Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Dramamine Help With 3d

hake in almond sauce with rice

This makes hake much my mother, I love the other day I bought a fresh hake and called to give me the recipe, I thought it was more complicated and nothing is very simple and is very rich, I'd like to encourage you try it and tell me what this, okay? (And I look like my daughter lol)

Ingredients (serves 3) -7

slices of hake (can be frozen) -1 large onion

-250 ml mild fish broth (or water with half a fish broth) -2

tablespoons ground almonds -1 clove garlic-chopped fresh

-extra virgin olive oil

Preparation: We offer

AOVE heat in a saucepan and chop the onion as thin when hot oil Fry onion in it. While in a mortar chop the garlic, parsley and mix with ground almonds.

When onion is ready toss in the pan as the mortar and the broth, leave a few minutes to boil everything and blend flavors. Then we'll take the pieces hake and will move the pan gently in circles.
Allow about 5 minutes and turn it over to hake with care not to break our left another 3 / 4 minutes and put out the fire. (If you like the fish more echo let a few more minutes, at home we like in point)

serve hake and add the sauce over.

Hope you enjoy!


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