Monday, February 28, 2011

Impetigo Or Herpes On Nose

Pancake with cream, nuts and sweet caramel puff braid

Whole Kitchen in its proposal of February Dulce invites us to prepare a classic French cuisine, Crêpe.

Who does not like pancakes? Is so rich and so easy to do ... In addition you can do with what you like ...


-250 g of cake flour milk
-500 g

-2 eggs -1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of

-whipped salt


Pour all ingredients into the bowl of the Thermomix and schedule 20 seconds, speed 4.

Without thermomix done likewise putting all the ingredients in the bowl of mixer and beat for a few seconds until blended.

let rest at least half an hour before using. We

a nonstick skillet to heat and when hot add a little oil and scrub with a paper towel, pour the dough with a scoop and tilt the pan on all sides so that the mass is distributed throughout the pan .

mass has no shine and begin to form bubbles in the dough we turn to crépe and leave it to do for that side. We pour in a bowl and fill it with ingredients that we like, in this case cream, nuts and candy.

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Herpes And Kidney Dialysis

in the freezer had a plate of homemade pastry and wanted to make this braid that had seen many times on the internet and I tried on a class of Thermomix , supports all types of ingredients and is very rich.

Ingredients: -1

pastry sheet -2 -2 Tablespoons apple raisin
hydrated in water

-25 -2 g butter cubes tablespoons almond
-50 g
-chocolate chips and cinnamon sugar -1 egg painting


Preheat oven to 200 º
Peel and cut apples in cubes, put them in a dish with two tablespoons of sugar and butter. We put in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes at full power. We took and let drain.

Mix in a bowl of apples, raisins and almonds.

extend the puff pastry, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon in the center and we roll over to fix them. We put
filling in the center and put up good chocolate chips spread. Using a knife or a cortapizzas make diagonal cuts almost to the landfill.
climbed two points lids over filling, then we connect the straps had cut, one from the right and left, above the filling and so on until finished.
then brushed with egg and put sugar over previously moistened. We put in preheated oven until the braid is golden brown.

Hope I like it!

Monday, February 21, 2011

800x600 Vs 1024x768 Projector Resolution

long ago had yet to make these burgers and never took the time, I finally decided to do it and we liked a lot, if you like fresh salmon is a different way of eating, I saw the recipe to Ana Maria's blog between Olivos Cooking is a blog with a step by step that I love. I have done some modification more to our taste, and is a repeat prescription insurance.

Ingredients (Makes 4 burgers) -1

salmon fillet approx. 500 gr. (In my case frozen)
-100 gr leek (white part only) -100 g

onion -1 tablespoon of bread crumbs and salt and pepper


Clean the fish and look if they have thorns. The good thing is that it comes frozen fish without bones. We remove the skin and finely chop the knife.

Chop the leek and onion finely and mix into the bowl with salmon. We add the breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and mix well.

To make the shape of the burger have helped me a completely level and round bowl of these to use for custards, line yourself with a piece of paper film, put a spoonful of the mixture and squashed a bit to shape with a spoon.
We put a satin-fire and hot when we pour the hamburger, no need to oil the salmon released as their own. We left a few minutes and give back.
Leaving a few minutes and serve.

Hope you like!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sample Donation Request Letter For Individual

Salmon Burger Fresh pasta de la Vera paprika peppers sauteed with

Whole Kitchen in its proposal of February Salada invites us to prepare a classic Italian cuisine, Pasta Fresca.

I really wanted to make homemade pasta at home we love in every way, and I imagined that home would be a delight and I was right ... is not good, is very good! And the fact that it costs nothing, and that I miss that I fully manual, if you have the little machine and has to be express! The most difficult course is spread the paste very thin, but with patience and fuerzaaa jjj is achieved and the result is really delicious, I encourage you to try.

Ingredients: (2 persons)

-200 g flour -2 eggs -1 teaspoon paprika
vera-medium red pepper
to-medium diced green pepper diced

-salt-water 1l
-extra virgin olive oil Preparation


Mix the flour, eggs and paprika. It can be done manually, I saw a video of Jamie Oliver in which mixed with the blender and food processor so I did. Stir for a few minutes until she was well blended. I do not put all the flour at first in case it was very dry, but then put it because he needed.
We took the container and make a dough ball with your mixer for a few minutes and let rest for 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts, a reserve and the other is going to extend it to roll, you have to work hard pq quite a bit, but we are gradually becoming more thin.

When we totally stretched, fold it into three parts.

With a very sharp knife along the cut it into strips about an inch.

already have it ready for cooking ...
coceremos Now in 1 liter of boiling salted water for about 7 minutes, this will depend the thickness of the cooked pasta and what we like. In a pan fry the chopped pepper and, when ready add to the pan the cooked pasta and serve jump a few seconds .... take advantage!

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tattoo Outline On White

Panache of vegetables and eggs

-50 g extra virgin olive oil
-150 grams of frozen green beans-medium
unpeeled zucchini diced
-100 g brussels sprouts
-1 small can mushrooms
gr frozen spinach -150 -150 gr

frozen cauliflower-salt and pepper -2 eggs


We place the butterfly in blades and pour oil into the cup, we schedule 6 minutes, temperature and speed Varoma 2.

We add all the vegetables and salt and program 22 minutes Varoma temperature, turn left, speed spoon.

As we prepare the eggs, brush a piece of transparent film with oil, place it inside the beaker or of cups, threw the egg, season and close the bag with a knot. The reserve in the system tray and will varoma your site, when they are 3 minutes to complete.

Once out of time to serve the vegetables and place the egg on top.

Hope you enjoy!

I want to show my second award Stylis aword blogger, this time has given me the beautiful Mar del blog Mar recipes, thank you very much heart! I leave you here to bring forth what you could not choose between all the blogs I follow, all you deserve it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Smoking Weed Help Or Worsen Pleuresy

traditional sayings (III) Construction of laundry

- bell lap, chorizo \u200b\u200bto the pot.
- When the week is of lice, for nothing will change his shirt.
- When the week is lice, do not comb.
- From San Pedro to San Miguel, or Rosario or female.
- has become as caparra in pastor's ass.
- I do not do communion with millstones.
- When the roll reaches the peak of the Hangman, 3 days before the wet floor.
- February short is better than others.
- Adios February, you're gone and I'm staying.
- Ceacico again three days in the ark and house after house.
- Leap Year, the year naughty.
- As is the donkey puts the saddle.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Doing A Cover Letter For A Car Dealership

poached Award!

The other day I had a comment in which I asked or blog Roci A little Rocio (sure you know but if not pass and there, I love) that pass through his blog that he had a little something to give me, I was very happy when I saw that I granted the award ...., for me is an honor to remember me when giving an award, very glad I picked it up and here we show it.

rules for receiving this award is that I have to tell 7 things about me and then pass it on to 15 blogs. Well here goes.

1 - I am very home and family, the family is above all, I have my parents and my sisters very, very close because I would not go far from them when I independicé.Mi "husband" (we're not married) and I are together for 10 years and 5 living together, we have a 22-month daughter named Sophia is our treasure.

2 - I love reading, and I love buying books, lately I'm buying more cookbooks, but we're going to come a day I do not know where I will put both book at home. Lately I read a lot of Mary Higgins Clark, and now I have at hand The Relic (The idol lost). I love Isabel Allende, Paulo Cohelo, Matilde Asensi, Arturo Perez Reverte, Gabriel Garcia Marquez ... we variadito ... haha

3 - I love playing sports whenever I can go to the gym, but you have not because I started a strict diet to lose weight that allowed you to do strenuous exercise, so I try to walk every day one hour minimum. When I usually do step.

4 - Friendship is very important to me, I have very good friends, and try to get together very often, now some are already mom like me, yet always where we take time to do so. On Thursday we met for dinner at a bar where they did monologues and we had a great, long since I laughed so much.

5 - I am administrator, I stayed out of work pregnant with Sophia, the truth that was the best time for that to happen, shut the company where he worked for 11 years (happy crisis), so now I am dedicated to entirely my two loves, for now I will continue to be a housewife because we hope to expand the family very soon. I am also delighted to be able to raise my daughter and enjoy it every hour of the day, although it is sometimes very exhausting.

6 - I love to travel, we did before the birth of Sophia far but after the truth that we have stopped, now that is old enough we do it again. The best trip we have done, for me certainly has been Egypt, I hope that all conflicts resolved soon pq there is a great place to travel, we came away fascinated. Our next trip to Europe I think it will, I'm looking a little something ....

7 - I never thought I would fill both the blog, I really do at the time when I created and wrote my first entry thought I probably would not last long, and I'm super happy with the result, with all the good people I know in this world and I expected to know. This week I've been a bit off and therefore I have not visited your kitchen but I promise to do right now, nice to meet you TOD @ S. The

giving it to 15 blogs, uff! is so difficult, all you still love me so I leave it here for yourselves cogais all who pass by here as you deserve.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Do I Unblock The Games On My Computer

cake chocolate cookies and pumpkin cream

This afternoon came to spend the evening home with your kids two girls and I thought about doing something to snack, I have finally decided on the biscuits and chocolate cake is very quick to make and is even richer, I echo at a time after eating and when we have eaten what was already cold and well. It's super fluffy morsels displayed makes it a delight, really is the best cupcakes I've tried for their fluffiness.

Ingredients: -1

curl cookie fondant chocolate -150 g g butter
squishy -100 -100 grams of sugar

-3 -2 eggs heaped teaspoons of baking powder.


Preheat oven to 180 º.

Chop the chocolate into the cup 4 or 5 seconds at speed 5, remove and reserve. Crush cookies

about 15 seconds at speed until they are progressively 07/05/1910 You put powder, then add the remaining ingredients (Minus the chocolate) and stir speed 7, to see it all integrated.

Add the reserved chocolate and mix with a spatula. Helping

a language we silicone mold the mixture into a greased or lined with parchment paper and bake for approx. 20 minutes (depending on oven).

not recommend a large cast to go out chubby.

Hope you like!