Friday, April 1, 2011

How Much Does A Wedding In Pakistan Cost

April 4. Memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

... from school and even before

From dawn, when he

I was a blade of sleep and crying

Since then, I said my name

My watchword to talk

With stars ...

Your name, your name ...

(a piece of poem Last)


born on January 15, 1929, son of the Rev. Martin King and his wife, Alberta, in Atlanta.

In 1953 he married Coretta Scott and the following year accepted his first appointment as pastor in Baptist churches Dexter Avenue, Montgomery.

In 1955 he received a doctorate in philosophy. Rosa Parks and her challenge to the ordinance regulating segregation in municipal transportation.

Following the successful results of the boycott and encouraged by prominent Southern Baptist minister assumes a larger role in the struggle for black civil rights in the Summit Conference of the Southern Christian runs the '60 years and moved to Atlanta. V No Objection iolenta: started seedlings, where young people also White participated in peaceful protests against segregation and discrimination. This movement spread to different parts of South and North of U.S. libraries, beaches, hotels were the targets of the demonstrators.

The result is already known, the beginning of the end of segregation. Voter registration in more than one million blacks in about 12 southern states. Thus the main political parties began strong positions in favor of justice and racial equality. Blacks supported the John F. Pte Kennedy. The struggle of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) sent to the South black and white activists "The Freedom Riders "and tested the segregation laws and practices, of course there were also waiting radical segregationists. MLK Jr. was arrested during the marches, and is famous letter from Birmingham Jail.

The August 28, 1963 in the march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial before more than 250,000 people read "I HAD A DREAM"

APRIL 4, 1968 killed by bullets stock falls the Champion of Civil Rights Struggle of Blacks in the United States, Martin Luther King Jr . And many other activists, Du Bois, Malcolm X, Carrmaichel, social movements, the Black Panthers, Angela Davis, et, etc, etc, and not so anonymous voices of the whole world imas to aberrant act like it is the DISCRININACIÓN Y RACIAL SEGREGATION

ACSUN was not ignorant on the other hand was always in the opposite as it should be an institution today the mother of the institutions People of African Descent Montevideo gráficc leave here a document of one of the many tributes to the struggle for DISCRININACION FIGHTING IS A FIGHT TO DEATH FOR LIFE

Note: Article José Enrique Díaz written on the occasion of the inauguration of the street Martin Luther King, published in Bahia de Hulan Yack. (Montevideo, August 1994)

Note: photo of the opening of Martin Luther King Street at the time of the speech of Mr. Manuel Villa Almeida, president of Friends Africa and editor of the Journal Hulan Bay Yack.

Saturday August 26, 1994, opening of the street Martin Luther King Jr. Park Villa Biarritz in Montevideo Uruguay

Author: José Enrique Díaz

Sources: March Notebooks, Bahia Revista Hulan Jack, Cultural Information Service of the United States


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