Monday, January 31, 2011

Is Laser Tag Still Popular

cardamom and prize! Puff pastry apple

* Edit: I just realized that the photo was start was not the recipe was one that was already published!! Where I will head please ... this really is your photo.

At home we are a lot of creams, we like all kinds and with all the vegetables, warm in winter and now is when we most want, this recipe is from the magazine Thermomix the month of December, Cardamom gives you a pinpoint of freshness that makes it different. I have echo with some variations ...


-100 gr onion quartered garlic clove

-1 -25 g of virgin olive oil
-300 gr pumpkin (peeled and chopped) -100
gr sliced \u200b\u200bcarrot
-2 cardamom seed pods
-600 g chicken or vegetable broth, salt

Preparation: Put

in the glass onion, garlic and 4 seconds set , 4 speed, add oil and program 5 minutes, Temp. Varoma and speed 1.

incorporate the squash and carrots, grind 4 seconds, speed 5.

Crush cardamom pods and add to the glass inside the black seeds, broth and salt, programmed 40 minutes, temp. Varoma, speed 1.

When finished time, wait a few minutes to lower the temperature and crushed 1 minutes at speed 6.

serve in individual bowls and garnish with parsley or a little cream.

Hope you enjoy!

also wanted to tell you that this morning I woke up and had a comment a very pleasant surprise, the blog Noelia The Guisanderas has given me a premiooo! Thank you so much Noah, do not know how happy I've done, thank you very much again for having remembered me.

I have to award the prize has 5 blog, but even though I can not try to choose many Blogs I visit and I love them all, either of its recipes, for his photographs, his way of explaining things, so I leave you here to pick it up everyone who wants, everyone you deserve this award, thanks to s everyone who visits me because I really never thought I would fill both this world. Thank you all for being there! Besossss Mil!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Watch South Park Online With Subtltles

kitchen Whole Sweet in its proposal for the month of January we invited to prepare a classic French cuisine, pastry dough.

When I saw the January proposal was sweet pastry, I felt a mixture of fear and joy, fear because I thought it was very complicated to make and work, and joy because despite fear had eager to do it, I must say I thought at first that I went, it was a disaster, but little by little kneading as he went around giving the mass was becoming better and had more hope to come out all right now after seeing the result I have to say I am very happy because for the first time, I think it has gone quite good appearance, and flavor .... I am going to say it's delicious, I have to say that a lot better than the purchased of course.

seeing the result I hope you feel encouraged to do so because it really that compensates for the final satisfaction face of difficulty involved.

I tell you a little history: The pastry is crispy of Arab origin that is made with flour, fat ( butter, lard or margarine), water and salt. It is crisp and the texture is one of its attractions, but tb is said and l pastry was created by the impressionist painter Claude Gelee, born in 1600 in Lorraine, France. In addition to painting, working for a master baker, who suggested he apply his innate artistic talent in the kitchen. Claude moved to Rome, where he began to be known as "Le Lorrain (Lorraine), in his hometown. One day at work decided to invent a special bread for her father who was ill and, indifferent to the advice of his superiors, shut a piece of butter in the pastry dough, which was then cooked. The result was a success, although the famous pastry is perfected after Claude deletion of the yeast and apply the folding technique and alternating fat mass and, for better separation of the layers of dough during baking.

Then another renowned pastry chef, Marie Antoine Carême French sets the number of folds that should lead to a proper separation of the leaves. It is also the operator of the vol-au-vent, a puff pastry filled recessed to be comfortable.

the recipe for the pastry ...
-500 g cake flour
-250 g of water at room temperature
-60 gr of melted butter
-12 gr
salt -350 grams of butter block


1. Make a well- PLASTON is as it is called the mass when we do puff-: put the flour on the worktable. Make a well in center. Put in the water hole, salt and melted butter. Incorporate inside the flour gradually to form a ball. Do not work too.

2. Make a deep cross with a knife.

3. Put the refrigerator h ½ to two hours now .

4. Remove the dough the refrigerator and spread with the roller crosswise . We will be guided to it by the cuts we've done before, leaving a little extra dough in the center. This is very important. The result will be a cross, with a bulge at the junction of the arms.

5. Use a butter block and if necessary we will give a few strokes to get is a rectangular prism-shaped bass. To this we must remove twenty minutes before the refrigerator.

6. Then wrap the butter with the arms of the cross, like a package by the tratase.Empezamos right then left, continue with the next next to us and just closing the package with the arm away from us, we now have the butter completely enclosed within the mass.

7.Golpear the package repeatedly, giving a few touches with the roller. As possible, to be extended with the roll in one direction. We must work fast. to get a rectangle.
Fold into three parts. First, the further away from us ... And then the closest. The closure is up ... until you turn 90 degrees to the right, leaving the end to our right.
8. We again extend the roll and fold as in step 7 thereby supplementing two laps . Put the box in the refrigerator 20 minutes.
9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 a second time. Allow to cool and stand again for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. This will complete four laps .

10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 a third time. Allow to cool and stand again for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Already made the necessary six laps.

11. With the roll the puff pastry will expand uniformly until a rectangular plate like the ones we sell.
here I keep it in the refrigerator up to two days after I made the puff pastry apple as follows:

-filo pastry the size you want to make the cake
-jam or applesauce (I used a jar of applesauce Hero brand)
apples, a glass
water -3 tablespoons sugar

Extend pastry sheet on baking paper and put strips of pastry around the edges, make cuts with the knife.

Put a layer of applesauce and apples on the peeled and sliced.

Place in oven preheated to 250 degrees and lower the temperature to 200 °, let bake until golden vein (in my case 25 minutes).

Then I pour a syrup with the hearts and skins of apples with water and sugar in a saucepan I let simmer for 15 minutes, finishing this time I've cast let cool slightly, then I brushed the cake to brighten.


  • Use good quality butter.
  • Meter cold mass in a hot oven. This got the dough upload, melted butter and form the sheets.
  • Cool the pastry covered with tracing paper to avoid drying out, while we are developing.
Hope you like it!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Low Bachelors Gpa High Master's Gpa


cheese tarts are one of my favorites, I love, eat well I like to try many recipes, so this will be the first of many that you I'll post the recipe for this cake for many years the record of a cook TV I do not remember who it was, we've eaten a lot of times because everyone likes a lot, is a cake that is not very sweet, not cloying at all, is very rich. The photos are not very good because I made hastily at my mother before serving the cake.


cookie -150 -90 gr gr gr -600
butter cream cheese spreads -250 grams of sugar

-4 eggs -1 teaspoon lemon juice, jam
blackberries for garnish Preparation


Spray cookie 5-10 speed 10 seconds progressive. Add butter and set speed 10 seconds 5.Se extend and tighten the cookies help us by example, with the cup, so that it covered the base, bake at medium heat for about 10 minutes.

cleaned the glass and laying the filling ingredients. Mix at speed 4, ten or fifteen seconds and pour into the mold. Bake for about an hour (depending on oven). Cool and decorate with blackberry jam in my case.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frustration Rummy Card Rules


is the third time that the triad Silva, Gil and Zuluaga meet to develop a new tri-national anthology in the field of the ninth art. His previous successes have been "Bolivar and Manuela Saenz: A Battle of Love" and "Vision of the Incas in the Ninth Art." Now present this third work "On Rails", inaugurating a new era of artistic cooperation in the Andean region.

The Argentine artist Eduardo Risso, the award winning "Eisner" by the comic book series "100 Bullets" and cartoon series "Batman Broken City" , shows two previous works anthology graphic novel tri (Peru, Ecuador and Colombia).
Pictured: Nelson Zuluaga (Colombia), Eduardo Risso (Argentina), Juan Carlos Silva (Peru), Mauricio Gil (Ecuador).


The Consulate General of Peru and Guayaquil Comic Club, invite you to the launch of the Third Tri Anthology of the Ninth Art "On Rails: The History of South American train at the Ninth Art" with the participation of Juan Carlos Silva (Peru ), Mauricio Gil (Ecuador) and Nelson Zuluaga (Colombia). The latter work discusses some chapters of what was the railroad in the three countries and the history with technological advancement.
Tuesday 25 January, 18.00 in the bookstore LIBRIMUNDI the San Marino Shopping Center.
words about the book specialist
Mag Pedro Villegas Zuluaga Gil and the authors will attend the launch.


COMIC IS THE CULTURE! Comic Club of Guayaquil

President: Vice
097361331: 097970035
Treasury: 083156888
Artistica: 085791680
Relations: 094382819
email: -

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tie Mattress To Roof Rack

Graphic Novel "RAIL" - South American Train Story in the Ninth Art.

The latest graphic novel published in October 2010 by Peruvian Consulate in Guayaquil Ecuador.
The authors of this graphic novel integration Juan Carlos Silva (Peru), Mauricio Gil (Ecuador), H. Nelson Zuluaga (Colombia).
commemorative edition of the 12 th anniversary of the Peace Accords and the 180 anniversary of the establishment of the Consulate General of Peru in Guayaquil.

COVER AND COUNTER TOP editing the graphic novel.

CAP 1 "Enrique Meiggs" by Juan Carlos Silva

This edition is made possible by Jorge A. Mag Raffo Carbajal Minister Consul General of Peru in Guayaquil.


Day 13 Dpo Where Should Cervix Be

Specifications for public auction to award the construction of a well or sink, sources close to the people in the place and dozing, plus the replacement of the fountain called Down and watering troughs and adjacent which makes the Board of Trustees of this village Menon according to the expert and competent for correct performance are as follows:

1 The auction will take place in one act to bids to the level in The Board-School Menon before the Administrative Board to fifteen hours a day May 13 this year and is awarded to the bidder that fewer check these works, which have been admitted.

2 º To take part in the auction shall deposit all bidders in the act of the auction the sum of fifteen pesetas as a guarantee of the auction, being on deposit the amount corresponding to the highest bidder, to meet the auction and by returning the other after the rally.

3 ° It will be the highest bidder to build a well or sink in the term in which it is made of earth moving, leaning on the rock alive which will pit ten feet long by two wide, with ashlar stone carving half, the height will be sixty-five and fifteen centimeters thick (at least) three sides with sloping stone wash Bujanda, if needed , which will occupy three sides of the well, ie four meters by ten or fifteen thick and fifty wide conveniently separated into four sinks, two in the north side, one to the east and another west caught with hydraulic lime and flooring the center of the slab with well caught square and the slabs with hydraulic lime, and convey water from cooking or watering, for his standards, had to fuck with Cink or other stone-coated metal for shelter with a mixture of cement, the well will be constructed with four blocks around the box, placed on the pavement and caught up with cement or hydraulic lime.

4 ° It will be the highest bidder for beginning the works to build a wall reinforcement in the northern part at the bottom of the well with the length, width and height as the ground allows, masonry with lime slurry cubijado with flagstone and follow the platform and bottom of the well, which is recognized by the administrative board before placing the stones, which cemented.

5 th highest bidder shall be the duty of the drain, and reverse inside with hydraulic lime: 1 two kitchens and troughs adjacent to the sources, 2 º la Fuente de Abajo 3 the source of up to two months to fix the source below, may freely use the communal stone.

6 The budget of the previous works are priced on the amount of two hundred eighty pesetas and each bid be reduced by one quarter.

7 The highest bidder of these works will be completed for interim delivery on September 20 this year and will be recognized by the master mason who has done the budget.

8 th Meetings of the blocks of the Well have a channel in the center of each to connect them with hydraulic lime and bonded over with leaded iron crampons.

9 The payment will be made in two equal installments, the first to finish the work and made provisional delivery, and the second in the two months that will ultimately deliver.

Menon, May 13, 1917.