Monday, April 18, 2011

Wireless Netopia Ter Gusb2 N Driver

Focaccia Chocolate cherry tomatoes with garlic and thyme

Whole Kitchen, in its proposal Salada for the month of April we invited to make Focaccia.

The focaccia is a kind of flat bread topped with herbs and other foodstuffs.
This is a very traditional dish in Italian cuisine closely related to the popular pizza. The basic recipe for this preparation is believed to derive from the ancient Etruscans or ancient Greeks, however it is considered as a famous delicacy of the cuisine of Liguria, called fugàssa in Liguria.
The local specialty called fugàssa co-o formaggio or in Ligurian focaccia with in Italian formaggio (cheese) is made frequently in Recco, localidad cercana a Génova y no constituye una variante de la fugassa (focaccia) por no contener levadura.

Poner a macerar tres ajos machacados y tomillo en medio vaso de aceite. Tiene que estar macerando al menos un par de horas antes de empezar con la preparación.
Masa madre:
-100 g de agua
-175 g de harina de fuerza
-5 g de levadura fresca
-1cucharadita de azúcar

Mass pan: -260 g
-20 g of fresh yeast
macerated oil -50 g
-450 g flour (may be more)
-10 g of salt, Maldon salt

We put in the glass all the dough ingredients, programmed 10 seconds, vel . 5. with it form a ball and pass the ball to a bowl with warm water, the ball will sink. In about 15 minutes will surface fermented and ready to use.

Without washing the glass, add water and oil dough, oil the cup will be spent helping a sieve, to avoid falling garlic and thyme.

We schedule 1 minute, 37 °, vel. 2.
Add the yeast, 10 seconds, vel. 3 .
Add the flour and salt, programmed 15 seconds, speed 6. add the fermented dough ball, we schedule 3 minutes, closed cup, vel. spike. We look for the jar if we need more flour throwing the go, though is a tad sticky, nothing happens. We let
increase its volume until it exits the nozzle.

take it off and knead on well floured board, just enough to remove the air. Flour a baking sheet and put plenty more inside, (let it sit for ten minutes to relax and we will not shrink to stretch) Shaping the tray by hand or with a roller. No matter how perfect he is a rustic bread. Pour the oil macerate on the ground (remove garlic before but not thyme).
now sinking the fingers of both hands into the mass to penetrate the oil is to be boring all bread with your fingers from top to bottom and place the cherry tomatoes halved.
this time
Let stand 45 minutes, uncovered.

When dough is ready preheat the oven to 240-250 ° and put the dough inside. Leave about 15 minutes and bring back. Return to take over some extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Maldon salt flakes. Cool slightly and ready to eat!

Hope you enjoy!


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