Sunday, May 1, 2011

Does Scion Make Superchargers For Tc

A very rich cake, easy and quick to do. Wanted to make a cake for breakfast the next day and tried this cake with Essential Book of Thermomix. It is most simple but how fast it is to make you out of any trouble or craving ... jjjj


eggs sugar -200 g -100 g
sunflower oil
yogurt -1 -170 g flour
-a pinch of salt
-1 on yeast -1
apple peeled and cut into squares.


Put the eggs in the bowl, add the sugar and program 2 minutes, 37 °, speed 3 . Add oil and yogurt and mix 15 seconds, speed 3.

flour, salt and yeast and program 12 seconds, speed 2 1 / 2 . We ended up wrapping the flour with a spatula.

Pour the mixture into a greased with butter and previously lightly floured. Enter the apple in the dough and put the pan in preheated oven at 170 ยบ for 30 minutes (depending on oven).

Hope you enjoy!


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