Friday, May 20, 2011

Monster Tires For Sale

chocolate buttons (Challenge week 14)

This week I joined a group on facebook called "Cupcake of the Week" , Sandra has created Cakes Palma, and is that every week offers a muffin recipe from the book "1 ground, 100 muffins Susan Tee, team members have one week to complete the recipe, each with a personal touch in the group resolve any doubts that may arise, helping each other. Cupcake
addition, it also suggests another cookie recipe, this is the case this week, have given a respite to the cupcakes and we have given these cookies chocolate buttons, so colorful and so rich.

I must say I was scared to make cookies, I had a couple of years a very bad experience with them and they had not come to make cookies for this style, it gives me fatal roller and cookie cutters ... but we've removed that thorn me and I think I have gone completely bad, yes, I have half of the dough in the freezer for another day pq I have not much patience as to make two trays of cookies followed XDDDD! !


-60 g. of hot chocolate
-1 tablespoon hot water.
-225g. softened butter.
-140g. superfine sugar and a little more for dusting.
-1 egg yolk slightly beaten.
-280g. flour.


Empty envelopes chocolate in a bowl and pour hot water, stirring until a paste.

Put the butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well with a wooden spoon. To incorporate the yolks and whisk while chocolate paste. Sift flour and a pinch of salt and stir until smooth. Divide dough in half and form two balls. Wrap in cling film and leave in the refrigerator between 30 and 60 minutes.

Preheat oven to 190 ยบ C and line two trays with baking paper.

Unwrap the dough and spread it between two sheets of parchment paper, forming a sheet of 3mm. thick. Cut biscuits with a round shaped cookie cutters of 5 cm in diameter. With another 3-cm cookie cutters (or a water bottle cap or similar), make a slit in the center. With a toothpick, make four holes in the center and put the "buttons" on the trays, leaving a little space between them. As decoration, sprinkle a little caster sugar over the top.

Bake 10 to 15 minutes, until thick. Once out of the oven, leave for 5 min. in the tray and move to a rack to finish cooling.

Hope you enjoy!


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