Monday, April 4, 2011

Is There Any Calories In Chapstick

Facebook profiles (Montevideo - Uruguay)

This posting will present another case of racism and discrimination, this time not on a public but through a social networking site.

Note: In the image Lilian Flores victims of racial discrimination on the Internet. Facebook cap cover Against Racism in bases Latest News picture. Author. Mr. Javier Diaz.

This new victims as in the case presented by Luciana Sampaio do not let it go and had the courage to denounce.

We stand from this medium with one of our readers, Ms. Lilian Flores repudiating the fact.

See related link:

Some characteristics of the victim:

Name: Lilian Flores.


ethnic identity: African descent.

Mother of a teenager

Occupation: Health Ministry official Area Public Sexual and Reproductive .

independent activist in:

I) Human Rights.

II) promote activities affirmative to people of African descent.

III) Sexual and reproductive health.

IV) Agent Community.

V) In association with ACSUN on numerous occasions, campaigns, events, etc.

lives in the neighborhood Jacinto Vera (Montevideo - Uruguay)

On 2 April Mrs Lilian Flores, before the Police messages have been violent, offensive and racist in his Facebook wall. From a site full of phrases fascists. These are some of the messages that the victim received at noon on Sunday in his profile of the social network Facebook: "Andate to reput ... mother who gave birth, black sh ... turd, "said the letter signed by" Chili Peppered " , publicly admitted to the wall at 11.29 that day. Reported the daily Ultimas Noticias (Montevideo - Uruguay) to file a complaint nate the direction of cyber-crime Police Headquarters Monetvideo to know the origin of messages Facebook profile

We remind our readers that law is in force in Uruguay in relation to discrimination and racism.

* Note: we quote the same law in the case of Sampaio but always worth remembering.

Law No. 17,677 replaced Article 149 bis of the Penal Code punishing that

"publicly or by any means suitable for public broadcast incites to hatred, contempt, or any form of moral or physical violence against one or more individuals because of their skin color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender identity will punished by three to eighteen months in prison. " then states that "Everyone who commits acts of moral or physical violence, hatred or contempt against one or more individuals because of their skin color, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or sexual identity, shall be punished with six to twenty four months in prison. "
Latest News Express to Ms. Flores:
"I'm surprised that a person has that aggressiveness in the expression, by virtue of working for years the issue of violence, I know that behind such an expression is a violent person " " Read it affected me much, because they treat you as less of a person. It is a cycle of violence and hatred towards someone who is totally different to the message, "

"We'll wait for something to happen to say that intolerance exists in Uruguay?" He asked. Lilian Emphasises the continuing violence experienced by Afro-Uruguayans in different fields:

phrases you hear in the building where he lives in the neighborhood Jacinto Vera: "Blacks do not fit" making allusion to problems faced by their skin color.

Discrimination in Public Administration:

When Flores attended the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to make a complaint at work, there's attended an official who "wanted to put it was a maid in the above form and tell me you're going to provide a lawyer, being that I had with me, but being black, not associated as such." "It's not to mourn, I have is anger and pressure from society, which seems so tolerant, it is very strong. No one does anything about it, the State did not, we face a new administration where blacks are not being covered " accused Flores. "I am proud to be black, descended from the survivors of slavery. The first vote for a woman in this country is a Black 90 years and that's not known " he said. The "Favorite Quotes" from "Chili Peppered" When the page of "Chili Peppered" opens, there are "events" considered "favorites" by the author of demeaning message to Flores. These are a few: * "The only good that can pass through the head of a lefty, is a bullet." * "Zurdete is the exact word that defines the mixture of lefty turd." * "Imperialism is the foundation of life of all people who tend to expand economically and spiritually." (Benito Mussolini). * "Urban Legend has it that in the trunk of a green came at least five reds." * "Against the sickle and hammer, tighten the trigger. "*" Leftist is anyone who wants to share what does not belong "(Nicolás Márquez).

From here we invite you to join our network where convicted together with this blog to these events Facebook racism in racism.

You just need to click on the banner to the right of the blog

Source: Latest News ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, Nigeria.


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