Friday, March 25, 2011

Samples Of Debut Prayer

tomato and cheese quiche tart

Whole Kitchen,  en su propuesta salada para el mes de Marzo, nos invita a prepara un clásico de la gastronomía francesa , quiche.
Bueno pues ya puedo decir que he echo mi propia pasta quebrada, y como su nombre indica me ha dado más de un quebradero de cabeza, jajaja no había manera de extenderla y moldearla, al final fui forrando como pude el molde de silicona con trocitos de masa y mis propias manos, a alguien le ha pasado tb? Es así? Bueno lo importante es el resultado final, estaba muy rica aunque la próxima vez haré la base mucho más fina, me salió un poquito gorda and do not quite finished.


-250 g -125 g flour lard
-a pinch of salt -1 egg

-2 tablespoons very cold water. -2 Large fresh tomatoes

several cheeses -250 g yogurt
-2 -1

-eggs-salt grated cheese and oregano


Place all dough ingredients in the glass Thermomix and schedule of 15 seconds, speed 4.
will be a sort of lumpy, put into a bag and knead it, put it in the refrigerator and let stand at least 1 hour.

Over time line the mold in which we will make the quiche, try to make a dough as thin as possible, we will put up chickpeas or dried beans and bake at 190 º for 15 seconds (this is so that the dough will not shrink )

then withdraw what you have placed and ready to fill.

Place in glass Thermomix yogurt, various cheeses (in my case were 3 pieces of cheese, half tub of cream cheese, diced cheese, etc to reach 250 g) and eggs, program 20 seconds Speed \u200b\u200b5.

Cut the tomatoes into slices and let drain on paper towels to remove excess water, salt and pepper.

will put the cream into the pan and cut up tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese and oregano and bake 30 minutes at 200 º.

Hope you enjoy!


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