Monday, February 7, 2011

Smoking Weed Help Or Worsen Pleuresy

traditional sayings (III) Construction of laundry

- bell lap, chorizo \u200b\u200bto the pot.
- When the week is of lice, for nothing will change his shirt.
- When the week is lice, do not comb.
- From San Pedro to San Miguel, or Rosario or female.
- has become as caparra in pastor's ass.
- I do not do communion with millstones.
- When the roll reaches the peak of the Hangman, 3 days before the wet floor.
- February short is better than others.
- Adios February, you're gone and I'm staying.
- Ceacico again three days in the ark and house after house.
- Leap Year, the year naughty.
- As is the donkey puts the saddle.


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