splendor for long exposure photography. M 31 is probably the most photographed celestial object by amateur astronomers.


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