Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ideas For Tiled Walk In Showers


Mira I had I wanted to make this rice, I had seen on countless occasions in many blogs, and I do not remember him, looking for something with rice and you could enjoy the little I remembered him, rice is very rich, you can eat as much cold as hot, to me, I really like more caliente.Sale enough amount so that I have food for another day at home because if anything we like and we do not care to repeat more if rice or pasta. By the way I have echo with normal rice as basmati and we had not liked it, I'll try another day with basmati.


Crispy bacon

250 gd sliced \u200b\u200bbacon
1 onion 3 carrots

50 g oil

Scrambled Eggs
3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt
50 gd
olive oil 2-3 garlic cloves
400 gd basmati rice (I got normal)
1 teaspoon salt 800 g

To make the crispy bacon put 2 or 3 sheets of paper towels on a plate and put up 4 or 5 slices of bacon. The cover with 2 or 3 sheets of paper towel and we put 4 or 5 slices, eventually covering them with paper towels.

We put the plate in the microwave for 8 min to max power. (Check it is echo, if not will a few more minutes.) Put the bacon in the bowl and chop 4 seconds, 4 speed. Remove and reserve.
To make the sauce put in the glass onion games and carrots into chunks and schedule 3 speed 5 seconds.
With spatula went down the remaining walls and lid of the jar.
Add the oil and set 7 minutes, temp Varoma vel. spoon. removed from the vessel to a large bowl and reserve.
To make scrambled eggs without washing the cup, put the eggs and salt and program 4 minutes Varoma temperature, speed 1. When time runs out programmed 5 seconds, vel.5 . Remove the cup and reserve with the carrot and onion.
To make rice without washing the glass, we incorporate the oil and garlic. Enter the basket with rice and salt and pour over the water. programmed 15 minutes, temp varoma, vel. 5. (For basmati rice that was scheduled 20 minutes)
remove the rice with a spatula 2 or 3 times during cooking.
When you finish the set time, we dump the rice on the reserved ingredients. Add the chopped bacon, mix gently and serve.
Hope you enjoy!


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