Monday, April 25, 2011

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in Whole Kitchen Dulce its proposal for April Bavarois invites us to prepare.

This dessert is rich, thought it was much more laborious and not at all, it is very fast and the result is worth it, I hope you probeis.


g condensed milk -130 -200
g of whipping cream -2
eggs (separate yolks and whites) -4

gelatin sheets of chocolate fondant -150 g

tablespoons milk Preparation: We

hydrate the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water for five minutes. Drain. Whip the cream

Butterfly cold to 3 1 / 2.

Book Beat the egg whites with the butterfly to 3 1 / 2 until stiff. Book.

Heat the milk in the microwave, when very hot, dilute the gelatin in it, stirring briskly with a spoon.

Melt the chocolate in the micro (small batches of time to avoid burning) and mix with the dissolved gelatin into the milk.

The Thermomix cup, mix condensed milk with two egg yolks, 10 seconds, 4 speed, add the warm chocolate and stir again to mix well. Let cool slightly. Carefully

in a bowl, mix the chocolate with cream with cream and egg whites, with smooth using a whole language of silicone.

Pour in large bowl or several individual and left in the fridge, better overnight.

Hope you like!


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