Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shaky Lines On Bamboo Fun

The Afro-descendants in the Census (part)

Note: advertising picture of the Census 2011 in Uruguay. Source: INE.

After the video that we post on yesterday on the census in Costa Rica, for our readers conoscan the reasons include in vital statistics, specifically the variable ethnicity / reasons, we extract this small article:

Marisa Buchelli and Wanda Cabella, the same as found inside the Thematic Report: National Survey Larger homes. demographic and socioeconomic profile of the pobalaciĆ²n according to racial descent "(INE 2006)

The growing importance of ethnic and racial identification of the population in statistical systems. Marisa Buchelli and Wanda Cabella.

The identification of ethnic or racial group of persons has become particularly relevant in national statistical systems in the late twentieth century. While some countries collect this information in their formal instruments of population data collection from very long, the vast majority have only recently incorporated this variable. those countries such as Brazil, USA and Canada, in which racial and ethnic diversity is a structural component of society, questions designed to classify the population according these features were included very early in the census and other instruments large scale. In the first two countries, the use of this information is systematic in the diagnosis socio-economic and, in fact, the variable of race or skin color is the main indicator of social stratification.

In Latin America, the rise of groups claim different ethnic identities and promoting policies of inclusion of indigenous minorities for decades 1980 and 1990, resulted in the consolidation of citizenship regimes multicultural in many countries. Sixteen Latin American countries amended their constitutions in order to legally recognize shaping multicultural states. The main achievements of this process were the recognition of collective rights of indigenous diverse communities, the official languages \u200b\u200band the guarantee of bilingual education and in some cases the right to collective ownership of land. More generally, it was possible formalize the recognition of cultural differences based on ethnicity (Hooker 2006; Bello 2005).

In line with this new reality, racial and ethnic disparities became a central concern in international fora. In the past two decades, various UN summits included the issue of inequality and discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities and in 2001 the UN organized in Durban (South Africa) " World Conference Against Racism , racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance "specifically designed to address this problem. Furthermore, overcoming racial disparities was included in the principles of the Millennium Declaration.

addition, the IDB and the World Bank, among other agencies international cooperation and funding, played a decisive role since the beginning of the decade of 1990 in promoting research and formulation of policies to combat ethnic and racial inequality (Torres 2001)

One consequence of this new emphasis on overcoming racial inequality was increasing demand information regarding the number, location geographical and social characteristics and economic of racial and ethnic minorities. This resulted in the inclusion of questions designed to gather information on the ethnic and / or racial population in most censuses and household surveys in the region.

round of censuses in the 1980's five Latin-American countries excluding Caribbean, incorporated into the census form one or more questions designed to identify the indigenous population or African descent.

In the 2000 round of censuses, the number of countries that investigated the attachment ethnic or racial reached 12 (Schkolnick 2005).


Hooker, J. 2006. "Exclusion INCLUSAO indigenous and afro-descendents two na America Latina." Tempo
Social da USP Papers
18 (2) :89-111.

Torres, C. 2001. "Ethnicity and Health. Another approach to achieve equity." Pp 7-51 in
Equity in health from the perspective of ethnicity
, published by PAHO. OPS.

Schkolnick, S.yDel Popolo, F. 2005. "The census and indigenous peoples in Latin America: a regional approach." Notes
31 (79) :101-132.

bibliographic Bonus for our readers:

Rudolf, S., Maresca, I. and others 2005. "The addition of the variable ethnicity / race on vital statistics in Uruguay.". World Health Organization. Montevideo.

Source: ACSUN. Mr. Javier Diaz INE


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