Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Does Justin Bieber Live In California

Stories Bicentennial: contemporary slavery in Uruguay

Note: Author of Anitisana video. Date: August 2010.

This edition was prepared for display in a class of FHCE Anthropology in Montevideo.
A shorter version that only includes the recitation of "El Moreno" was broadcast on December 3, 2007, the local cable channel of the rough Caraguatá and screened at the Cathedral San Fructuoso in Tacuarembo.

In this video I found surfing the net, authorship of a university student whose pseudonym is Anitisana teaches us Mr. Anibal Marquez .
"when searching memory of slavery, in Tacuarembo, Uruguay. Aníbal yes I'd heard about the slaves. Not met any but through their stories we can infer - although he himself did not establishing the relationship, which left social consequences slave labor in the Uruguayan, especially in the treatment of black laborers who were discriminated against not only in their workplace but in society in which they lived " .

The protagonist of the video in addition to being a person who suffered the regime of slavery, has the gift of minstrel and delight with his rhymes.

At the time of the bicentennial of Uruguay is part of the story of a young nation many often ashamed and hide all people.

Source: Mr. Javier Diaz, ACSUN


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