Friday, January 28, 2011

Watch South Park Online With Subtltles

kitchen Whole Sweet in its proposal for the month of January we invited to prepare a classic French cuisine, pastry dough.

When I saw the January proposal was sweet pastry, I felt a mixture of fear and joy, fear because I thought it was very complicated to make and work, and joy because despite fear had eager to do it, I must say I thought at first that I went, it was a disaster, but little by little kneading as he went around giving the mass was becoming better and had more hope to come out all right now after seeing the result I have to say I am very happy because for the first time, I think it has gone quite good appearance, and flavor .... I am going to say it's delicious, I have to say that a lot better than the purchased of course.

seeing the result I hope you feel encouraged to do so because it really that compensates for the final satisfaction face of difficulty involved.

I tell you a little history: The pastry is crispy of Arab origin that is made with flour, fat ( butter, lard or margarine), water and salt. It is crisp and the texture is one of its attractions, but tb is said and l pastry was created by the impressionist painter Claude Gelee, born in 1600 in Lorraine, France. In addition to painting, working for a master baker, who suggested he apply his innate artistic talent in the kitchen. Claude moved to Rome, where he began to be known as "Le Lorrain (Lorraine), in his hometown. One day at work decided to invent a special bread for her father who was ill and, indifferent to the advice of his superiors, shut a piece of butter in the pastry dough, which was then cooked. The result was a success, although the famous pastry is perfected after Claude deletion of the yeast and apply the folding technique and alternating fat mass and, for better separation of the layers of dough during baking.

Then another renowned pastry chef, Marie Antoine CarĂªme French sets the number of folds that should lead to a proper separation of the leaves. It is also the operator of the vol-au-vent, a puff pastry filled recessed to be comfortable.

the recipe for the pastry ...
-500 g cake flour
-250 g of water at room temperature
-60 gr of melted butter
-12 gr
salt -350 grams of butter block


1. Make a well- PLASTON is as it is called the mass when we do puff-: put the flour on the worktable. Make a well in center. Put in the water hole, salt and melted butter. Incorporate inside the flour gradually to form a ball. Do not work too.

2. Make a deep cross with a knife.

3. Put the refrigerator h ½ to two hours now .

4. Remove the dough the refrigerator and spread with the roller crosswise . We will be guided to it by the cuts we've done before, leaving a little extra dough in the center. This is very important. The result will be a cross, with a bulge at the junction of the arms.

5. Use a butter block and if necessary we will give a few strokes to get is a rectangular prism-shaped bass. To this we must remove twenty minutes before the refrigerator.

6. Then wrap the butter with the arms of the cross, like a package by the tratase.Empezamos right then left, continue with the next next to us and just closing the package with the arm away from us, we now have the butter completely enclosed within the mass.

7.Golpear the package repeatedly, giving a few touches with the roller. As possible, to be extended with the roll in one direction. We must work fast. to get a rectangle.
Fold into three parts. First, the further away from us ... And then the closest. The closure is up ... until you turn 90 degrees to the right, leaving the end to our right.
8. We again extend the roll and fold as in step 7 thereby supplementing two laps . Put the box in the refrigerator 20 minutes.
9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 a second time. Allow to cool and stand again for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. This will complete four laps .

10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 a third time. Allow to cool and stand again for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Already made the necessary six laps.

11. With the roll the puff pastry will expand uniformly until a rectangular plate like the ones we sell.
here I keep it in the refrigerator up to two days after I made the puff pastry apple as follows:

-filo pastry the size you want to make the cake
-jam or applesauce (I used a jar of applesauce Hero brand)
apples, a glass
water -3 tablespoons sugar

Extend pastry sheet on baking paper and put strips of pastry around the edges, make cuts with the knife.

Put a layer of applesauce and apples on the peeled and sliced.

Place in oven preheated to 250 degrees and lower the temperature to 200 °, let bake until golden vein (in my case 25 minutes).

Then I pour a syrup with the hearts and skins of apples with water and sugar in a saucepan I let simmer for 15 minutes, finishing this time I've cast let cool slightly, then I brushed the cake to brighten.


  • Use good quality butter.
  • Meter cold mass in a hot oven. This got the dough upload, melted butter and form the sheets.
  • Cool the pastry covered with tracing paper to avoid drying out, while we are developing.
Hope you like it!!


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