Wednesday, May 25, 2011

16 Month Old Baby With Yellow Feet

Cherry and plum clafoutis

Whole Kitchen Dulce Propueta in the month of May invites us to prepare a classic French cuisine, Clafoutis.

I really wanted to make this dessert, thanks to Whole Kitchen offers us challenges more interesting month, I have decided to do it, what good is this that gives you the push to do things that otherwise the same or attempt to is a simple dessert to make and I liked it, especially with the fruit mixture, I encourage you to try.


-500 g of cherries (I mix of cherries and plums)
-100 g powdered sugar
g flour -3 eggs -1 pinch of salt

-300 ml of milk-sugar to powdered


Wash cherries and remove the stalks. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with half the sugar.

Stir to distribute the sugar and let stand at least 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees and butter a pie plate or porcelain pan fire resistant 24 cm in diameter or single formats, according to present whichever you prefer.
Sift the flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and powdered sugar remaining reserve.
Beat eggs to tortillas, add to the mixture and mix well. Finally'll add milk and mix well again.
Place cherries in the pan or mold and pour the above preparation.
Cook 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool and sprinkle with icing sugar.
Serve cold in the mold.

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sample Cogat Test Online Free

No more words will leave three videos of Abdias do Nascimento

know if you have not left you two videos for you meet with your own words the discourse of Abdias do Nascimento.

Abdias Speech in the Senate of Brazil on November 20, 1997, in time towards a semblance of Zumbi

Source: youtube, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz

Finance Older Eagle Bus

Month fatilico to the Black Movement, Abdias do Nascimento died

Rio de Janeiro, May 24, 2011.

receive this information from our colleague Prof. Luis Ferreira, correspondents in Brazil.

Note: at the request of the Portuguese-speaking readers and in memory of Abdias will leave this post in an easily understood Portuguez

Author de la Reseña: Vanesa Days

died this Tuesday morning, 24 in Rio de Janeiro, the writer Abdias do Nascimento. Poet, politician, artist, journalist, actor and theater director, was a courageous activist Abdias denounce racism and the defense of the citizenship of African descent around the world. Brazil and the Diaspora today lost one of its greatest leaders. The family still does not know when is the funeral. At 97 years, the Brazilian Franca, passed due to complications that led to hospitalization in the last month. Elisa Larkin leaves a wife, son and a legion of followers, inspired by its history of courage and dedication to human rights.

Abdias do Nascimento

Born in Franca, São Paulo, March 14, 1914.

Professor Emeritus, State University of New York, Buffalo (Professor Proprietor from 1971 to 1981, he founded the chair of African Culture in New World Studies Center in Puerto Ricans).

Artist, writer, poet, playwright.


Bachelor of Economics, University of Rio de Janeiro, 1938.
postgraduate Diploma, Higher Institute of Brazilian Studies (ISEB), 1957.
Postgraduate Diploma in Marine Studies, University Catolica do Rio de Janeiro / Ministry of the Navy, 1967.
Doctor Honoris Causa, State University of Rio de Janeiro, 1993.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2000.

office and Executive has

Federal Deputy (1983-86).
Secretary of State, Government of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Special Defense and Promotion of Afro-Brazilian Populations (SEAFRO) (1991-1994).
Senator (1991-99). Alternate Senator Darcy Ribeiro, took the Senate seat representing the Rio de Janeiro by PDT in two periods: 1991-1992 and 1997-99.
Secretary of State for Human Rights and Citizenship, the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, 1999. Coordinator of the Human Rights Council, 1999-2000.

Activities & Accomplishments Main

1930-1936. enlists in the army and the capital of Sao Paulo part of the Frente Negra Brasileira. Participates in the Revolutions of 1930 and 1932, as a soldier. Combating racial discrimination in shops in São Paulo.
1936. Switch to Rio de Janeiro in order to continue his studies in economics, started in Sao Paulo.
1937. Protesting against the dictatorship of the Estado Novo, was arrested and convicted of the National Security Court and is serving a sentence in the Penitentiary of Frei Mug.
1938. organizes together with a group of black militants in Campinas, SP, Congress African Campineiro, with the aim of discussing and organizing forms of resistance to racial discrimination.
1938. Diploma from the Faculty of Economics, University of Rio de Janeiro.
1940. Member of the Santa Hermandad Orchid, a group of poets Argentines and Brazilians, travels with them throughout South America in Lima, Peru, makes a series of lectures at the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos (School of Economics). Watching the play The Emperor Jones by Eugene O'Neill, starring a white actor, Hugo D'Evieri, paperback black. From the reflections caused by this fact, plans to create the theater of Brazilian Blacks returning to their country. In Argentina, where he lived for over a year, participates in a theatrical motion in order to better conceptualize the idea of \u200b\u200bBlack Theatre.
1941. Returning to Brazil, was arrested at Carandiru Penitentiary, convicted in absentia for having resisted the racist attacks in 1936. He founded the Theatre of Sentenced, organizing a group of prisoners who write, direct and interpret drama.
1943. Leaving prison, demand in Sao Paulo to support the creation Theatre of the Negro. Not finding acceptance from the intellectuals like the writer Mário de Andrade, and other changes to the Rio de Janeiro.
1944. Funda, with the support of a group of black intellectuals and sections of the city, the Rio Negro Experimental Theatre (TEN). UNE's headquarters, held the first courses in literacy, drama and general training for participants in the entity.
1945. Directs TEN in his debut at the Municipal Theatre with the play The Emperor Jones, starring the brilliant black actor Aguinaldo Camargo on May 8, the day the Allied victory in World War II. Thence on, until 1968, TEN has prominent presence in the Brazilian cultural scene and theatrical.
1945. With a group of militants founded the Afro-Brazilian Democratic Committee, which is fighting for amnesty for political prisoners.
1945-46. Organizes the National Convention of the Negro (the first session by performing in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in the second), which proposes that the National Constituent Assembly to include a constitutional provision defining racial discrimination as a crime against our homeland. The initiative, presented to the National Constituent Assembly by Senator Hamilton Nogueira, is not approved.
1946. participates in the foundation of the Brazilian Labor Party (PTB) in Rio de Janeiro.
1948. Funda, along with Sebastiao Rodrigues Alves and other PTB, the black movement of the PTB.
1949. organizes, in collaboration with the sociologist and ethnologist Ramos Carneiro Edison National Conference of Black, preparation of the 1st Congress of Brazilian Blacks.
1949-1951. Funda Quilombo and directs the paper, divulging of Ten.
1950. Performs in Rio de Janeiro the 1st Congress of Brazilian Blacks, organized by TEN.
1955. Performs Arts Contest on the theme of the Black Christ, the controversial event which deserved the condemnation of catholic and support of Bishop Dom Helder Camara.
1957. is formed in the first class of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (ISEB). Premieres his play, Sortilégio: Black Mystery, at the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
1968. founded the Museum of African Art, which holds its inaugural exhibition at the Museum of Image and Sound of Rio de Janeiro. You are the target of several investigations Police-Military and is forced to leave the country. Invited by the Fairfield Foundation, begins a series of lectures in the United States.
1968-69. During a semester, serves as Visiting Lecturer at Yale University, School of Dramatic Arts. Began as an artist, painting canvases that convey the values \u200b\u200bof african-Brazilian religious culture and the human rights struggle of African peoples worldwide. (See list below shows).
1969-70. Invited by the Center for the Humanities at Wesleyan University (Middletown, Conn.), participates in one year, with intellectuals such as Norman Mailer, Norman O. Brown, John Cage, Buckminster Fuller, Leslie Fiedler, and others, the seminar Humanity in Revolt.
1970. is invited to establish the chair of African Cultures in the New World, the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo, as an associate professor in the holder next year, and stays there until 1981.
1973. Participates in the Planning Conference of the 6th Pan African Congress in Kingston, Jamaica.
1974. Participates in the Sixth Pan-African Congress, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as the sole representative of Latin America.
1976-77. Invited by the University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, spends a year as Visiting Professor in the Department of African Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures.
1976. participate, upon invitation of the writer Wole Soyinka, the World Seminar for African Alternatives, a meeting that founded the Union of African Writers in Dakar.
1977. participates as an observer, chased by the official delegation of the scheme Brazilian military, the Second World Festival of Arts and Cultures and African Blacks, held in Lagos. Denounces, in their Conference, the situation of racist discrimination experienced by blacks in Brazil. In Europe and the United States participates in the foundation, from exile, the new PTB (later the Democratic Labor Party - PDT).
1977. Participates as a delegate and chairman of the working group, the First Congress of Black Culture in the Americas, held in Cali, Colombia.
1978. Participates in Sao Paulo's public act of founding and organizational meetings of the Black Movement Unified against Racism and Racial Discrimination. Participates in international meeting in Brazil The Brazilian exiles threshold of the Decade of the Eighties, in Stockholm, Sweden.
1979. the invitation of the Parliamentary Black Block (Congressional Black Caucus) of the U.S. Congress, and the Postal Workers Union, gives lecture at the headquarters of the House of Representatives in Washington, DC
1980. Participates as a special delegate of the Second Congress of Black Culture of the Americas, held in Panama, and is elected by the full General Coordinator of the Third Congress. In Brazil, launches the book The Quilombo and helps to create the Memorial Zumbi, national organization dedicated to recovery, to benefit the community african-Brazilian and African world, the lands of the Republic of Palmares in the Serra da Barriga, Alagoas.
1981. Foundation Research Institute and Afro-Brazilian Studies (IPEAFRO) at PUC-SP. Integrates the national executive of the PDT and founded the Secretariat of the Black Movement of PDT, in Rio de Janeiro and national level. Participates in the international coordination of the project Kindred Spirits exhibition of arts african American.
1982. Organization and is elected to preside over the Third Congress of Culture Black in the Americas, held in the premises of PUC-SP with representatives from across the African world except the Pacific.
1983. assumed the chair of Congressman, elected deputy by the PDT-RJ. It is the first african american deputy to exercise the mandate to defend human and civil rights of african american people. At the invitation of the UN, participating in the Regional Symposium of Latin America in Support of People's Struggle of Namibia for their independence in San Jose, Costa Rica. Visit the former headquarters of the UNIA Marcus Garvey in Limón. Also travels to Nicaragua, taking part in the National Assembly and meeting people of African descent in Bluefields, eastern coast of the country. In Washington, DC, participates in the seminar International Dimensions: The Reality of an Interdependent World, at the invitation of the Parliamentary Bloc Negro (Black Congressional Caucus), at the headquarters of the National Congress of the United States.
1984. Creates together with a group of black intellectuals and activists, the Afro-Brazilian Foundation for Art, Education and Culture (FUNAFRO), integrating the IPEAFRO, the Experimental Theater of the Black Diaspora magazine, and the Museum of African Art.
1985. the invitation of the UN, participating in the World Symposium on Action in support of the people of Namibia for their independence, in New York. Participating again in the international meeting sponsored by the parliamentary bloc of Black America: the International Conference on the Status of Peoples of the Third World, at the headquarters of the U.S. Congress in Washington, DC Integrating Brazilian official delegation, visiting Israel at the invitation of their government.
1987. Participates as a delegate of honor, the International Conference on Negritude and African Cultures in the Americas, Florida International University, Miami. Member of the Board of Contributors of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.
1987-88. integrates the International Steering Committee, Pan African Festival of Arts and Culture, Dakar, Senegal. Participates in the international leadership of Gorée Memorial, an organization dedicated to the project of building a memorial to enslaved Africans in the Senegalese island that served as an entrepôt of the slave trade. Integrates the international leadership of the Institute of Black Peoples, an international organization promoted with the support of UNESCO by the Government of Burkina Faso and other African and Caribbean countries.
1988. Delivers the inaugural conference of the International Conference Series Annual WEB DuBois in Accra, the Republic of Ghana, sponsored by the Center for Pan-African WEB DuBois, and visit the country at the invitation of the government. Participates in the National Commission for the Centenary of the Abolition of Slavery. Held a solo exhibition entitled Orishas: Living Gods of Africa, at the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Palace Capanema.
1989. As a consultant to UNESCO on cultural matters, spends a month in Angola. He was elected President of the Memorial Zumbi and serves on the Board of Trustees of the Palmares Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Culture. Is appointed as the representative of the City Council Taxpayers of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Secretariat Municipal Finance.
1990. the invitation of SWAPO (the national liberation movement turned political party elected to the nation's first government), participates in the ceremony of Namibian independence and the possession of government Sam Nujoma in Windhoek.
1990-91. For a year serves as Visiting Professor, Department of African-American Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia. Accompanies Darcy Ribeiro de Andrade and Doutel PDT on plaque to the Senate, was elected alternate senator.
1991. assumed the portfolio of Secretary of State for Defence and Promotion of Afro-Brazilian Populations (SEAFRO) in Government of Rio de Janeiro. At the invitation of the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa, is part of its 48th National Conference headed by Nelson Mandela in Durban. Appointed member of the Culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
1991-92. assumed the Senate seat. Integrates the presidential entourage on a visit to Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Participates in the First International Congress on Human Rights in the African World, sponsored by the nongovernmental organization AFRIC and held in Toronto, Canada.
1993-94. Resumes Extraordinary Secretariat for Defence and Promotion of Afro-Brazilian populations.
1995. Participates in the activities of the Tercentenary of Zumbi dos Palmares, in many states and municipalities in Brazil and the United States. Throw the book Orishas: Living Gods of Africa, with reproductions of his paintings, and text about culture african-Brazilian experience, and critical texts by various authors (African Americans, Caribbean, and Brazil) on their work of art. It is Patron of the Continental Congress of Black Peoples of the Americas, held in the Latin American Parliament in Sao Paulo to celebrate the Tercentenary of Immortality of Zumbi dos Palmares, November 20, 1995.
1996. Receives Mayor of St. Paul the title of Citizen Paulistano.
1997. permanently assumed the office of Senator. Receives Honorable Mention Award of Human Rights granted by the Commission on Human Rights of OAB-SP. Performs painting exhibition at the Black Hall of Congress.
1998. participates with a commentary on Article 4 of the Declaration Human Rights on the occasion of this cincoentenário UN document in 1998, included in the volume edited and published by the Federal Council of OAB. Other items were discussed by personalities such as Rabbi Henry Sobel, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Evandro Lins e Silva, Dalmo de Abreu Dallari, Joao Luiz Duboc Pinaud, and others. Performs painting exhibition (28 screens) in Debret Gallery in Paris.
1999. assumed, as a titular founder, the Department of Human Rights and Citizenship of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro. It is honored by the city of Salvador in five African personalities of the world: Malcolm X, Abdias Nascimento, Martin Luther King, Patrice Lumumba, Samora Machel.
2000. extinguished the Secretary of State for Human Rights, the interim chair the Human Rights Council and re-dedicate themselves to activities as a writer and painter. Receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Federal University of Bahia.
2001. is bestowed by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, global reference center that integrates the system of public libraries in the city of New York, with the African Heritage Prize to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the foundation of that institution. The selection committee was made up of winners by former New York mayor, David N. Dinkins, the poet Maya Angelou, singer Harry Belafonte, actor Bill Cosby, the director of the publishing house Présence Africaine Yandé Christian Mme Diop, Professor Henry Louis Gates at Harvard University, the choreographer Judith Jamison, the filmmaker Spike Lee and Dean of University of the West Indies Rex Nettleford. The other five personalities honored with the award at a ceremony held at UN headquarters were the Senegalese intellectual and former UNESCO director M. Amadou Mahktar M'Bow, choreographer and anthropologist Katherine Dunham, a civil rights activist and founder of the Organization of Black Women of the United States Dorothy Height, the photographer Gordon Parks, photographer and musician and Billy Taylor.
Invited by the National Forum of Black Entities, makes the opening speech at the 2nd Plenary of Black Entities Towards the 3rd World Conference Against Racism, Rio de Janeiro, May 11, 2001.
is awarded the Citizenship Award in 2001, the Community Bah'ai of Brazil awarded in Salvador in June.
is inaugurated in July the Reference Center Abdias Nascimento, Racism and Anti-Semitism, and his service Dial-Racism Initiatives Foundation Hall Zumbi dos Palmares, City of Goytacazes, State of January.
Gives an opening speech to the National Meeting of Parliamentarians Black, Salvador, Bahia, July 26, 2001.
Invited by the Coalition of NGOs in South Africa (SANGOCO), gives a lecture on the table sources, causes and Contemporary Forms of Racism, NGO Forum, 3rd World Conference Against Racism, Durban, South Africa, August 28 2001.
is awarded the Order of Rio Branco, the degree of Officer, Brasilia, October 2001.
is awarded the UNESCO Award, Category Human Rights and Culture of Peace, October 2001.
2002. Launches the books in The Brazil Aim of Pan-Africanism (CEAO / EdUFBA) and The Quilombo, 2nd ed. (Palmares Cultural Foundation).
is invited by the School of Arts and Crafts of Bahia to be the speaker at the second conference of his new segment, continuing this tradition in its 130th centennial anniversary.
Participates in National Day celebrations of Black Consciousness in Porto Alegre, November 20.
is honored by the National Human Rights Commission of the Federal Council of Psychology, at its 4th National Conference held in Brasilia on December 11, such as personality prominently in the history of human rights in Brazil.
Exhibition Abdias do Nascimento: Life and Art of a Warrior, Boniface Cultural Center, Rio de Janeiro, inaugurated in December.
2003. Speech, as a special guest at the inauguration of the National Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality, Brasilia, March 21.
is honored by the Fala Preta! Organization of Black Women of St. Paul, as a prominent personality in the human rights of African descent in Brazil, April 22.
Publishes in May edition facsimile of the newspaper Quilombo (São Paulo: Editora 34).
Receives Diploma of Camellia, Campaign Affirmative Action / Positive Attitude, CEAP and NGO Coalition for Affirmative Action for African Descent, Rio de Janeiro, November 17.
Receives Memorial Award by the UN Human Rights Relevant Services, Rio de Janeiro, November 26.
2004. International Seminar On Promotion Policies Racial receives Recognition Award from the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality, Matilde Ribeiro. Brasilia, March 21, 2004.
Receives the President's tribute to 90 years "the greatest exponent of Brazilian's uncompromising fight for the rights of blacks in combat discrimination, prejudice and racism." Brasilia, March 21, 2004.
Receives Recognition Award for 10 Years of Freedom - South Africa from 1994 to 2004, the Government of South Africa, April 2004.
Delivers lecture "Memorial Fight," The Negro in the Seminar on the Brazilian Republic: Guidelines for Research, sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Reflection Memory and Afro-Descendant of PUC-Rio, May 2004.
participates in the VII Congress of BRASA, Brazilian Studies Association, honored as the Panel on his life and work, held in plenary session on June 10, 2004, PUC-Rio.
Participates in the World Culture Forum, held in Sao Paulo in July 2004 as a tribute panel Abdias Nascimento, a Brazilian in the World, organized by SEPPIR, it is officially released his name to the Nobel Peace Prize, amplifying the impact of the statement made by the Institute for Environmental Law and Racial Discrimination - IARA.

Source: Luis Ferreira, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, doolharnegro

Can Phenergan Get You High?

Do not miss this opportunity and anotate: Call first experience

Note: collectivization campaign of information. Do not forget to name the sources to not break the chain.

The INJU invites young people interested in covering four administrative positions in the Ministry of Social Development and
sixteen counts administrative the Ministry of Housing, Planning and Environment manner determined . Those interested should complete a

(see related material or Called the Inju in ) .

until 27 May at 17:00 you can register


18-24 years old


civic badge, identity card and valid health card (photocopies)

have not contributed to BPS (ask for employment history).

Prove first year of the School of Management, Faculty of Economics and became a student of second year on the UTU Administration.

school performances.

have participated in the Orientation Workshop First Work Experience Education program of INJU.

If the number Interested persons exceeds 30, there will be a drawing for 30 seats on Tuesday, May 31 at 11:00 pm in the Information Center for Youth (July 18, 1865) in a public act that may be seen by stakeholders .

For more information:

2400 0302, internal 1120, First Experience Education Area.

INJU, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz.

Fishing Wedding Center Pieces

Eric Abidal a role model after being operated on a tumor in the liver

Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.

Barcelona defender Eric Abidal said, the day that marks two months since undergoing surgery for a tumor in the liver, which has decided to sell

"all cars" that I had and use the money to "invest in hospitals, help children or work with partners to research diseases.

"Sometimes we think there are things that are useful to live, but more important is the family. I've learned to separate things and so I sold all the cars, " Abidal has revealed.

" to play football and have an amazing quality of life "allowing" quickly buy all the things you want "as luxury vehicles, one of the hobbies that has been neglected.

Note: Eric Abidal with his daughter. Author: Cissé. Source: Blaugrana.

"When you get to live a disease and a change of 'chip'. Now, I prefer to use the money for these cars to invest in hospitals, help children or work with partners to investigate disease, " has argued the French side, which now circulates in Barcelona with a van that was purchased for travel always with his wife and daughters.

Behind has left a disease that made him think of the withdrawal, especially during a 'first tough week "in which he found it hard to digest what was happening, and the memories of lots of letters Barcelona fans encouragingly. "I will take time, but I promise to answer them all," he noted.

Abidal is now life "differently." is not considered a special person to return to the pitch only a month and a half after going under the knife, but a kind and mentally tough strong.

"Since childhood I have fought for everything, at school, at play, at work and now I'm playing football, my mentality has not changed," he assured .

To those who have gone through a similar trance advised to not give up ever: "fighting. It is a difficult game. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes goes wrong. If I goes wrong, I'll keep fighting. "

Barca defender knows "is difficult to recover in so little time " the impressive run of form he had before the tumor was detected, but has advanced to be" ready to play ninety minutes or more "at the end of Wembley Pep Guardiola if deemed necessary.

The Catalan side wants to extend his contract until 2014. Negotiations are well advanced, but that now he does not care. "I have this obsession. If you shoot before or after (the final against Manchester) I am indifferent, "he said.

not concerned not to play on 28 May if the club closed at the end their fourth European Cup: "There have not played final, could not be in Rome and in the last two Cup-and this perhaps not the play, but the important thing is the team's victory, because it is the victory All. "

In November last year played a friendly match with France against England at Wembley: "Afterwards, I joked with my friends and told them I would return there to play the final of the Champions League but they did not believe him. "

why Abidal left a note written on a stadium box office. "Now that we have to go back, I hope the paper is still there, " said the Frenchman, who now knows who will dedicate the title if United beats Barcelona on 28 May.

"My grandparents, who died recently, and then all the people in the club, my family, my girls and the people I love," was sentenced Eric Abidal, to whom life has given a second chance and you can capitalize on living in Catalonia, when you get the time of withdrawal.

"Why Why? Because life here is spectacular. The people are friendly, there is sun, sea and ski slopes have nearby. It is the life my family and I wanted to have " he concluded.

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, EFE, Blaugrana.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Knockoff Lauren Hobo Wallets

Santo President's Announcement on the day of the Afro-Colombian

Bogotá - Colombia, 21 May 2011.

Colombia instituted the National Day of African-Colombian, law number 725 of 2001, to recall the same date in 1851 when the then President José Hilario López signed the abolition of slavery.

In commemoration of this date, the Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, announced in July present a bill on equal opportunities for people of African descent, currently under consultation.

Note: Poster of the Day of African-Colombian. Source: Municipality of Circacia.

"We want to make Colombia a country libre de cualquier tipo de discriminación, y garantizar un trato igualitario para los afrocolombianos y para todas las comunidades", expresó.

El jefe de Estado aseguró que su administración brindará una atención especial a esa población cuando se apruebe la denominada Ley de Víctimas que cursa en el Congreso.

"Sabemos que son una comunidad que ha resultado muy afectada por la violencia del país, por el desplazamiento y por la usurpación de tierras ", subrayó Santos en un mensaje a la nación, con motivo del Día de la Afrocolombianidad".

also highlighted the contributions from different fields have given the Colombian community to African development.

"Thanks for the great contribution made to the country in various fields such as culture, sport and politics, among many areas that have been highlighted " said.

In the message Santos acknowledged that the state owes a debt to this population and pledged to bring about change in his administration.

noted that high levels of poverty, lack of opportunities, illiteracy and displacement, are some of the issues on which the State must work to achieve prosperity for all.

turn, admitted that despite several initiatives met on this community, which represents 10 percent of the Colombian population, there has been a substantial increase in their quality of life.

Afro-Colombian population is located in most of the country, although with a higher concentration in the coastal states of the Pacific and the Caribbean.

According to expert sources, the Afro-Colombians are the largest ethnic minority in the group of people displaced and 98 percent of they live in poverty.

Source: rc / acl, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz

How To Solve Idm Fake

passing of Robert "Furball" Gonzalez

Note: In the poster Ms. Alicia Garcia and Roberto "Furball" Gonzalez, collage picture based on Afro-Uruguayan artist Ruben Dario Galloza. Author. Mr. Javier Diaz.

On 19 May under a silent requiem drums the ball ceased to exist. (Montevideo - Uruguay)

This is a small overview of the life of "Furball" between art, culture and activism.

founding member of Mundo Afro, a member of the Board, responsible for the candombe Formal Education School (EDUFOCAN).

was a man of action as the vast majority of grassroots activists within the African movement organized in Uruguay.

Highlighted in the art of conveying the values \u200b\u200bof the Culture of Candombe, performing a difficult task as he was teaching dance Gramillero both inside and outside borders.

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Monster Tires For Sale

chocolate buttons (Challenge week 14)

This week I joined a group on facebook called "Cupcake of the Week" , Sandra has created Cakes Palma, and is that every week offers a muffin recipe from the book "1 ground, 100 muffins Susan Tee, team members have one week to complete the recipe, each with a personal touch in the group resolve any doubts that may arise, helping each other. Cupcake
addition, it also suggests another cookie recipe, this is the case this week, have given a respite to the cupcakes and we have given these cookies chocolate buttons, so colorful and so rich.

I must say I was scared to make cookies, I had a couple of years a very bad experience with them and they had not come to make cookies for this style, it gives me fatal roller and cookie cutters ... but we've removed that thorn me and I think I have gone completely bad, yes, I have half of the dough in the freezer for another day pq I have not much patience as to make two trays of cookies followed XDDDD! !


-60 g. of hot chocolate
-1 tablespoon hot water.
-225g. softened butter.
-140g. superfine sugar and a little more for dusting.
-1 egg yolk slightly beaten.
-280g. flour.


Empty envelopes chocolate in a bowl and pour hot water, stirring until a paste.

Put the butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well with a wooden spoon. To incorporate the yolks and whisk while chocolate paste. Sift flour and a pinch of salt and stir until smooth. Divide dough in half and form two balls. Wrap in cling film and leave in the refrigerator between 30 and 60 minutes.

Preheat oven to 190 º C and line two trays with baking paper.

Unwrap the dough and spread it between two sheets of parchment paper, forming a sheet of 3mm. thick. Cut biscuits with a round shaped cookie cutters of 5 cm in diameter. With another 3-cm cookie cutters (or a water bottle cap or similar), make a slit in the center. With a toothpick, make four holes in the center and put the "buttons" on the trays, leaving a little space between them. As decoration, sprinkle a little caster sugar over the top.

Bake 10 to 15 minutes, until thick. Once out of the oven, leave for 5 min. in the tray and move to a rack to finish cooling.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Make A Warning Page

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

disseminate the following invitation sent to our table to work the Director of the Unit for Cultural Diversity Mr. Julio Krongber.

Note: Iamanya statue, designed with marine fossils. Author: Mirta Olivera

Event: Celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

Held CULTURAL CENTER SIMON BOLIVAR. Rincon 747 and Citadel. (Montevideo - Uruguay)

Date: Saturday May 21 at 17 pm.

For those unfamiliar with the day we leave a brief description of the

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations ( 2001) provides an opportunity to appreciate cultural diversity and learn to live better. Seeing the importance of the crucial relationship between culture and development, and the elemental role played by information technology and communication in this relationship.


Show marine assemblages artistic themes of Afro-Uruguayan artist Mirtha Olivera

-Display the documentary "African Ants' experiences of black women on

-Talk: Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions - Law 18068

- Close: performance of the choral group and cultural candombe Afrogama

ORGANIZER: Unit Attention to Cultural Diversity - Department of Culture. IMM

SUPPORT: Thematic Unit for the Rights of the Afrodescendien. IMM
Latin American and Caribbean Coalition of Cities Against Racism

Source: Service Unit Cultural Diversity, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Day

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

United Mile Redeem Cancel

potato and meat pie pumpkin

s Thanks to everyone who ask me how I am and as I have the pregnancy, I feel really great, but with some quirks in the kitchen ... I am especially trying to take care of a lot, because with Sophia put on weight too, it cost me a lot to lose those extra kilos and now of course I never want to fall into the same, so the sweet almost does not enter my house it is a great temptation ... jjj Indeed week last went to the doctor and I have a baby! We are very happy, we are now in the difficult task of choosing the name. Well
to what we, the potato paste Arguiñano did a few weeks ago on his show, as I saw it I wanted to do, I found a dish full and rich as well as easy to do, here we go:

Ingredients: (Serves 4)

-5 -350 g of minced meat
egg mixed
-1 -1 -1
onion green pepper garlic

-1 -1 cup tomato sauce (I home in a few days I will put the recipe)
-water, olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano


Peel and chop the garlic and onion and put them to fry in a pan with a little oil. Chop the pepper, add it, season and cook. Once poached, includes ground beef. Mix and fry. Salt & pepper. Add a little oregano. Pour the tomato sauce and simmer over low heat, to evaporate water from the sauce. Reserve.

Wash the potatoes and put them (with skin) in the pressure cooker covered with water and a pinch of salt. Close the cooker and kitchen (to 2) for 5-8 minutes (depending on size) to rise from the safety valve. Opened, remove the potatoes to a plate and let temper. Take off the skin, chop and pass them through the food mill (I would Chafé with a fork). Salt & pepper. Crack an egg, add it and mix.

Put a pan in the center of the plate and fill a first layer with mashed potatoes. Place another layer of meat on top and ends with another of puree. Unmold and eat ...

can throw over grated cheese and grill, I did not ...

Hope you enjoy!

wanted comments several drawings that are underway, one of them is the blog Bea Bea in the kitchen has organized a contest to get to 100 followers, I encourage you to participate has some very cool gifts, there is time until 29 May.

The other is Maria del blog The cravings of Miss Mary , tb organizes a lottery for its 100 followers, tb are some really cool gifts that I would come great, I liked a lot. Go! we we have time until May 31!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Best Travelling Carbon Tripod

In his first defense except the Coal González Sote

Noe "El Carbonero Gonzalez had an outstanding performances will be in his first title defense on Friday night in Pelacio Peñarol (Montevideo).

We observe very technique since change is throwing gloves in southern California, came from the outset to win the match and be the protagonist.

A chloroform was beaten by his nickname.

What exalts more the result of the fight was the good performance of Reuben "Chloroform" Padilla was not a package as stated in the coarse cloth. Firmly planted in their actions are very well in the ring and at times made Carbonero legs weaken their impact.

The moment of greatest anxiety for afropandense (we must remember that hails from the city of Pando, Canelones Uruguay) occurred in the fifth assault, when the visitors hit a left-wing cross shook him.

Preferred combinations pandense were left of the rectum was the preferred weapon pandense who downloaded blows right and left.

However, the Aztec, brave, did his best to withstand the barrage of blows.

The tone of the fight was maintained for the following rounds: Noah with the lead and holding Padilla and the backlash.

Anyway, Gonzalez emerged victorious and went on proposing and getting hands while the Mexican does not narrowed, but pure handsomeness that endured and, when he had appeared with dangerous shots, despite the logical fatigue he felt after a year of inactivity.

The ninth round was decisive for the definition.

With an unerring combination of blows, with the right cross as a weapon of choice, a fair Noe earned a victory and allowed him to retain the world title in the super Silver World Boxing Council.

Noe also of great athletes is a very humble man, who remembers the people who supported him in difficult times.

rest for a few months Rosario - Argentina.

will have a chance to fight for the super middleweight world title in 2012, because, as expressed by the Uruguayan promoter Sampson Lewkowicz, you must first make "two or three" previous battles.

In this regard, and given that Gonzalez now rest for a month and a half in Rosario, Argentina, where he lives, surely the first of those fights to approach another for the title will be held in late September or early October in the United States.

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz El Pais, Boxeohoy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Go Fish Hardy Weinberg Lab

The unity makes us strong. Approval of the organic law against racial discrimination

Venezuela. May 11, 2011.

Tuesday, 11 May is a historic day for the Afro-Venezuelan movement, linking the platforms with the indigenous movement in the same country were one of the highest awards activism pursued by advocates for different ethnic identities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vice Prime Minister of the National Assembly, Deputy Aristobulo Isturiz said:

"Nobody can say that in Venezuela there is no discrimination there is no racism. We have to reach a value as fundamental as diversity, which we accept as we are, "
The National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved Tuesday in the first discussion, the draft Anti-Discrimination Law Racial, during a session that was attended by the Network of African descent in Venezuela.

The bench of the opposition voted for the first discussion of this project legal but insisted during the meeting both that the Government promotes "social discrimination" that Arcadio Montiel, member of We, asked his fellow conservatives that they had enough courage to adopt the legal instrument. And it was.

"I have to congratulate Arcadio (Montiel) worth of his speech. I have to congratulate you," said for his part, the Socialist deputy Carlos Escarrá.

also Parliament on Tuesday approved an agreement to support the peoples of African descent in Venezuela and commemorate the 216 years of the liberal cause of José Leonardo Chirinos and Afro-Venezuelan Day.

regard, Enrique Arrieta, a member of Afro-Venezuelan movement, highlighted the struggle of black communities to conquer space obtained today, largely thanks to the revolutionary process in the country.

added that at present the original groups and Afro continue to be victims of a society "structurally racist" therefore stressed the need for more radical transformation of the capitalist system excluding the socialist system that drives the Bolivarian Revolution.

NOTE: To view the organic law click on the link belowÁNICA_CONTRA_DISCRIMINACIÓN_RACIAL.pdf

Source: National Assembly, El Nacional, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz

Monday, May 9, 2011

Do Muslims Wear Shorts?

Noe "El Carbonero" Gonzales defends his title at the Palace Peñarol

Note: Lennox Lewis in the poster. Author: Mr. Javier Diaz. Source: Boxing today

Event: World Title Defense Plata WBC super middleweight boxer from the Uruguayan Noe Gonzalez

Day: May 13, 2011

Place: Palacio Peñarol. (Montevideo - Uruguay)

The World Boxing Council has already confirmed who will be responsible for justice in this event.

Artibro the match: Steve Smoger (United States)

Challenger: Ruben Padilla. (Mèxico)

foreign Jury: Marco Godoy comes from Brazil.

Jorge Basile of Argentina and Ramon Cerdan

To fill the cards. Carlos Rodriguez, also of Argentina, the council shall act as supervisor.

Note: weighing Noe Gonzalez.

The tickets are sold in all Abitab, ranging from 150 pesos (overall) to 1500 in the ring side.

Preliminary Bouts

Preliminary rounds at 4 - Heavyweight

Barragan Mauricio (URU / 3 (1) -0-0) vs. Gabriel Ramirez (ARG / 3 (1) -4 (2) -1)

Preliminary to 6 rounds - Superwelterweight

César Sastre (URU / 8 (4) -4 (1) -1) vs. Adam Martinez (URU/4-7 (3) -4)

Preliminary 10 rounds - Pen

Javier Fortuna (RDO/14 (11) -0-0) vs. Hugo Gomez (ARG/11 (a) -3 to 0)

Uruguayan Title 10 rounds - Pen

Caril Herrera (URU/27 (17) -1 (1) -0) vs. Cristian Faccio (URU/21 (14) -6 (4) -0)

Silver World Title 12-round WBC - super

Noah Gonzalez (URU/26 (18) -1 -0) vs. Ruben Padilla (MEX/18 (17) -2 (1) -1)

Source: ACSUN, Lic.Javier Diaz, El Pais, Boxeohoy.

Does Seizures Attack Memorie


And you will wonder .. Where has this woman got the pumpkin at this time? No, I have not extracted from nowhere, had just lost photos on your computer in a folder where there should have been and therefore had not published before, but until few days ago I remember seeing beneath the fruteria roasted squash my house .... I love this cake, it is because I love the pumpkin? Over here in Valencia coca pumpkin and eat it a lot, even in greengrocers and oven roasted and sold pumpkins, pumpkins for me brought my father to me and associated me or I roast them in the oven down my house. It's a super sponge bizcho I recommend you to try when you can. The recipe is taken from Cannon Blog. I miss half the ingredients for a cake out enormeeee.


-200 g roasted pumpkin

sugar -200 g -200 g flour -2 eggs

-140 g of sunflower oil on white
-1 and 1 on Blue leavening yeast
-1 on Royal
-Sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle


Preheat oven to 175 º. Put

roasted squash pulp into the glass, along with sugar, eggs and oil, mixing speed 6, until a smooth cream.

Mix the flour and yeast leavening Royal, pour into the bowl, and stir to speed 6-7, stop the machine, help a bit with the spatula and return to remove speed 6 for everything integrated.

The batter will be quite thick, pour the mixture into a mold lined with parchment paper (I used a silicone mold and it was not necessary) and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake at half height of 30 to 40 minutes as ovens.

Espero que os guste!!!