Thursday, May 5, 2011

Using Laptop With Eyeclops Projector

The love of life will win twice to war and poverty

Photo: Jonah and Edy. Source: El Pais. Adolescent

ganhar reaches Uruguay in inhumane conditions at the port of Montevideo.

We let a day pass for posting this news, the word tramp is very strong when you know the background of the life stories of millions of people across the Atlantic.

The economic and social trauma caused by colonialism and post colonialism requires that millions of people on the African continent decides to hide in ships that often unaware of their last port of arrival to escape the horrors of famine and war.

Here we post the Ghanaian adolescent vicissitudes of 14 years. Asamoah Jonah traveled for 15 days hiding in the engine room of a ship. The only food we had were three loaves the size of his hands and a quart of water. From a small town called TMGE.

some sentences of the article excerpt that makes the daily "El Pais (Montevideo)

" Where I come from, my people are suffering because they have no food, no work, and if you work you get paid very little money to survive. There are many problems there. There is no way to live, "

Note: political map of Ghana.

Al from Ghana, I only knew that the fishing vessel would an American country is not imagined that this would be Uruguay.

From the age of 10 lost contact with his family (including her parents and two older brothers) and went to live around a small fishing port near the city, hoping to obtain employment.

Why these teenagers from developing countries in compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989?

Questions haunt us and get answers to read your words

"At home there was no money, no food for all. So I had no alternative and I had to go find work and food on my own

was from there that lost bond with his family.

"There was no work for me at the port. He was at night and watching what she could do to eat. I tried to see where there was food, a little rice, offal "

survival strategies of a teen from Accra to Montevideo.

Note: Note Jonah's journey from the port of Accra in Ghana, indicated by point (b), to the point (a) Montevideo, capital of Uruguay. for best viewing click on any map.

TRAVEL. After enduring the condition of begging for a long time, and conscience, despite his age, that its really not going to change, took the decision to seek better fate, but that could cost him his life. Thus he traveled to the port of Accra to begin a "eternal journey" whose sacrifice was rewarded a life change.

"I wanted to fix my problem of being in that town and live with hunger, wanted a place where I could work and have other possibilities,"

"From the television knew that America could give me, I knew Life there was very good, he had work and could take care "

with nothing more than a bottle of water, three loaves and the Bible Asamoah told El Pais that wait to be done very late in the port of Accra to sneak in a fishing boat, just in the hold of himself, who had assured him going to America. I just did not know exactly which country was headed.

"I never knew what nationality was the boat. I knew I was making a stopover in Accra and then went to America. Never heard the crew. I was in the ship's hold, under the engine. All I felt all along was the engine noise, "

found a place in the machine room to hide, describes Jonah was a space small where I could not even walk. He said the trip lasted 15 days, and at times thought his life was in danger. But soon he began to pray.

There were many tactics to ration food. That during the day cut a small piece of bread, ate and did not touch the bag until the next day. Two or at most three sips of water were sufficient. Still smells of diesel machine room and hands stained with oil.

"All I could do was sit where he was hiding to eat and lie down to sleep. In this way was 15 days. There was no room to walk nor wanted to. I did not know how long it would last the trip. The only thing I thought was that if the sailors could see me kill myself. So I did not leave the warehouse within 15 days, "

The best moment was when he stopped the engine noise

" I felt really good. And the first thing I did was pray to God for being able to reach America. I always prayed to get to this land and get out of where it was. Too broke to take a plane, and he knew what he was doing was risky, and prayed much to God, "says shiny eyes and placing his hand on his chest.

BLUE FLAG . When the ship left the Uruguayan flag was hoisted and only then was when he knew where he had arrived. "I recognized I was in Uruguay and that was the flag of this country because I remembered the World Cup, and the party of Uruguay and Ghana. And then I realized they were the same color," says Asamoah.

He was happy to hear that had washed up in Uruguay, despite acknowledging that after the World Cup match had not slept.

"I could not sleep after that game. When he finished the game many people were sad, it was absolute silence in my country, many people cried, others could not sleep. Football is the most important thing we have ", said the Ghanaian. Asamoah spent 10 nights sleeping on the streets of Montevideo, and went to churches to ask for food." Thank God I had no problems on the street. Approached some people and gave me some food too, "he recalls.

Do not fear the homeless, poverty is not a crime.

Guided by a person on the streets in search of a meal was conducted at the door of Army Command in that place were not going to deny food.

I aided and abetted a plate of food in the army, on the other hand it contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration.

Love and the will to live 2 - 0 hunger

received The Army gave him a plate of food, shelter and medical care, while informed the competent authorities to take action on the matter. The surprise came when Edy Yaque (49), serving in the Army for 18 years (and two missions in the Congo), he asked, seeing him, holding the child.

"Just was on duty when Jonah reached the police station. I heard his story and wanted me care of him. I counseled with a human rights NGO, went to family court and there, to see I'm a good person, I was given temporary possession, "the new mom told Jonah to the country. The soldier explained that missions peace was a very cruel reality: "The Chiquilines begging for food all the time. It hits you, especially when you have children, "he said. Even in investigations was to adopt a Congolese child while in mission, but failed for economic transactions.

Edy, seeing him in his situation ask take charge of the teenager, taking temporary possession

Jonah told the reporter of The Country:

"I knew something of the Uruguayan army because I saw it on television. They care for African armies, which are there for peace and do not want war, but that help people, so I asked this person to take me up there, "

Edy For its part, stated:

" God now I brought this creature to me. I am very grateful, "he adds. Yaque, who lives in a house in Punta Rail, has four children (one of them also adopted), and ensures that all are over the moon with the new member in the family.

"Now I want to study, since my children left all workers completed high school but none has a title race," enthuses the soldier. Jonah

also say they are willing to study to earn a future in Uruguay.

made in Ghana four years of primary and had to leave the studio, he says. Asked what he would like to be when he grows up, looks up and, like all children, time is allowed to dream. "Soccer player or military. That I want to be" finished off, saying even without rancor that would not mind wearing a shirt of the Uruguayan national team.

Jonah does not describe its people Tgmè

as the only geographical reference offers, "about a four hour drive" from the Ghanaian capital, Accra. The lack of food and work are two aspects that repeats almost constantly, she remembers the conditions in which it was.

Note: Excerpt from the article published in the country with ACSUN aggregates. >
Source: El Pais, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz.


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