Sunday, May 1, 2011

Carolina Cell Respiration 5 Answers

Viña family emigrated from Menon to Tampico Isasi Fiestas de San Marcos

Mexico was one of the main destinations for ayaleses queemigraron to America in the nineteenth century. Usually it was installed conparientes or friends in the place of destination. Since the 3 brothers Viña Menoyopartieron Isasi: Juan José Domingo Gaspar yAntonio Cancio. The 3 brothers had gone to meet his tíomaterno Domingo Rafael Isasi Norzagaray, which took several years Tampico and under which several young people had come Ayala.De fact, its establishment, been among the oldest in estaciudad, survived well into twentieth century.

The first to emigrate to America was John Joseph, the eldest, born in December 1832 enMenoyo. I do not know the date of his departure, peroen 1856 and appears to take some time in Tampa as the data is his mother in his will:

"... Hall said legitimately married to Don Gaspar de Viña, whose marriage we have and recognize for hijoslegítimos D. Juan, D ª. Innocence, D. Domingo and D. Antonino e Isasi became the first single in America and the other three, also unmarried, in our company and the age of 20, 17 and 12yrs of age ...

... Also declare that my son D. Juan hamandado we subsequently various amounts of real, and even in the day, it is possible is in any way point in our favor. Yquiero half of what comes is for my husband and 3 children otramitad to exist in our company igualespartes.
Also, I have received certain amounts that sent metiene D. Domingo Rafael de Isasi, 4400 real important.
declare that my daughter has sent Inocencia suttee, the same D. Domingo Rafael R $ 400 and you want to deliver us money ...

Lego ... my son D. Juan de Vina, enAmérica resident, the amount of 200 reales in cash, as I recall paracigarros or something else on my behalf. And by tienenecesidad not to our goods, but instead he nosh rescued and we are providing relief abundantly yaparto disinherit him with them, a tree and a slate of other right to misbienes ...

... If I said child D. Juan de Viña gave away another son ami D. Sunday or any of the other one was especially cantidadexpresando for any of them, of course is quedebe aumentárseles or delivered to each one to send ... "

After working a while with his uncle, Juan Diego Joséingresó in the house of La Lastra, directed by deltitular children who had already died. First he worked for the house became a partner ydespués. His contribution to the company should serimportante, considering the flow of goods accumulated yreclamó in 1872 on leaving the company: a tug 3chalanes iron, a boat, the back wheel steam Bost, vessels and Enrique Ayala and iron steamer Lau, together valued at 30,000 pesos, plus 25 propiedadde farm land and the Valadero, located in Pueblo Viejo (Veracruz), with all their belongings and animals.

Espor this time that he ordered several books to his account in supueblo home: he built the wall of the cemetery to the vezque was the pantheon for his family, paid the way up to Etxaurren laErmita and also did some work inside, as stated in the minutes:

Meeting the neighborhood of this town of Menon the usual place to discuss and deliberate the quedesea claim Don Juan de Viña obtain natural Menon and neighbor of Tampicopara perform the way for the Virgen de Echaurren or lareforma is that at the expense of the Don Juan wants to do, and laconstrucción wall of the cemetery and its pantheon ydesde course now I hereby authorize the neighborhood of conformidadpara unanimously to do and undo whatever it deems appropriate in this neighborhood without quecorresponde that this in no tiempoponemos not have to put an obstacle or elsewhere and you shall put elque shall address the damage that it will continue .

Also we give you vecindariopertenece land as property on the Great Barrier Ligutia free parallevar out your business and we want that simple document has thesame value as a public instrument giving decrees ellibro stamped with the date of this report and safetyof for everything mentioned.

Ykey the record where we signed it appropriate that we do not know and Porl three witnesses at his request on August 16 Menoyo to de1871.

Juan José was responsible for introducing business ASU Field cousin Nicholas Isasi, natural erbium, which, in 1873, he married Rafaela de La Lastra, and became part of clancomercial-family. Subsequently, he was instructed to help his nephew Philip losnegocios Álava.

The 2 younger brothers Juan José tambiénemigraron to Tampico in 1858, after the death of his mother, as recorded in the securities kept in the Provincial Archives deÁlava. However, I have not got any information about her ACTIVITIES America.

provided by D. Bond Francisco de Mendia, D. and D. Bonifacio Balza Fermin Retes, Retes neighbors to favorde D. Antonio Gaspar de Viña and Isasi, Menon resident for sutransito to America.
In Llanteno, to July 7, 1858, before me elinfrascrito clerk by His Majesty the number of Ayuntamientode Ayala and witnesses who will say: D. Francisco de Mendia, D. and D. Bonifacio Balza Fermin Retes, Deret villagers, who to be and I know roots attest the clerk, together and severally colostrum said: That D. Antonio Gaspar de Viña Isasi, age 14, single, native of the village of Menon, the legitimate child of D. Gaspar and Mrs. Melitona, now deceased, neighbors quefueron and is the same, has decided to spend at Tampico in Repúblicamejicana to engage in trade in the company of D. Sunday Rafaelde Isasi, uncle of that neighborhood. But as to undertake necessary elviaje first obtain the relevant passport and it will not be issued without fulfilling the requirements of RealOrden circulated on November 9, 1853 by Mr. GobernadorCivil of this province, to take effect voluntariamenteotorgan: To answer that the migrant D. Antonio Gaspar haobtenido leave his father's repeated D. Gaspar, sehalla not tried or have legal impediment that would inhibit him away, all of which respond jointly to the three granting susbienes present and future. This was said and who signed doyfe know, witnessing D. Francisco de Robina, D. Luis de Ugartey D. Antonio de Aguirre in this neighborhood, signature no one who knows nohaciéndolo D. Viña reeling that is present porignorarlo and all I the scribe.
Mendia Francisco, Bonifacio de Balza, Deret Fermín Francisco de Robina, before me, Antonio Vitor.

provided by D. Bond Francisco de Mendia, D. and D. Bonifacio Balza Fermin Retes, Retes neighbors to favorde D. Sunday Viña Cancio and Isasi, Menon resident for sutránsito to America.
In Llanteno, to July 7, 1858, before me elinfrascrito clerk by His Majesty the número del Ayuntamiento deAyala y testigos que se dirán: D. Francisco de Mendia, D. Bonifaciode Balza y D. Fermín de Retes, vecinos del pueblo de Retes; que deserlo y arraigo conocido yo el escribano doy fe, los 3 juntos ysolidariamente dijeron: Que D. Domingo Cancio de Viña e Isasi, deedad de 18 años, soltero, natural del pueblo de Menoyo, hijolegítimo de D. Gaspar y Dª Melitona, ya difunta, vecinos que fuerony es del mismo, ha determinado pasar a Tampico en la Repúblicamejicana a dedicarse al comercio en compañía de D. Domingo Rafaelde Isasi, su tío de aquella vecindad. Mas como para emprender elviaje sea necesario obtener previamente el correspondiente pasaporte,y éste no se expide sin llenar los requisitos required by RealOrden circulated on November 9, 1853 by Mr. GobernadorCivil of this province, to take effect voluntariamenteotorgan: To respond to the migrant D. Cancio Sunday repeated haobtenido leave his father D. Gaspar, who has not hallaencausado no legal impediment that would inhibit absence of which Todolo respond giving the three jointly with bienespresentes and future. This was said and who I signed feconozco, witnessing D. Francisco de Robina, D. Luis de Egaña yD. Antonio de Aguirre in this neighborhood, a firm that knows neither nohaciéndolo D. Viña reeling that is present porignorarlo and all I the scribe.
Francisco Mendi, Bonifacio de Balza, Fermín Deret, deRobina Francisco, before me, Antonio Vitor.

Pantheon built in cemeneterio of Menon by Juan José Viña Isasi in memory of their parents. At present no longer exists.

- Archive of Council Menon
- Álava Provincial Historic Archive (Notary Protocols: sig. 13,082, pages 84 and 85)
- The Tampico English: lenders, traders and oil (1823-1920) / Roberto Hernández César Elizondo


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