Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Go Fish Hardy Weinberg Lab

The unity makes us strong. Approval of the organic law against racial discrimination

Venezuela. May 11, 2011.

Tuesday, 11 May is a historic day for the Afro-Venezuelan movement, linking the platforms with the indigenous movement in the same country were one of the highest awards activism pursued by advocates for different ethnic identities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vice Prime Minister of the National Assembly, Deputy Aristobulo Isturiz said:

"Nobody can say that in Venezuela there is no discrimination there is no racism. We have to reach a value as fundamental as diversity, which we accept as we are, "
The National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved Tuesday in the first discussion, the draft Anti-Discrimination Law Racial, during a session that was attended by the Network of African descent in Venezuela.

The bench of the opposition voted for the first discussion of this project legal but insisted during the meeting both that the Government promotes "social discrimination" that Arcadio Montiel, member of We, asked his fellow conservatives that they had enough courage to adopt the legal instrument. And it was.

"I have to congratulate Arcadio (Montiel) worth of his speech. I have to congratulate you," said for his part, the Socialist deputy Carlos Escarrá.

also Parliament on Tuesday approved an agreement to support the peoples of African descent in Venezuela and commemorate the 216 years of the liberal cause of José Leonardo Chirinos and Afro-Venezuelan Day.

regard, Enrique Arrieta, a member of Afro-Venezuelan movement, highlighted the struggle of black communities to conquer space obtained today, largely thanks to the revolutionary process in the country.

added that at present the original groups and Afro continue to be victims of a society "structurally racist" therefore stressed the need for more radical transformation of the capitalist system excluding the socialist system that drives the Bolivarian Revolution.

NOTE: To view the organic law click on the link belowÁNICA_CONTRA_DISCRIMINACIÓN_RACIAL.pdf

Source: National Assembly, El Nacional, ACSUN, Mr. Javier Diaz


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