Monday, February 21, 2011

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long ago had yet to make these burgers and never took the time, I finally decided to do it and we liked a lot, if you like fresh salmon is a different way of eating, I saw the recipe to Ana Maria's blog between Olivos Cooking is a blog with a step by step that I love. I have done some modification more to our taste, and is a repeat prescription insurance.

Ingredients (Makes 4 burgers) -1

salmon fillet approx. 500 gr. (In my case frozen)
-100 gr leek (white part only) -100 g

onion -1 tablespoon of bread crumbs and salt and pepper


Clean the fish and look if they have thorns. The good thing is that it comes frozen fish without bones. We remove the skin and finely chop the knife.

Chop the leek and onion finely and mix into the bowl with salmon. We add the breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and mix well.

To make the shape of the burger have helped me a completely level and round bowl of these to use for custards, line yourself with a piece of paper film, put a spoonful of the mixture and squashed a bit to shape with a spoon.
We put a satin-fire and hot when we pour the hamburger, no need to oil the salmon released as their own. We left a few minutes and give back.
Leaving a few minutes and serve.

Hope you like!


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