Thursday, April 28, 2011

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for the photographer who helped end the Apartheit

Author: Sam Nzima.

Pretoria-South Africa.

It celebrates 35 years of protest where Zolile Hector died in Soweto. June 16, 1976.

are honoring him at photogs who helped expose the brutality of apartheid in the world with an image that ended his career.

on Wednesday celebrated the Day of Freedom in South Africa, to mark the anniversary of the country's first elections.

President Jacob Zuma national honors granted to Sam Nzima, who with his camera captured an image that went round the world have joined us reminecensia of Michelangelo's Pieta. Where we see death Zolile Hector Pieterson a teenager of only 13 years old by the police after being shot on 16 June 1976 in the Soweto uprising.

Note: Mbuyisa Makhubo 18, carrying the young Hector Pieterson, walking with Hector's sister, Antoinette. Taken on June 16, 1976. Author: Sam Nzima

Nzima received the Order of Ikhamanga recognizing South Africans who excel in the arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport. Previous ganadodres were jazz legend Hugh Masekela and the novelist Alan Paton.

Nzima made manifest in an interview yesterday in which his photograph was seen around the world, "tells the story of what happened. You do not even need a title to see that something terrible has happened." Nzima

75, recalled the fury of the police prompted by the publication of the photograph, making it feared for his life. He left Johannesburg to become a businessman in a small town in eastern South Africa. Pieterson

was the first to die by gunfire from the police after it was ordered the dispersal of students by police in Soweto. The students were protesting the government order to the time of giving afrikaans. (Language of the white minority in South Africa)

killed hundreds of young people in conflict that is exacerbated in the 80 `s, he finally came to the demise of apartheid in the early 90` s.

Nzima who came to Soweto early in the morning in 1976, was intended to cover a peaceful demonstration of protest. His eyes and lens of his camera captured the image that the world was silent.

"One of them said, Afrikaans should be abolished"

Author: Sam Nzima.

"We are being fed by the crumbs of education"

The demonstrators were confronted by a white police officer who told them he would shoot if they did not disperse. Instead young people began chanting "Nkosi Sikelel 'iAfrika" (God Bless Africa)

"That song, which is the national anthem today, is then banned "Nzima said.

Nzima saw that the police started shooting, then I see a tall boy who picked up a teen who ran away. Nzima took six photos which captures the moment where he was taken to the nearest car

Author: Sam Nzima

When he worked as a photographer Nzima restrictions existed for reporting on the conflict, to avoid problems take off film of his camera and hidden in his underwear. Police later forced him to expose the film in his camera but Pierterson photos were safe

"Many people ask me why I could not help Hector Pieterson? Nzima said: "It was my duty. The journalist must do his job." My job is to take pictures. "

And this picture, made a difference.

" This picture was a revelation to the world whole "

Note: This post is a free translation of the original article.

Source: Donna Bryson (Associated Press) Yahoo News. Mr. Javier Diaz, ACSUN, Sam Nzima

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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A Black Panther remains "Live from Death Row." Postponed sentence Mumia:

Note: Mumia Abul - Jamal. Author: unknown.

On Tuesday, the appellate court of Pennsylvania (northeast) ruled that Mumia Abu-Jamal, on death row for 30 years, must have a new hearing in the next six months.

The African-American leader of the Black Panther Abu - Jamal, 57, in 1981 was sentenced to death for killing a white policeman.

Among the detractors to the death penalty case has been emblematic.

the same court issued its decision on Tuesday had suspended the death sentence of Abu-Jamal in 2008, resulting in three-year legal battle that included the intervention of the United States Supreme Court.

In its ruling the court wrote that "Abu-Jamal's conviction for first degree murder is maintained."

But the court agreed with supporters of Abu-Jamal that there were problems with the instructions given to jurors during the trial decision.

The jury said the court, seems to have been instructed that unanimity was required to consider mitigating circumstances during the trial.

prosecutors in Philadelphia have expressed their disappointment over the decision, saying in a statement Tuesday that he could file an appeal with the Supreme Court.

But John Payton, director-counsel of the Education Fund and the NAACP legal defense, organization of civil rights involved in the defense of Abu-Jamal, said the decision is a first step towards the correction of an error of long standing.

The jury said the court, seems to have been instructed that required unanimously to consider mitigating circumstances during the trial.

prosecutors in Philadelphia have expressed their disappointment over the decision, saying in a statement Tuesday that he could file an appeal with the Supreme Court.

But John Payton, director-counsel of the Education Fund and the NAACP legal defense, organization of civil rights involved in the defense of Abu-Jamal, said the decision is a first step towards the correction of an error of long standing.

"This decision is an important step forward in the fight to correct errors of an unfortunate chapter in the history of Pennsylvania, "he said.

Abu-Jamal and his supporters claim that the guilty verdict against him was predetermined, being African-American and member of the radical party left "Black Panthers" (Black Panther), which protected the rights of blacks in the 60 and 70.

Abu-Jamal is probably best known sentenced to death and a symbol of efforts international abolition of the death penalty in America.

Photogenic, articulate, during his long years of prison continued to perform his radio show "Live from Death Row" (Live from Death Row)-which was also the title of his book published in 1995 - and continues riding the waves in the U.S..

Among its supporters through the years include some of the most notorious names in the American intelligentsia, while a petition for freedom launched in January 2010 more than 33,000 signatures, including those of American linguist Noam Chomsky, former French first lady Danielle Mitterand and German literary giant Günter Grass.

In short lines I describe the case of Mumia Abu - Jamal

Before his conviction, Abu-Jamal was a journalist in Philadelphia. He began his career at the age of 14 years as chief information officer of the Philadelphia Black Panther Party. When starting the internal struggles within the movement, Mumia decided to leave. Time later became a prominent supporter of the naturist group Move and president of the Association of Black Journalists in Philadelphia. Some say that these successes reports have been exaggerated - although it has been described as a "decorated Pennsylvania journalist who has unearthed police violence and racism against minority communities," there is little evidence of this, and when the crime happened combined his freelance work with the taxi driver.

The December 9, 1981, the police officer Daniel Faulkner stopped Abu-Jamal's brother, William (Wesley) Cook near 13th and Locust streets, an area frequented by prostitutes, driving the wrong way and the lights off. Abu-Jamal stated that at that time led to his taxi near the scene, and that Faulkner was beating his brother with a flashlight (William would plead guilty to attack Faulkner.) In the fight that followed, both Mumia and Faulkner were shot. Faulkner was shot in the back and face and died instantly. Abu-Jamal in the chest. The police claim that Abu-Jamal shot Faulkner, while the defense argues that Faulkner was shot from behind by a third man who fled the scene. Abu-Jamal was arrested at 4 am with a gun registered in his name on the side.

On July 3, 1982, Abu-Jamal was convicted of Faulkner's murder and sentenced to death. In addition to traditional legal defense, Abu-Jamal played many political issues during the trial, and repeatedly asked the court to allow the leader of Move, John Africa, to represent him.

Mumia has 30 years on Death Row, and personalities such as Noam Chomsky, Danielle Gunter Grass Mitterand and call for their freedom.

Source: AFP, The Guardian, Nigeria, Montevideocomm, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz.

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The Afro-descendants in the Census (part)

Note: advertising picture of the Census 2011 in Uruguay. Source: INE.

After the video that we post on yesterday on the census in Costa Rica, for our readers conoscan the reasons include in vital statistics, specifically the variable ethnicity / reasons, we extract this small article:

Marisa Buchelli and Wanda Cabella, the same as found inside the Thematic Report: National Survey Larger homes. demographic and socioeconomic profile of the pobalaciòn according to racial descent "(INE 2006)

The growing importance of ethnic and racial identification of the population in statistical systems. Marisa Buchelli and Wanda Cabella.

The identification of ethnic or racial group of persons has become particularly relevant in national statistical systems in the late twentieth century. While some countries collect this information in their formal instruments of population data collection from very long, the vast majority have only recently incorporated this variable. those countries such as Brazil, USA and Canada, in which racial and ethnic diversity is a structural component of society, questions designed to classify the population according these features were included very early in the census and other instruments large scale. In the first two countries, the use of this information is systematic in the diagnosis socio-economic and, in fact, the variable of race or skin color is the main indicator of social stratification.

In Latin America, the rise of groups claim different ethnic identities and promoting policies of inclusion of indigenous minorities for decades 1980 and 1990, resulted in the consolidation of citizenship regimes multicultural in many countries. Sixteen Latin American countries amended their constitutions in order to legally recognize shaping multicultural states. The main achievements of this process were the recognition of collective rights of indigenous diverse communities, the official languages \u200b\u200band the guarantee of bilingual education and in some cases the right to collective ownership of land. More generally, it was possible formalize the recognition of cultural differences based on ethnicity (Hooker 2006; Bello 2005).

In line with this new reality, racial and ethnic disparities became a central concern in international fora. In the past two decades, various UN summits included the issue of inequality and discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities and in 2001 the UN organized in Durban (South Africa) " World Conference Against Racism , racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance "specifically designed to address this problem. Furthermore, overcoming racial disparities was included in the principles of the Millennium Declaration.

addition, the IDB and the World Bank, among other agencies international cooperation and funding, played a decisive role since the beginning of the decade of 1990 in promoting research and formulation of policies to combat ethnic and racial inequality (Torres 2001)

One consequence of this new emphasis on overcoming racial inequality was increasing demand information regarding the number, location geographical and social characteristics and economic of racial and ethnic minorities. This resulted in the inclusion of questions designed to gather information on the ethnic and / or racial population in most censuses and household surveys in the region.

round of censuses in the 1980's five Latin-American countries excluding Caribbean, incorporated into the census form one or more questions designed to identify the indigenous population or African descent.

In the 2000 round of censuses, the number of countries that investigated the attachment ethnic or racial reached 12 (Schkolnick 2005).


Hooker, J. 2006. "Exclusion INCLUSAO indigenous and afro-descendents two na America Latina." Tempo
Social da USP Papers
18 (2) :89-111.

Torres, C. 2001. "Ethnicity and Health. Another approach to achieve equity." Pp 7-51 in
Equity in health from the perspective of ethnicity
, published by PAHO. OPS.

Schkolnick, S.yDel Popolo, F. 2005. "The census and indigenous peoples in Latin America: a regional approach." Notes
31 (79) :101-132.

bibliographic Bonus for our readers:

Rudolf, S., Maresca, I. and others 2005. "The addition of the variable ethnicity / race on vital statistics in Uruguay.". World Health Organization. Montevideo.

Source: ACSUN. Mr. Javier Diaz INE

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How To Delete A Season Recording

African descent in Costa Rica 2011 Census

Author: Costa Rican Women's Center.

A few months after the 2011 Population Census in Uruguay, for all and all our readers two videos let you observe the comments on the census in Costa Rica and the need to relieve the variable ethnicity / race.

In previous postings Census put the impact in Argentina.

The inclusion of variable ethnicity / race is the work of African-American civil society organized in America, a product of collective effort.

Soon we'll post the second part of this report

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, Costarisenses Women's Center.

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Criolla del Prado 2011: We continue with the campaign "Do not rifes"

Note: ACSUN author.

We thank our readers for expressing their affection for the entire week to visit the booth in Hall Indian ACSUN Afrodescents of the 86 th edition of the Criolla del Prado (Montevideo - Uruguay).

Do you wonder the why of this campaign?

Every year we make the campaign "Do not rifes."

For those unable to attend the poster Le Post this year.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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in Whole Kitchen Dulce its proposal for April Bavarois invites us to prepare.

This dessert is rich, thought it was much more laborious and not at all, it is very fast and the result is worth it, I hope you probeis.


g condensed milk -130 -200
g of whipping cream -2
eggs (separate yolks and whites) -4

gelatin sheets of chocolate fondant -150 g

tablespoons milk Preparation: We

hydrate the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water for five minutes. Drain. Whip the cream

Butterfly cold to 3 1 / 2.

Book Beat the egg whites with the butterfly to 3 1 / 2 until stiff. Book.

Heat the milk in the microwave, when very hot, dilute the gelatin in it, stirring briskly with a spoon.

Melt the chocolate in the micro (small batches of time to avoid burning) and mix with the dissolved gelatin into the milk.

The Thermomix cup, mix condensed milk with two egg yolks, 10 seconds, 4 speed, add the warm chocolate and stir again to mix well. Let cool slightly. Carefully

in a bowl, mix the chocolate with cream with cream and egg whites, with smooth using a whole language of silicone.

Pour in large bowl or several individual and left in the fridge, better overnight.

Hope you like!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Monday, April 18, 2011

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Focaccia Chocolate cherry tomatoes with garlic and thyme

Whole Kitchen, in its proposal Salada for the month of April we invited to make Focaccia.

The focaccia is a kind of flat bread topped with herbs and other foodstuffs.
This is a very traditional dish in Italian cuisine closely related to the popular pizza. The basic recipe for this preparation is believed to derive from the ancient Etruscans or ancient Greeks, however it is considered as a famous delicacy of the cuisine of Liguria, called fugàssa in Liguria.
The local specialty called fugàssa co-o formaggio or in Ligurian focaccia with in Italian formaggio (cheese) is made frequently in Recco, localidad cercana a Génova y no constituye una variante de la fugassa (focaccia) por no contener levadura.

Poner a macerar tres ajos machacados y tomillo en medio vaso de aceite. Tiene que estar macerando al menos un par de horas antes de empezar con la preparación.
Masa madre:
-100 g de agua
-175 g de harina de fuerza
-5 g de levadura fresca
-1cucharadita de azúcar

Mass pan: -260 g
-20 g of fresh yeast
macerated oil -50 g
-450 g flour (may be more)
-10 g of salt, Maldon salt

We put in the glass all the dough ingredients, programmed 10 seconds, vel . 5. with it form a ball and pass the ball to a bowl with warm water, the ball will sink. In about 15 minutes will surface fermented and ready to use.

Without washing the glass, add water and oil dough, oil the cup will be spent helping a sieve, to avoid falling garlic and thyme.

We schedule 1 minute, 37 °, vel. 2.
Add the yeast, 10 seconds, vel. 3 .
Add the flour and salt, programmed 15 seconds, speed 6. add the fermented dough ball, we schedule 3 minutes, closed cup, vel. spike. We look for the jar if we need more flour throwing the go, though is a tad sticky, nothing happens. We let
increase its volume until it exits the nozzle.

take it off and knead on well floured board, just enough to remove the air. Flour a baking sheet and put plenty more inside, (let it sit for ten minutes to relax and we will not shrink to stretch) Shaping the tray by hand or with a roller. No matter how perfect he is a rustic bread. Pour the oil macerate on the ground (remove garlic before but not thyme).
now sinking the fingers of both hands into the mass to penetrate the oil is to be boring all bread with your fingers from top to bottom and place the cherry tomatoes halved.
this time
Let stand 45 minutes, uncovered.

When dough is ready preheat the oven to 240-250 ° and put the dough inside. Leave about 15 minutes and bring back. Return to take over some extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Maldon salt flakes. Cool slightly and ready to eat!

Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Make Tilt On A Helmet

April 11 the National Day Charrua and Indigenous Identity unknown

Note: poster in memory of those fallen in Salsipuedes. Author. Mr. Javier Diaz.

To all our readers and readers leave a posting that has no waste with all the programming for this day.

Date: April 11.

Celebration: Day of the Indian Nation and Identity Charrua.

15 HOURS: Ceremony at the Monument to the latest in the Prado Charruas (Montevideo)

This traditional event organized ADENCH continuously since 1990, is a necessary exercise of memory so do not forget the genocide of Chopi Village. Program: Part Speaking: Reading

accessions of various organizations and personalities of our country and neighboring communities.

List of events which are commemorated. Report

achievements and actions to take in pursuit of their own demands of our movement.

will be found a plaque in recognition of the contribution of Native Peoples by the Bicentennial Commission and the MEC.

We must emphasize that achievement is a historical fact of the social organizations that reclaiming a common past and indigenous descent in Uruguay.

Floral tribute: the gift will be deposited in the institution and those attending the event deposited a flower. Part art, poetry reading, recitation, and implementation of indigenous and folk songs.

17 HOURS: Cultural event in the Plaza Cagancha (Montevideo)

This is a day of reflection in memory of women and men who died in Salsipuedes. The Afro-Uruguayan homeneja surrender to the owners of this land who fought for their freedom side by side with our children.



Reading accessions from various organizations and personalities of our country and neighboring communities.

Reading proclaims representative of all the co-convenor.

Participation of guest artists:

Arazá Duo, Los del Yerbal, Iya Commune, Basquadé Inchalá, Grupo Choñik (presentando el CD "Choñik una Voz en la Tierra"), Oscar Massita y Pocho Peralta.

Se proyectarán imágenes acompañando a los grupos artísticos y el video "Os últimos Charrúas" recientemente galardonado como mejor documental en Brasil con el Premio "Tatú de oro".

19 horas en la Direcciòn de Cultura del MEC.


At 180 years of Salsipuedes in our hands, and in writing, evidence of genocide and ethnocide happened in these lands in the early nineteenth century, in this new book by researcher Eduardo Picerno, published by the National Library.

Related Link: .

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Does Justin Bieber Live In California

Stories Bicentennial: contemporary slavery in Uruguay

Note: Author of Anitisana video. Date: August 2010.

This edition was prepared for display in a class of FHCE Anthropology in Montevideo.
A shorter version that only includes the recitation of "El Moreno" was broadcast on December 3, 2007, the local cable channel of the rough Caraguatá and screened at the Cathedral San Fructuoso in Tacuarembo.

In this video I found surfing the net, authorship of a university student whose pseudonym is Anitisana teaches us Mr. Anibal Marquez .
"when searching memory of slavery, in Tacuarembo, Uruguay. Aníbal yes I'd heard about the slaves. Not met any but through their stories we can infer - although he himself did not establishing the relationship, which left social consequences slave labor in the Uruguayan, especially in the treatment of black laborers who were discriminated against not only in their workplace but in society in which they lived " .

The protagonist of the video in addition to being a person who suffered the regime of slavery, has the gift of minstrel and delight with his rhymes.

At the time of the bicentennial of Uruguay is part of the story of a young nation many often ashamed and hide all people.

Source: Mr. Javier Diaz, ACSUN

Plyomerics Online Workout

Continuing workshops to the National Plan Against Racism and Discrimination against Racism

participated in the process towards a National Plan against Racism and Discrimination

Consultation workshops: public knowledge

Third Workshop April 9: Discrimination by Ethnicity and Religion

Date: Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time: 13:30 to 20:30 hours

Held Tacuarembó Departmental Board, street 132 between May 25 and Herrera Luis Batlle, Tacuarembó.

for more information about her process and participation in various workshops call the following e - mail:

Related Link For further information regarding the plan: racismoprimer.html

Source: MEC, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is There Any Calories In Chapstick

Facebook profiles (Montevideo - Uruguay)

This posting will present another case of racism and discrimination, this time not on a public but through a social networking site.

Note: In the image Lilian Flores victims of racial discrimination on the Internet. Facebook cap cover Against Racism in bases Latest News picture. Author. Mr. Javier Diaz.

This new victims as in the case presented by Luciana Sampaio do not let it go and had the courage to denounce.

We stand from this medium with one of our readers, Ms. Lilian Flores repudiating the fact.

See related link:

Some characteristics of the victim:

Name: Lilian Flores.


ethnic identity: African descent.

Mother of a teenager

Occupation: Health Ministry official Area Public Sexual and Reproductive .

independent activist in:

I) Human Rights.

II) promote activities affirmative to people of African descent.

III) Sexual and reproductive health.

IV) Agent Community.

V) In association with ACSUN on numerous occasions, campaigns, events, etc.

lives in the neighborhood Jacinto Vera (Montevideo - Uruguay)

On 2 April Mrs Lilian Flores, before the Police messages have been violent, offensive and racist in his Facebook wall. From a site full of phrases fascists. These are some of the messages that the victim received at noon on Sunday in his profile of the social network Facebook: "Andate to reput ... mother who gave birth, black sh ... turd, "said the letter signed by" Chili Peppered " , publicly admitted to the wall at 11.29 that day. Reported the daily Ultimas Noticias (Montevideo - Uruguay) to file a complaint nate the direction of cyber-crime Police Headquarters Monetvideo to know the origin of messages Facebook profile

We remind our readers that law is in force in Uruguay in relation to discrimination and racism.

* Note: we quote the same law in the case of Sampaio but always worth remembering.

Law No. 17,677 replaced Article 149 bis of the Penal Code punishing that

"publicly or by any means suitable for public broadcast incites to hatred, contempt, or any form of moral or physical violence against one or more individuals because of their skin color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender identity will punished by three to eighteen months in prison. " then states that "Everyone who commits acts of moral or physical violence, hatred or contempt against one or more individuals because of their skin color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or sexual identity, shall be punished with six to twenty four months in prison. "
Latest News Express to Ms. Flores:
"I'm surprised that a person has that aggressiveness in the expression, by virtue of working for years the issue of violence, I know that behind such an expression is a violent person " " Read it affected me much, because they treat you as less of a person. It is a cycle of violence and hatred towards someone who is totally different to the message, "

"We'll wait for something to happen to say that intolerance exists in Uruguay?" He asked. Lilian Emphasises the continuing violence experienced by Afro-Uruguayans in different fields:

phrases you hear in the building where he lives in the neighborhood Jacinto Vera: "Blacks do not fit" making allusion to problems faced by their skin color.

Discrimination in Public Administration:

When Flores attended the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to make a complaint at work, there's attended an official who "wanted to put it was a maid in the above form and tell me you're going to provide a lawyer, being that I had with me, but being black, not associated as such." "It's not to mourn, I have is anger and pressure from society, which seems so tolerant, it is very strong. No one does anything about it, the State did not, we face a new administration where blacks are not being covered " accused Flores. "I am proud to be black, descended from the survivors of slavery. The first vote for a woman in this country is a Black 90 years and that's not known " he said. The "Favorite Quotes" from "Chili Peppered" When the page of "Chili Peppered" opens, there are "events" considered "favorites" by the author of demeaning message to Flores. These are a few: * "The only good that can pass through the head of a lefty, is a bullet." * "Zurdete is the exact word that defines the mixture of lefty turd." * "Imperialism is the foundation of life of all people who tend to expand economically and spiritually." (Benito Mussolini). * "Urban Legend has it that in the trunk of a green came at least five reds." * "Against the sickle and hammer, tighten the trigger. "*" Leftist is anyone who wants to share what does not belong "(Nicolás Márquez).

From here we invite you to join our network where convicted together with this blog to these events Facebook racism in racism.

You just need to click on the banner to the right of the blog

Source: Latest News ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, Nigeria.

Friday, April 1, 2011

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April 4. Memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

... from school and even before

From dawn, when he

I was a blade of sleep and crying

Since then, I said my name

My watchword to talk

With stars ...

Your name, your name ...

(a piece of poem Last)


born on January 15, 1929, son of the Rev. Martin King and his wife, Alberta, in Atlanta.

In 1953 he married Coretta Scott and the following year accepted his first appointment as pastor in Baptist churches Dexter Avenue, Montgomery.

In 1955 he received a doctorate in philosophy. Rosa Parks and her challenge to the ordinance regulating segregation in municipal transportation.

Following the successful results of the boycott and encouraged by prominent Southern Baptist minister assumes a larger role in the struggle for black civil rights in the Summit Conference of the Southern Christian runs the '60 years and moved to Atlanta. V No Objection iolenta: started seedlings, where young people also White participated in peaceful protests against segregation and discrimination. This movement spread to different parts of South and North of U.S. libraries, beaches, hotels were the targets of the demonstrators.

The result is already known, the beginning of the end of segregation. Voter registration in more than one million blacks in about 12 southern states. Thus the main political parties began strong positions in favor of justice and racial equality. Blacks supported the John F. Pte Kennedy. The struggle of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) sent to the South black and white activists "The Freedom Riders "and tested the segregation laws and practices, of course there were also waiting radical segregationists. MLK Jr. was arrested during the marches, and is famous letter from Birmingham Jail.

The August 28, 1963 in the march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial before more than 250,000 people read "I HAD A DREAM"

APRIL 4, 1968 killed by bullets stock falls the Champion of Civil Rights Struggle of Blacks in the United States, Martin Luther King Jr . And many other activists, Du Bois, Malcolm X, Carrmaichel, social movements, the Black Panthers, Angela Davis, et, etc, etc, and not so anonymous voices of the whole world imas to aberrant act like it is the DISCRININACIÓN Y RACIAL SEGREGATION

ACSUN was not ignorant on the other hand was always in the opposite as it should be an institution today the mother of the institutions People of African Descent Montevideo gráficc leave here a document of one of the many tributes to the struggle for DISCRININACION FIGHTING IS A FIGHT TO DEATH FOR LIFE

Note: Article José Enrique Díaz written on the occasion of the inauguration of the street Martin Luther King, published in Bahia de Hulan Yack. (Montevideo, August 1994)

Note: photo of the opening of Martin Luther King Street at the time of the speech of Mr. Manuel Villa Almeida, president of Friends Africa and editor of the Journal Hulan Bay Yack.

Saturday August 26, 1994, opening of the street Martin Luther King Jr. Park Villa Biarritz in Montevideo Uruguay

Author: José Enrique Díaz

Sources: March Notebooks, Bahia Revista Hulan Jack, Cultural Information Service of the United States