Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fishing Wedding Center Pieces

Eric Abidal a role model after being operated on a tumor in the liver

Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.

Barcelona defender Eric Abidal said, the day that marks two months since undergoing surgery for a tumor in the liver, which has decided to sell

"all cars" that I had and use the money to "invest in hospitals, help children or work with partners to research diseases.

"Sometimes we think there are things that are useful to live, but more important is the family. I've learned to separate things and so I sold all the cars, " Abidal has revealed.

" to play football and have an amazing quality of life "allowing" quickly buy all the things you want "as luxury vehicles, one of the hobbies that has been neglected.

Note: Eric Abidal with his daughter. Author: Cissé. Source: Blaugrana.

"When you get to live a disease and a change of 'chip'. Now, I prefer to use the money for these cars to invest in hospitals, help children or work with partners to investigate disease, " has argued the French side, which now circulates in Barcelona with a van that was purchased for travel always with his wife and daughters.

Behind has left a disease that made him think of the withdrawal, especially during a 'first tough week "in which he found it hard to digest what was happening, and the memories of lots of letters Barcelona fans encouragingly. "I will take time, but I promise to answer them all," he noted.

Abidal is now life "differently." is not considered a special person to return to the pitch only a month and a half after going under the knife, but a kind and mentally tough strong.

"Since childhood I have fought for everything, at school, at play, at work and now I'm playing football, my mentality has not changed," he assured .

To those who have gone through a similar trance advised to not give up ever: "fighting. It is a difficult game. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes goes wrong. If I goes wrong, I'll keep fighting. "

Barca defender knows "is difficult to recover in so little time " the impressive run of form he had before the tumor was detected, but has advanced to be" ready to play ninety minutes or more "at the end of Wembley Pep Guardiola if deemed necessary.

The Catalan side wants to extend his contract until 2014. Negotiations are well advanced, but that now he does not care. "I have this obsession. If you shoot before or after (the final against Manchester) I am indifferent, "he said.

not concerned not to play on 28 May if the club closed at the end their fourth European Cup: "There have not played final, could not be in Rome and in the last two Cup-and this perhaps not the play, but the important thing is the team's victory, because it is the victory All. "

In November last year played a friendly match with France against England at Wembley: "Afterwards, I joked with my friends and told them I would return there to play the final of the Champions League but they did not believe him. "

why Abidal left a note written on a stadium box office. "Now that we have to go back, I hope the paper is still there, " said the Frenchman, who now knows who will dedicate the title if United beats Barcelona on 28 May.

"My grandparents, who died recently, and then all the people in the club, my family, my girls and the people I love," was sentenced Eric Abidal, to whom life has given a second chance and you can capitalize on living in Catalonia, when you get the time of withdrawal.

"Why Why? Because life here is spectacular. The people are friendly, there is sun, sea and ski slopes have nearby. It is the life my family and I wanted to have " he concluded.

Source: ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz, EFE, Blaugrana.


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