Friday, January 7, 2011

Tie Mattress To Roof Rack

Graphic Novel "RAIL" - South American Train Story in the Ninth Art.

The latest graphic novel published in October 2010 by Peruvian Consulate in Guayaquil Ecuador.
The authors of this graphic novel integration Juan Carlos Silva (Peru), Mauricio Gil (Ecuador), H. Nelson Zuluaga (Colombia).
commemorative edition of the 12 th anniversary of the Peace Accords and the 180 anniversary of the establishment of the Consulate General of Peru in Guayaquil.

COVER AND COUNTER TOP editing the graphic novel.

CAP 1 "Enrique Meiggs" by Juan Carlos Silva

This edition is made possible by Jorge A. Mag Raffo Carbajal Minister Consul General of Peru in Guayaquil.



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