Friday, February 18, 2011

Sample Donation Request Letter For Individual

Salmon Burger Fresh pasta de la Vera paprika peppers sauteed with

Whole Kitchen in its proposal of February Salada invites us to prepare a classic Italian cuisine, Pasta Fresca.

I really wanted to make homemade pasta at home we love in every way, and I imagined that home would be a delight and I was right ... is not good, is very good! And the fact that it costs nothing, and that I miss that I fully manual, if you have the little machine and has to be express! The most difficult course is spread the paste very thin, but with patience and fuerzaaa jjj is achieved and the result is really delicious, I encourage you to try.

Ingredients: (2 persons)

-200 g flour -2 eggs -1 teaspoon paprika
vera-medium red pepper
to-medium diced green pepper diced

-salt-water 1l
-extra virgin olive oil Preparation


Mix the flour, eggs and paprika. It can be done manually, I saw a video of Jamie Oliver in which mixed with the blender and food processor so I did. Stir for a few minutes until she was well blended. I do not put all the flour at first in case it was very dry, but then put it because he needed.
We took the container and make a dough ball with your mixer for a few minutes and let rest for 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts, a reserve and the other is going to extend it to roll, you have to work hard pq quite a bit, but we are gradually becoming more thin.

When we totally stretched, fold it into three parts.

With a very sharp knife along the cut it into strips about an inch.

already have it ready for cooking ...
coceremos Now in 1 liter of boiling salted water for about 7 minutes, this will depend the thickness of the cooked pasta and what we like. In a pan fry the chopped pepper and, when ready add to the pan the cooked pasta and serve jump a few seconds .... take advantage!

Hope you enjoy!


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