Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tattoo Outline On White

Panache of vegetables and eggs

-50 g extra virgin olive oil
-150 grams of frozen green beans-medium
unpeeled zucchini diced
-100 g brussels sprouts
-1 small can mushrooms
gr frozen spinach -150 -150 gr

frozen cauliflower-salt and pepper -2 eggs


We place the butterfly in blades and pour oil into the cup, we schedule 6 minutes, temperature and speed Varoma 2.

We add all the vegetables and salt and program 22 minutes Varoma temperature, turn left, speed spoon.

As we prepare the eggs, brush a piece of transparent film with oil, place it inside the beaker or of cups, threw the egg, season and close the bag with a knot. The reserve in the system tray and will varoma your site, when they are 3 minutes to complete.

Once out of time to serve the vegetables and place the egg on top.

Hope you enjoy!

I want to show my second award Stylis aword blogger, this time has given me the beautiful Mar del blog Mar recipes, thank you very much heart! I leave you here to bring forth what you could not choose between all the blogs I follow, all you deserve it!


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