Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lost Ontario Immunization Records

Andrès Silva was awarded again by the Uruguayan Olympic Committee

Note: Marcelo Chirico and Andres Silva. Source: Notes.

Olivo Olimpico for one of the best Afro-Uruguayan athletes so far this millennium

Event: Olympic Delivery


Dìa: 29 de marzo de 2011.

Lugar: Teatro Solis (Montevideo - Uruguay)

En el Teatro Solís se realizó la ceremonia de premiación a los mejores deportistas del año que realiza el Comité Olímpico Uruguayo, ganando el "Altar Olímpico" Diego Forlán (fútbol) y Marcelo Chirico (ecuestres) de 2010 y Andrés Silva (atletismo) en 2009.

Este año la ceremonia "Deportista del Año" tuvo la particularidad de que unió dos años en una sola premiación, por lo que fueron tres los premiados con el "Altar Olímpico" a better athlete.

Andrés Silva in 2009, for his outstanding contribution in the world championships where he finished thirteenth breaking the national record in the 400 meter hurdles, as well as being South American champion twice (400 flat and fences), while In 2010 the prize was a pair of winners, Diego Forlan and Marcelo Chirico Soccer Sports


Forlan, was rewarded for his superb performance in the World Cup where Uruguay was fourth, one of the scorers in the tournament and winning the "Golden Boot" for best player of the tournament.

Chirico For its part, made history in equestrian sports at the Olympic level, winning the gold medal at the Youth Olympics in Singapore, first gold medal in an individual sport in history. He also won many international competitions, finishing the year as champion South American Young Riders (juveniles). All these awards were presented by the President, José Mujica, accompanied by Minister of Tourism and Sports, Hector Lescano and the Uruguayan Olympic Committee president, Julio Cesar Maglione.

Awards List 2010

Discipline - Best Athlete-Technical input

Athletics - Andrés Silva - Andrés Barrios

Basketball - Esteban Batista - Federico Camina

Bowls - Marcelo Exposito

Canoeing - Florence Pandolfi, Celia Ruete - Mauricio Quiroz

Cycling - Richard Mascarañas - Diver Ferrari

Equestrian - Marcelo Chirico - Beatriz Balparda

Fencing - Yesica Lopez - Franco De Caria

Soccer - Diego Forlan - Oscar Tabarez

Futsal - Sebastian Eguren - Carlos Ibarra

Gymnastics - Deborah Reis - Arman Mkrtchyan

Handball - Jussara Castro - Daniela Mata

Field Hockey - Andrés Vázquez - Gonzalo Ferrer

Judo - Paul Azzi Almeida - Almeida César

Karate - Maximiliano Larrosa - Fabio Balsa

Lev. Power - Hebert Sena - Leonardo Cuartas

Fight - Daniel Uthurburu - Rex Febus

Swimming - Martin Melconian - Javier Golovchenko

Skate and hockey - Deboracht Mourglia - Gustavo Delgado

Ball - Gaston Dufau - Eduardo Luzardo

Weights - Alex Alayan - Guillermo Lorenzo

Remo - R. Collazo and E. Dumestre - Ruben Scarpati

Taekwondo - Mayko Votta - Daniel Lee Kim

Tennis - Pablo Cuevas - Enrique Pérez

Table tennis - Matthew Weitzner - Ricardo Dogliotti

Shooting - Caesar --- Domínguez

Archery - Maurice Gervasoni - Ramiro Diez

Triathlon - Juan Lauro - Santiago Moyano

Volleyball - Fabiana Gómez - Juan Olave

Yachting - Nicholas Gonzalez - Tomas Lopez

Source: ACSUN, Lic Javier Diaz. La Republica, Notes.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Samples Of Debut Prayer

tomato and cheese quiche tart

Whole Kitchen,  en su propuesta salada para el mes de Marzo, nos invita a prepara un clásico de la gastronomía francesa , quiche.
Bueno pues ya puedo decir que he echo mi propia pasta quebrada, y como su nombre indica me ha dado más de un quebradero de cabeza, jajaja no había manera de extenderla y moldearla, al final fui forrando como pude el molde de silicona con trocitos de masa y mis propias manos, a alguien le ha pasado tb? Es así? Bueno lo importante es el resultado final, estaba muy rica aunque la próxima vez haré la base mucho más fina, me salió un poquito gorda and do not quite finished.


-250 g -125 g flour lard
-a pinch of salt -1 egg

-2 tablespoons very cold water. -2 Large fresh tomatoes

several cheeses -250 g yogurt
-2 -1

-eggs-salt grated cheese and oregano


Place all dough ingredients in the glass Thermomix and schedule of 15 seconds, speed 4.
will be a sort of lumpy, put into a bag and knead it, put it in the refrigerator and let stand at least 1 hour.

Over time line the mold in which we will make the quiche, try to make a dough as thin as possible, we will put up chickpeas or dried beans and bake at 190 º for 15 seconds (this is so that the dough will not shrink )

then withdraw what you have placed and ready to fill.

Place in glass Thermomix yogurt, various cheeses (in my case were 3 pieces of cheese, half tub of cream cheese, diced cheese, etc to reach 250 g) and eggs, program 20 seconds Speed \u200b\u200b5.

Cut the tomatoes into slices and let drain on paper towels to remove excess water, salt and pepper.

will put the cream into the pan and cut up tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese and oregano and bake 30 minutes at 200 º.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Religous Face Book Status

San Marcos and more ... Chocolate Cake

Hello everybody!! I've been missing time for various reasons, but again with many recipes to keep climbing. March 7 was the birthday of our princess, Sophie turned 2 years old, and of course I was quite busy, I made two cakes, one of which I wear today. Have been failures, the big festival in Valencia, and this year we went for the first time three in the offering of flowers to the Mare de Deu dels Desamparats, the patron saint of Valencia. We were really so cute, but mostly jjjj Sofia, who passed it beautifully, dancing to the music of bands and waving at people, was GREAT. Tb I put a picture to see us.
Also I have to say that lately I have not really wanted to cook, no pq do not feel like, I have the stomach is always upset, I do not want anything getting into the kitchen, I dislike the smell and many foods I have to make a big effort to get to cook, and the reason for this is that I'm pregnant, yeah! If nothing happens by mid October, more specifically for the October 16 will be daddies again. We are very happy and excited because he was a sought-after pregnancy, all the symptoms I have, the anguish and exhaustion, but hey these things happen ... pq is curious to Sofia I had no distress or media ... each pregnancy is a world ...

Well it seems that today I woke up wanting to do things, that and that it is raining all day, this morning, I prepared a couple of things I'll post these days, and now for the cake recipe. The recipe is as he saw her on the blog of His Webosfrito s, as explained so well, I copied almost verbatim, a few wonders ... good all least fake yolk custard, I did not dare to do it with both egg and made one that I saw in MR.

Ingredients: (Site of webosfritos)

For the cake: -120 gr
sugar -4 eggs

-120 g flour
-A pinch of salt
-1 tablespoon baking royal

For the filling
-550 gr of whipped cream for fill -200
gr cream to the side cover
-2 tablespoons pure unsweetened cocoa value -200 g sugar

For the syrup
-100 gr of icing sugar -1 cup

water - ½ cup of brandy

False yolk pastry

-250 ml of water
-200 grams of sugar
-50 g sugar more
-40 g flour
-liquid vanilla
-yellow dye


1. Preheat oven to 180 ˚.
2. Place the butterfly in the blades. Add sugar and eggs. Mix 6 min. 37 ˚, vel. 3 ½.
3 Rescheduling the same time and speed without temperature.
4. Add flour, salt and yeast and put 10 seconds, vel. 2 ½. Finish wrapping the spatula. Pour into a greased 22 cm. and bake 30 minutes, heat up and down.
5. Allow to cool on a rack.
Syrup preparation
1. In a saucepan bring water and sugar. When boiling, add the brandy and leave a few minutes until reduced.
2. Make cool.

Filling preparation
1. Fit 750 gr cream for the filling and the side cover with 200 grams of sugar, and if you have, cream stabilizer.
2. Leave at 200 g for lateral coverage. Remaining cream, divided into two parts. One of them is added two tablespoons of cocoa powder and wrap it carefully with a whisk until a uniform color.
3. Keep in the refrigerator.

Preparation yolk coverage
1.Hervimos water with 200 grams of sugar and depart.
2. In another bowl, mix the other remaining 50 grams of sugar with the flour. Pour the water here before, add the vanilla essence and a pinch of yellow food coloring.
3. Boil again stirring constantly until you take a texture like custard. Let cool and we have a bud ready to use.

1. Cut the cake into three equal horizontal plates.
2. Prepare the source where we will present it.
3. Prepare four strips of aluminum foil, forming a circular crown with them, and placed under the first layer of cake, so that the excess of cream from lateral coverage fall into this role and to remove the plate presentation is perfect.
4. The first base, pour over syrup-no to not break when we serve. Then put the first layer of whipped cream. You have to spread it gently across the surface to make it perfect. I helped a pastry scraper, which is long and flat and very helpful in this task. If you have not, you will a long knife.
5. Place the second sheet on top and wet it with the syrup. Put the truffle cream.
6. Place the third layer of cake, and bathe in syrup. Keep in mind that we will gradually catching the hang of the syrup, if we put a lot, cutting is ugly, and if you put enough, the cake is a little dry. So the ideal is caught practicing. Also, when I try to serve it too cold to have it cut is nice.
7. Finally put the yolk-coverage must be very thick-
8. Thoroughly clean the sides with a spatula, and proceed to spread the remaining cream, we had reserved for the vertical wall of the cake. (I did it with a pastry bag)
9. Let cool several hours. (I do not give me time for it to cool too much and cut out a bit ugly, but it was delicious)

Hope you like!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Have A Oarty At Hooters

Photo by: Ramon Alvarez
Part of the exhibition "Your Reach"

What Doujinshi Has Both Dragon Ball And Pokemon

Francisco Gate in Toledo, Toledo 2010

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nj High School Basketball Officiating

Well I have no words .... amazing, never tasted a cake as good as this, very fluffy and chocolate go to mourn. You'd think that I am an exaggerated but they really are delicious, I saw it on the blog Bea Bea Corner (I think that certainly know what I love everything he does) and was hoping I got the cast to do so, good cast and a new furnace. My story of the oven I have not counted but was either the oven or I, I burned all the cookies, apparently the thermostat and you put it was not temperature that you put it was always full and burned everything had to be very careful and yet I had to throw something away, but it will not happen! I am delighted with my new oven and I've released over the cake is going to be my favorite from now, I can not ask for more ....


g butter -250 -375 g of white sugar -4 eggs

-350 g flour -1 teaspoon baking soda
-1 / 4 teaspoon salt
-240 ml of buttermilk (*)
-60 g of cocoa powder (used value) -150

ml of boiling water -2 teaspoons almond extract (not I put it)


Preheat oven to 170 º Grease a bundt
25 cm (do not know how much was mine) with butter or olive oil.
Sift flour, baking soda, salt and set aside.
Boil water, when it comes to a boil add the cocoa powder. Beat vigorously until a homogeneous and smooth msa, reserve to cool slightly. We
butterfly in the glass of the Thermomix and threw the butter and sugar, programmed speed 3 minutes 4.
We add the lightly beaten eggs and one by one to speed 3. Do not add the next until the previous one is fully integrated.
Then we add a third of the flour, add half the buttermilk and continue alternating ingredients, ending with flour.
now incorporate the cocoa mixture and water. Take care that all the dough is a uniform color. Finish mix well by hand.
We take this mixture into greased bundt pan that we had booked. With a spatula to make sure the dough has entered into every crevice of the mold and has no air (this can take a few blows on the kitchen bench) and smooth the surface.
Bake approximately 55-60 minutes or until when pierced with a skewer out completely clean.
Cool in pan on rack 10 minutes. After this time face down unmold and cool on a wire rack. (Bea attaches great importance to this step, simply let cool on rack indicated time another minute or one minute less pq we would break the unmold)

(*) If you do not get buttermilk, you can prepare home: 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice and whole milk to complete 250 ml. Resolve and let stand for 10 minutes. After this time you are ready to use. Will look like sour milk or yogurt too loose but it is the texture of buttermilk.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Dramamine Help With 3d

hake in almond sauce with rice

This makes hake much my mother, I love the other day I bought a fresh hake and called to give me the recipe, I thought it was more complicated and nothing is very simple and is very rich, I'd like to encourage you try it and tell me what this, okay? (And I look like my daughter lol)

Ingredients (serves 3) -7

slices of hake (can be frozen) -1 large onion

-250 ml mild fish broth (or water with half a fish broth) -2

tablespoons ground almonds -1 clove garlic-chopped fresh

-extra virgin olive oil

Preparation: We offer

AOVE heat in a saucepan and chop the onion as thin when hot oil Fry onion in it. While in a mortar chop the garlic, parsley and mix with ground almonds.

When onion is ready toss in the pan as the mortar and the broth, leave a few minutes to boil everything and blend flavors. Then we'll take the pieces hake and will move the pan gently in circles.
Allow about 5 minutes and turn it over to hake with care not to break our left another 3 / 4 minutes and put out the fire. (If you like the fish more echo let a few more minutes, at home we like in point)

serve hake and add the sauce over.

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ideas For Tiled Walk In Showers


Mira I had I wanted to make this rice, I had seen on countless occasions in many blogs, and I do not remember him, looking for something with rice and you could enjoy the little I remembered him, rice is very rich, you can eat as much cold as hot, to me, I really like more caliente.Sale enough amount so that I have food for another day at home because if anything we like and we do not care to repeat more if rice or pasta. By the way I have echo with normal rice as basmati and we had not liked it, I'll try another day with basmati.


Crispy bacon

250 gd sliced \u200b\u200bbacon
1 onion 3 carrots

50 g oil

Scrambled Eggs
3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt
50 gd
olive oil 2-3 garlic cloves
400 gd basmati rice (I got normal)
1 teaspoon salt 800 g

To make the crispy bacon put 2 or 3 sheets of paper towels on a plate and put up 4 or 5 slices of bacon. The cover with 2 or 3 sheets of paper towel and we put 4 or 5 slices, eventually covering them with paper towels.

We put the plate in the microwave for 8 min to max power. (Check it is echo, if not will a few more minutes.) Put the bacon in the bowl and chop 4 seconds, 4 speed. Remove and reserve.
To make the sauce put in the glass onion games and carrots into chunks and schedule 3 speed 5 seconds.
With spatula went down the remaining walls and lid of the jar.
Add the oil and set 7 minutes, temp Varoma vel. spoon. removed from the vessel to a large bowl and reserve.
To make scrambled eggs without washing the cup, put the eggs and salt and program 4 minutes Varoma temperature, speed 1. When time runs out programmed 5 seconds, vel.5 . Remove the cup and reserve with the carrot and onion.
To make rice without washing the glass, we incorporate the oil and garlic. Enter the basket with rice and salt and pour over the water. programmed 15 minutes, temp varoma, vel. 5. (For basmati rice that was scheduled 20 minutes)
remove the rice with a spatula 2 or 3 times during cooking.
When you finish the set time, we dump the rice on the reserved ingredients. Add the chopped bacon, mix gently and serve.
Hope you enjoy!