Sunday, February 6, 2011

Doing A Cover Letter For A Car Dealership

poached Award!

The other day I had a comment in which I asked or blog Roci A little Rocio (sure you know but if not pass and there, I love) that pass through his blog that he had a little something to give me, I was very happy when I saw that I granted the award ...., for me is an honor to remember me when giving an award, very glad I picked it up and here we show it.

rules for receiving this award is that I have to tell 7 things about me and then pass it on to 15 blogs. Well here goes.

1 - I am very home and family, the family is above all, I have my parents and my sisters very, very close because I would not go far from them when I independicé.Mi "husband" (we're not married) and I are together for 10 years and 5 living together, we have a 22-month daughter named Sophia is our treasure.

2 - I love reading, and I love buying books, lately I'm buying more cookbooks, but we're going to come a day I do not know where I will put both book at home. Lately I read a lot of Mary Higgins Clark, and now I have at hand The Relic (The idol lost). I love Isabel Allende, Paulo Cohelo, Matilde Asensi, Arturo Perez Reverte, Gabriel Garcia Marquez ... we variadito ... haha

3 - I love playing sports whenever I can go to the gym, but you have not because I started a strict diet to lose weight that allowed you to do strenuous exercise, so I try to walk every day one hour minimum. When I usually do step.

4 - Friendship is very important to me, I have very good friends, and try to get together very often, now some are already mom like me, yet always where we take time to do so. On Thursday we met for dinner at a bar where they did monologues and we had a great, long since I laughed so much.

5 - I am administrator, I stayed out of work pregnant with Sophia, the truth that was the best time for that to happen, shut the company where he worked for 11 years (happy crisis), so now I am dedicated to entirely my two loves, for now I will continue to be a housewife because we hope to expand the family very soon. I am also delighted to be able to raise my daughter and enjoy it every hour of the day, although it is sometimes very exhausting.

6 - I love to travel, we did before the birth of Sophia far but after the truth that we have stopped, now that is old enough we do it again. The best trip we have done, for me certainly has been Egypt, I hope that all conflicts resolved soon pq there is a great place to travel, we came away fascinated. Our next trip to Europe I think it will, I'm looking a little something ....

7 - I never thought I would fill both the blog, I really do at the time when I created and wrote my first entry thought I probably would not last long, and I'm super happy with the result, with all the good people I know in this world and I expected to know. This week I've been a bit off and therefore I have not visited your kitchen but I promise to do right now, nice to meet you TOD @ S. The

giving it to 15 blogs, uff! is so difficult, all you still love me so I leave it here for yourselves cogais all who pass by here as you deserve.


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