Monday, May 23, 2011

Knockoff Lauren Hobo Wallets

Santo President's Announcement on the day of the Afro-Colombian

Bogotá - Colombia, 21 May 2011.

Colombia instituted the National Day of African-Colombian, law number 725 of 2001, to recall the same date in 1851 when the then President José Hilario López signed the abolition of slavery.

In commemoration of this date, the Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, announced in July present a bill on equal opportunities for people of African descent, currently under consultation.

Note: Poster of the Day of African-Colombian. Source: Municipality of Circacia.

"We want to make Colombia a country libre de cualquier tipo de discriminación, y garantizar un trato igualitario para los afrocolombianos y para todas las comunidades", expresó.

El jefe de Estado aseguró que su administración brindará una atención especial a esa población cuando se apruebe la denominada Ley de Víctimas que cursa en el Congreso.

"Sabemos que son una comunidad que ha resultado muy afectada por la violencia del país, por el desplazamiento y por la usurpación de tierras ", subrayó Santos en un mensaje a la nación, con motivo del Día de la Afrocolombianidad".

also highlighted the contributions from different fields have given the Colombian community to African development.

"Thanks for the great contribution made to the country in various fields such as culture, sport and politics, among many areas that have been highlighted " said.

In the message Santos acknowledged that the state owes a debt to this population and pledged to bring about change in his administration.

noted that high levels of poverty, lack of opportunities, illiteracy and displacement, are some of the issues on which the State must work to achieve prosperity for all.

turn, admitted that despite several initiatives met on this community, which represents 10 percent of the Colombian population, there has been a substantial increase in their quality of life.

Afro-Colombian population is located in most of the country, although with a higher concentration in the coastal states of the Pacific and the Caribbean.

According to expert sources, the Afro-Colombians are the largest ethnic minority in the group of people displaced and 98 percent of they live in poverty.

Source: rc / acl, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz


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